Wednesday, June 7, 2023

WWE NXT 6/6/2023

WWE NXT 6/6/2023

Last week's show is here:

Baron Corbin arrives. No one seems real impressed and he tells the backstage person to hit his music. He said he made it to the top of Raw and SD. He said NXT wrestlers now come up to the main roster with ego and attitude. He said he also hears about wrestlers complaining not being brought up and says it makes him sick. He then says they are coming through the NXT house that he built. He said he helped lead NXT to selling out Barclays Arena and said the NXT crew isn't giving him the respect he deserves. He said every NXT wrestler is weak, soft and not as good as they think they are. He said Carmelo Hayes walks around like his stuff doesn't stink.

He said Melo got a taste of main roster reality last week. Ilja Dragunov then comes down. He tells him he isn't soft and weak and said he wants to face Melo for the NXT title. Corbin bragged about his accomplishments and Ilja challenged him for tonight. Ilja showed him his bruise and Corbin said he would be covered in bruises soon. Ilja said he welcomed the challenge. Not the greatest segment ever, but it was alright.

Trick Williams jumps Corbin then lariats him over the top. Corbin is held back by refs.

We see Thea Hail looking sore from earlier in the day. Duke goes up to her and then Charlie Dempsey tells her he will see her tomorrow and wants to see some improvement. Thea said she was teaching him grappling holds. Duke said she doesn't like Dempsey and Gulak but Thea sai you just have to give it back to them. Duke thne said crunching people won't help in the battle royale tonight but Thea said she can win it tonight and asked Duke if he believes in her.

We got the back and see Bron Breakker has left Ilja laying, questioning if he's the most intense guy around.

Schism (Ava Raine and The Dyad) vs Diamond Mine (The Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile)

Jagger took a delayed suplex early with the Creed Brothers passing him around. Julius landed on his feet on a monkey flip and hit a stiff dropkick to Jagger. Julius went outside on an irish whip then Brutus top rope double axe handled Rip. Brutus then gorilla press dropped Rip into a standing moonsault. Brutus flipped Julius onto Rip then Ivy suplexed Brutus onto Rip. Ivy was then flipped onto Rip.

We went to break and returned. Ivy was thrown off the Creed's shoulders to the outside during the break. Rip knee'd Brutus in the back and sent him into the 2nd rope and then Dyad hit a double team shiranui for 2. Brutus was then stomped on and suplexed Rip. Julius got a hot tag in and hit nice belly to belly suplexes on Dyad with kip-ups in-between. Julius then northern lights suplexed them both at the same time. Julius then jumped up the buckles and moonsaulted onto both.

Brutus came off the top with a Brutus ball on Rip then Julius pushed Brutus out of the way to lariat Jagger. Jagger then superkicked him and all four boys were down. Ivy and Ava traded forearms then Ava back high kicked her. Ivy put Jagger in a dragon sleeper then Ava headbutted Ivy with a mask and knocked her out to win.

Diamond Mine should have been DQ'd here multiple times for the woman on man violence. If the boys can't hit the girls, then the girls can't possibly be allowed to hit the boys. It was just bogus and it wasn't even hidden or anything. And if it was it once and done by a heel, maybe you could explain it but it was the faces pulling that crap. It's a real shame too because Julius was on fire here and it would have been good otherwise.

Stacks is at the jail visiting Tony. Tony said Knuckles is in here and Tony said he makes a mean steak. Tony said he was also given a subscription to Peacock. Tony said it was so he could watch NXT the next day, but I don't think that's actually true as you have to wait 2 weeks. Tony asked who the rat was and Stacks said he put some calls into "Kim Kashdashi", who Tony thought was Kim Kardashian. Stacks said it could have been Gallus, Legado del Fantasma or Betty Garboni's crew. Tony tells him to trust his gut, as it is Gallus. Tony tells him to be smart about this and said that's why he's the underboss.

Von Wagner and Mr. Stone are at the therapist's office. Von is asked about his anger problem and said he doesn't have one. Von then told the guy to "go f**k himself". We then see Von at another therapist where he's lifting him up by his jacket. Stone tells him we are on the verge of a new breakthrough. We then see their new Performance Center signing Hunter walk out of the office crying. Von says he's not doing this then we see some blonde secretary which makes him want to give this a shot. Von tells Stone to stay there. Von then winks at Stone and goes with the girl.

Dani Palmer vs Blair Davenport

They get some shots in and Dani goes for a headscissors in the corner but is just put down instead. Blair hits her from behind then gutbusters her. Blair knees her in the gut and they trade forearms. Dani double chops her and jumping double knees her. Dani is then thrown off the top. Blair hits a falcon arrow and wins it.

It wasn't anything special but Blair's not that good.

Dana Brooke is arriving as she wants to be in the #1 contender's battle royale tonight. She said she is making her own opportunity tonight and will be the last woman standing.

Tiffany Stratton is interviewed. She said to come one, come all tonight and said of course Dana Brooke wants a shot. She said every girl in the ring tonight will be envious of her and said no one was happy when she won the title. She then said she thinks Lyra Valkyria can win it as she pushed her at Battleground.

Trick Williams vs Baron Corbin

Corbin's wearing a shirt and shorts here and hits some shots to start. Corbin hits him from behind then chokes him on the ropes. Trick hits some punches out of the corner then is back elbowed. Trick hits punche and kicks in the corner then hits a nice dropkick. Trick pops him up into a throat thrust.

We go to break and return. Trick knocks him off the apron then bangs his head off the commentator's table. He then runs a knee into him but knees the table more than him. Corbin pounds on Trick's knee then spinebusters him inside. Corbin single leg crabs him then Trick upkicks him. Trick hits a nice dropkick then flying clotheslines him. Trick upkicks him again then Corbin hits a deep six for 2.

