Thursday, June 8, 2023

AEW Dynamite 6/7/2023

AEW Dynamite 6/7/2023

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Swerve Strickland

This was horrible. OC started out with his usual pockets routine, making a joke of it then they went for an indy classic with apron moves and floor moves that played no role in the finish. OC ended up winning like he usually does.

The Mogul Embassy beat up OC after then Darby and Sting made the save.

Jay White said Ricky Starks has everything it takes to get to the top. Ricky said he will expose him for what he is and said he is a man without any boundaries. Jay then said this is the switchblade era.

Bryan Danielson did a promo saying that Okada wanted to wrestle him and now he can. Okada said he wanted to see who was the real best in the world. Bryan said Okada will be stuck in the desert where there is no rain.

Bryan was on commentary after and was angry at Okada being a once in a lifetime performer. He said he was better than he ever was.

Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta vs Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero

They were calling Trent's team "CHAOS" here, which is stupid, since Chuck and Trent basically never represent Chaos and to be honest, neither does Rocky.

Mox had a chair thrown at him by Chuck before he even entered then Rocky dove off the top onto CC. Trent superplexed Yuta then short piledrivered him. Yuta was thrown into the rails then Rocky jumping knee'd Mox off the apron. Chuck then tope con hilo'd CC and the Best Friends hugged. Chuck took a hart attack and a double stomp and we went to break.

We returned and Yuta german'd Chuck. Trent then got in with Mox and speared him. Trent backddropped him. Rocky top rope crossbodies Mox and then hurricanrana's CC and Yuta. Mox takes a jumping double knee then is double stomped as he hangs over the top rope. Mox takes a beach break + top rope double stomp combo then CC is back body dropped over the top. Rocky rolling armbars Mox and Chuck 2nd rope moonsaults CC but gets euro'd during it and lands hard near the ramp. Mox then taps out RR with a choke and Yuta just keeps hitting Chuck with elbows.

As I've often talked about here, I really don't get why you could be able to throw chairs at someone before the match even starts. Nobody would ever really start a match once that had happened unless it didn't hurt, but it's a chair to the face, it's supposed to hurt. If you are allowed to do that, everyone should be doing it. The match was an okay six man I suppose with them keeping things moving.

The Bucks and Adam Page are interviewed. Page said they are challenging the Blackpool Combat Club next week without Bryan or Takeshita. Bryan then accepted the challenge from the announcer's desk. He said they will end them next week.

They announced that Kenny Omegs will fight Will Osperay in an IWGP US Title match at Forbidden Door.

MJF came out to talk. He accused the fans of being drug addicts and said Colorado was boring. He said there's no competition for him in AEW then Adam Cole came out. MJF interrupted his entrance. He said he saw Ring of Honor on TV but then he saw Adam Cole on TV. He said he was instantly hooked. He talked about Cole's career and said he followed in his footsteps. He asked what happened to him and said he went from the Panama Playboy to the Panama Gameboy. He said he hides from the sun and plays video games while Britt Baker leaves the house with his balls. He said he also used to have the body of a world champion  and said now he's frail.

MJF said the company did everything to make Cole look cool and said they just ring the bell to make MJF look cool. MJF said he was in the best ironman, dog collar and four way. MJF said Vince McMahon didn't think he had top guy potential, so Cole came to AEW. MJF said he thought Vince was right though.

Cole said MJF is a toxic social media troll and said Britt Baker can beat up MJF. Cole said he only cares about others relationships because MJF's fiance left him. He said MJf is a world class douchebag. Cole said he heard the stuff about his body before and said what he meant was he couldn't touch his body of work. Cole then said they should take a steroid pee test together and see who is natural. Cole said MJF does the bare minimum and said no one respects him. MJF called Cole, "Keith Lee's manager". Cole said it was a false narrative. Cole said if he was a real champ, he would tell him to shut his mouth and fight him. Cole said he won't fight him because he's better than him and they know it. MJF said he will beat him any day of the week. Cole said it looks like they have a match. The announcers said Cole reeled him in and tricked him into a match after.

