Tuesday, June 6, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 6/4/2023 Dominion 6.4 In Osaka-Jo Hall

New Japan Pro Wrestling 6/4/2023 Dominion 6.4 In Osaka-Jo Hall

IWGP United States Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Match - Lance Archer vs. Will Ospreay

Lance nails Will before intros are done with then takes him outside. Will is thrown into the rails. Will forearms him off the rails then skytwister presses him off the top on the floor. Will step up enzugiri's him and hits an os cutter for 2. Will then runs into a lariat. Lance hits some shots in the corner and hits running back elbows. Lance forearms him then Will handspring corkscrew kicks him.

Lance bodyblocks him then hits Kawada kicks. Lance then push kicks him out of the ring and cannonballs him off the apron. Will 2nd rope forearms him in the back of the head then Will hits a stupid standing spanish fly. Will goes up top and is caught with Lance hitting a blackout. Lance goes up to the 2nd rope and has his head superkicked into the buckles. Lance chokeslams him for 2.

Will hits hook kicks then hits a hidden blade for 1. Will hits two hidden blade variations then hits a proper third hidden blade to win it.

It was short with a fast pace and no dull moments. Lance taking a standing spanish fly here was silly. I did somewhat like it but Lance wasn't the best big man here. 

NEVER Openweight Title Match - David Finlay (c) vs El Phantasmo

DF rushes in and they trade forearms. DF goes out and is tope'd then thrown over the rails. ELP then top rope dives him over the rails. ELP and DF trade forearms outside then ELP springboard crossbodies him. ELP then hits an asai moonsault. ELP walks up the buckles, does rope tricks then does a weird takedown. ELP goes to dive but is blocked by the Bullet Club, then DF pounds on him.

DF hits headbutts on ELP outside then pounds on him. ELP is put on DF's shoulders and thrown into the post. DF sentons ELP and takes control for a while. DF suplexes ELP and stays in control. ELP dropkicks him and slams him. ELP 2nd rope elbows him then is distracted and pounded on by DF. DF exploders ELP and ELP stands on his crotch while he is in the tree of woe.      

ELP springboard twisting ddt's DF and they forearm each other. ELP hits an exploder suplex. DF slaps him and ELP hits strikes back before mudhole stomping him in the corner. ELP is alley-oop'd into the buckles then takes a blue thunder bomb. DF swinging backbreakers him for 2. ELP buzzsaw kicks DF then running lariats him for 2.

DF hits a dominator for 2 then ELP superkicks him for 2. ELP burning hammers him and is distracted while going up top. ELP then tope rope moonsaults and swantons the Bullet Club outside. ELP is then pushed off the top rope to the floor then powerbombed through a table. DF powerbombs him again then neckbreakers him over the knee for the win.

I liked it at the start, but it just kept going on and they did too much near the finish with burning hammers, people being pushed off the top and being put through tables.  And not that this is some original take, but Finlay isn't really working as the leader of the Bullet Club. He just doesn't have the personality for it.        

IWGP Tag Team Title / NJPW STRONG Openweight Tag Titles - Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) vs United Empire (Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan) vs House Of Torture (EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi)

HoT nail Fale during his entrance then hit him with a stick. Goto and Yoshi are thrown into the rails then HoT is double lariated by Goto. Yoshi tope con hilos on people outside then Goto is 2v1'd by UE. Khan sits on Yoshi's head in the corner then I think Fale low blows him. Yoshi then takes a backdrop + 2nd rope kick combo. Dick Togo chairs Yoshi in the gut outside.

Goto nearly kicks Evil in the crotch then double bulldogs him and Yujiro. Evil is double shouldered then Khan is suplexed on him. Yoshi and Goto double club flurry Fale. Yoshi and Goto are sent int othe rails outside and Goto knocks the ring announcer over whne thrown in. Fale is held for Yujiro forearms then Yujiro takes a claw suplex.

Evil takes a double team sitout powerbomb then Goto hard lariats Fale. Goto and Evil are both sent into an exposed buckle then Yoshi takes a reverse ddt. Yujiro is double pump kicked then sandwich lariated. Yujio is then double team sideslammed by UE. Khan is pulled by the hair and low blowed by Yoh. Yoh gets triple stomped by HoT then Goto takes a magic killer from HoT for 2.