Corbin accidentally spears the post then Trick hits punches. Trick's knee gives out then Corbin kicks him and hits ends of days to win it.

I guess it was okay. Trick was a decent face here and Corbin had a pretty easy night here working the knee some which lead to the finish.

Corbin says he's going to Smackdown to qualify for Money in the Bank but said he will be back next Tuesday.

Hard Hitting Truths with Nathan Frazer 

NF talks about Battleground and later says his show is going to global. He brings in Dragon Lee who he says is his international correspondent. Lee has 5 joke names for Dar's new group and that was it. As usual, it wasn't a good segment.

Mustafa Ali is interviewed. He said he's a free agent and said the next story he writes is one where he becomes a champ. Wes said he's excited to see him here. Wes offers him a title shot and Ali says he wants to earn it. 

Mustafa Ali vs Joe Gacy

This is about as no dimes as it gets. Gacy shoulders him over then Ali flying headscissors him. Ali is knocked off the apron then Gacy uranages him in the ring. Gacy ddt's him then Ali rolls in from the apron and neckbreakers him. Ali sunset bombs him off the buckles then hits a 450 to win it.

It was short and there wasn't much to it before the finish.

Schism jump Ali after then Wes and Bate make the save for him.

Briggs and Jensen tell Fallon Henley she has this otnight. Blade and Enofe come in and Enofe blames them for Blade wanting to fight him. Enofe quizzes Briggs and Jensen about each other then Hank Walker and Tank Ledger walk in. Gallus then walk in and tell Enofe and Blade that whether they are on the same page or not, they can't beat them. They say when you are on top like Gallus, you don't have to play these games. Blade and Enofe then agree to fight next week.

Noam Dar and crew are interviewed. Dar says this is a collection of shooting stars. Oro thanked him for getting him on the PLE and Jakara Jackson said she is now a titan here like on the Titan games. Lash then talks and Dar is asked about Nathan Frazer's challenge for his cup. Dar says he will never lose his cup and said there is no stopping, "The Metaphor", which is apparently their group name.

Damon Kemp vs Eddy Thorpe

Eddy headlock takeovers him then flying forearms him. Kemp side finlay rolls him for 2 then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Kemp uranage backbreakers him. Eddy hits running forearms then back enzugiri's him. Eddy jumping elbows him for 2 then germans him for the win. Kemp had his foot on the ropes during the pin, but it was planned.

It was short and nothing too good as expected. 

Gigi Dolin is talking on the phone in the back. She said she has a chance to win the women's title tonight. Kiana James comes in and says that was the before phone call, not the after phone call. She said Gigi won't win the battle royale and said she will always fall short. Gigi calls her stuck up and said she cant wait to see the look on her face when she eliminates her. Dabba Kato then walks in front of the them and the camera focuses on him.

Dabba Kato vs Scrypts

Scrypts flips out of a lariat then is grabbed by his shirt and hit in the back. Scrypts hits him off the 2nd rope then takes a big facekick. Kato slams him then bearhugs him. Scrypts is thrown over the top then chopped on the announcer's table. Axiom then appears behind Kato and Kato pushes him away. Axiom jumps over him off the top and rope and goes out. Scrypts then flips in with his trampoline nad runs into him. Scrypts then rolls him up and wins.

This was a pretty lame finish with the faces cheating to beat Kato.

Kato drops Scrypts after then double arm chokeslams Ax onto Scrypts. 

Schism is in the back and Joe Gacy is flipping out over losing. He said they will expose the Wes/Bate/Ali alliance next week. Rip talks about what they did and Gacy said they pulled their weight. Gacy said he fell short tonight and needs to rectify. Ava tells him one root cannot stabilize an entire tree. Jagger said they have Gacy's back next week.

Ali is in the locker room with Wes and Bate. They said they will tear the Schism tree from its roots next week. Ali said he feels like there is magic between Bate and Wes. Ali said he wants to see them fight one on one. Bate said he was thinking about it and Wes said he respects him coming to his face about it. Ali said they will figure out when the Wes vs Bate match is after they win the 6 man tag.

#1 Contender's Women's Battle Royale

Kelani Jordan and Lola Vice made her tv debuts here. Brooklyn Barlow was also in this but they didn't announce her name either. Oro Mensah saed Jakara Jackson from elimination then Thea Hail used the ropes and back tope'd him. Lash then sent Thea onto the steps for that. Lash got eliminated by Feroz and Leon, then a 2v2 fight brokeout outside with Lash and Jakara vs Feroz and Leon. Blair Davenport came out and Perez went after her. Tatum Paxley helped out Blair and then stomped on Perez with Blair. Jacy eliminates Perez and Lyra skins the cat to eheadscissor Jacy out. Cora eliminates Lyra then Fallon 2nd rope blockbusters Cora. Fallon backdrops Kiana over the top and she lands on her face. Fallon tries to headscissor Dana Brooke over the top but ends up being eliminated. Cora and Dana double clothesline each other and Thea Hail comes back in after not being eliminated. Dana flipping neckbreakers Thea then Cora and Dana are thrown over the top at the same time for the Chase U win. Chase U in the stands then comes out and celebrates with her. Duke comes out and claps and Gulak/Dempsey don't seem super excited, but clap.

Thea winning is a nice moment but it wasn't really expected. The battle royal wasn't that great like usual.

Bron Breakker is asked about attacking Ilja. He said he knows going to let him brag about being the toughest guy. He said he's holding everyone accountable and then tells Seth Rollins to prove himself. He asks him to come to NXT and put the world title on the line against him.

Overall thoughts: This was not a great edition of NXT. My interest in this show is really low right now and every move they are making at the moment is the opposite of what I want.

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