Goto is choked and Yoh is hit with a skateboard by Sho, who clears off the heels. Yoshi lariats Yujiro then Yujiro takes an F-U over Goto's knee. The ref is run into then Goto takes a big spinebuster by Fale. Goto is knocked off the top and Khan claw chokeslams Evil. Yoshi dragon suplexes Khan then superkicks Yujiro. Yujiro is lifted and takes a top rope lariat to the back of the head. Yujiro is then lifted and elbow sliced down for the Goto and Yoshi win.

It wasn't that interesting. Three-ways rarely are and it was just a lot of spots, interference and people coming in and out.

NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Title Match - Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii and Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley and Shota Umino

Tana and CC lock up. CC shoulders him over then Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. He does his air guitar and Mox hits him from behind, then Ishii hits Mox. Mox is dropkicked out off a triple team then Umino is shouldered out. CC euro's Tana then catches him and backbreakers him. Umino is whipped into the rails outside then facekicked over the rails. Umino drives Okada into the post and rails then throws a table at him. Mox hits kicks on Okada and CC karelin's lifts Okada for 2. Okada gets wishboned and Umino knocks his opponents off the apron. Okada knocks his opponents off the apron then Umino footchokes him. Okada takes a hart attack for 2.

Umino paintbrushes Okada then Okada ddt's him. Tana flying forearms CC and slaps Umino down. Tana blocks CC's facekick and dragon screws him. Ishii then suplexes CC and shoulders over Mox. Ishii drops Umino with a forearm then CC hits an alphamare waterslide on Ishii. Mox hits lariats on Ishii in the corner then does corner punches. Mox then bites his ear.Mox takes a double team and then double lariats Okada and Ishii at the same time. Mox then piledrivers Ishii. Mox his an enblow flurry on Ishii then sliding lariats him for 2. Ishii backdrops and then trades lariats with Mox. Mox then hits a nice ddt on Ishii. Mox is busted open off a headbutt then jumping curb stomps Ishii for 2.

Ishii takes lariats from Mox and CC. Ishii headbutts and enznugiri's Mox, Tana slingblades him and Ishii sliding d's him for 2. Mox hits a cutter but Ishii no sells it and lariats him, then both go down. Okada flapjacks Umino then shotgun dropkicks him. Okada paintbrush slaps and footslaps Umino then Umino dropkicks him. CC giant swings Okada then Okada takes a triple team powerbomb for 2. Mox topes Ishii then Umino hits a jumping mcguillicutter on Okada. Okada dropkicks Umino then Umino hits a death rider 2 ddt for 2. Tana sling blades Umino then Ishii germans Mox. Umino takes a triple team elevated ddt for 2. Okada emerald flowsions Umino then rainmakers him and wins it.

This was a fun 6-man. It was a little chaotic with people constantly going in and out without tags but it was all action and it didn't have any real dull moments. It felt like a big deal as well and they did good with pushing the Okada/Umino rivalries and making the foreigners look good.

Mox gets on the mic after and says the BCC are better than the three in the ring. Then he said they brought a message and it's Bryan Danielson. He's walking around in the mountains. Bryan says he's better than Okada is and said he's getting into the desert with no rain when stepping into the ring with him. Okada said he will get in the ring with him after and said he can make it rain anywhere. He then says the forbidden door will be open.

IWGP Title - SANADA (c) vs Yota Tsuji

Yota shoulders him over early. Sanada goes to leapfrog and is speared in mid-air. Yota then fosbury flops him outside. Yota runs into a kick then takes a grounded dragon sleeper. Sanada swinging dragon sleepers him and groundd him again. Sanada moonsaults him off the top and Yota puts his knees up.

They trade chops for forearms and Yota tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Yota crabs him then grabs the arms to put him in a rocking horse. Yota then does a vertebreaker for 2. Yota misses a top rope moonsault. Sanada dropkicks him  out then plancha's him.

Sanada springboard dropkicks him then Yota immediately superkicks him. They trade chest chops then Sanada takes a curb stomp and a falcon arrow for 2. Yota then spanish flies him for 2. Sanada dropkicks him then Yota blocks his shining wizard. Yota cartwheels out of a ddt and headbutts him. Yota then jumping curbstomps him for 2. Yota tries to spear him but takes a dropkick. Sanada top rope moonsaults him, shining wizrds him then hits a ddt and wins it.

I wasn't real impressed with this one. Yota's kind of spotty though he can do some impressive things for his size. Sanada's not exactly the right opponent for him and it felt like Sanada did little here.

Overall thoughts: Of what I saw, I really only recommend the 6-man which was very well done and felt like a big match/

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