This wasn't good. Everything MJF said was truthful and Cole's comeback was lame. The payoff also means an Adam Cole title match, which I have no interest in.

The Hardy's, Isaiah Kassidy and Ethan Page talked in the back. Jeff says Ethan needs to use his powers for good and asked Ethan to apologize to Isaiah. He then made him shake his hand. Matt said he won't make his life hell like Page did. Matt said he seems potential in him and they need to get rid of the ego. He said he would make him a better man.

Texas Tornado Match - Hook and Jungle Boy vs LFI (Preston Vance and Dralistico) 

The faces are jumped from behind and JB is sent into the steps. Dral is whipped into a hip throw. Hook goes after Jose and is lariated on the floor then Dral whips JB with a cord. Vance misses a charge outside and goes over the rails then Hook pounds on him in the crowd. JB rips up Dral's mask and we go to PiP break.

We return and Dral top rope double stomps JB as he hangs from the top rope. Hook hits Vance with fist with a chain wrapped around it off the rails. Vance gets busted open and sends Hook into the rails. JB dives on Vance and is caught but then Dral jumps off the top onto JB. Hook hits a nasty northern lights suplex on Dral on the floor, nearly killing him. Vance then spinning lariats Hook.

Vance chokes Hook with a chain then JB hits him hard with a chair. Vance then takes a wild suplex off the apron through tables. JB ddt's Dral on a chair and Jose interrupts the count. Jose takes off his shirt and is actually bigger and more intimidating than both JB and Hook are. Hook puts him in red rum then Dral is put in the snare trap and submits.

It was a hardcore brawl. It was fine but nothing super memorable.

Tony Khan said that the main event of AEW Collision's first show will be CM Punk and FTR vs Jay White, Juice Robinson and Samoa Joe.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Damon Ace

KT hits some punches then Ace fires back. KT puts him on his knees with a forearm and the tron keeps showing the video of Don turning on Kenny. KT running knees Damon and wins this.

This was a short squash that accomplished nothing because everyone was watching the tron.

Don Callis said he will be heard on the mic again. He said Kenny Omega has been a cancer in his body and said you cut out cancer. He said he and his family of Takeshita will cut The Elite out of the company for good. If you're still looking for an explanation as to why Don turned on Kenny, we still haven't really gotten a good one.

We go to Christian's locker room and we hear yelling and screaming. Christian said Arn took something from him by stopping them from winning the title at the PPV and then we open the door and see Brock Anderson beat up.

TBS Title - Kris Statlander (c) vs Anna Jay

They trade side headlocks. Anna rolls outside, Kris chases her then runs into Menard. Kris then sweeps her on the apron and shoulders her in the ring. Anna running spin kicks her then stands on her.

We go to break and return. Kris running knees her and powerslams her for 2. Taya Valkyrie is shown watching on for some reason even though she just lost two TBS title matches mostly clean. Kris goes up top and is distracted then is pulled off the top. Anna does a gori special drop for 2. Kris spinning clotheslines her and Menard gets on the apron. Kris is rolled up into a choke off of it. Kris then tombstones her and wins the match.

As expected, it was short and not that good with lots of shenanigans from Menard. 

Toni Storm and Ruby Riot said there will be a four way on Rampage with the winner getting a shot at her title. She said it'll be in the same place where the first women's champ was crowed and they said they will be watching. Toni says the winner faces the greatest women's champ that ever lived.

Ricky Starks vs Jay White

Starks goes after Jay as he walks down the ramp then Starks knocks him off the apron. Starks hits chops outside then back body drops him inside. Jay walks up the ramp to leave then Jay is hit and rolls down the ramp. Starks suplexes Jay on the floor and we go to break.

We return and Jay is hitting Starks with chops. Jay superplexes him then Starks hits a lariat. Starks tornado ddt's him for 2. Jay uranages him for 2 and they trade chops. Ricky dives at him and takes a knee then Starks spears him. Starks hits a roshambo and hits the ref in the process. The Gunn's come out and hit a 310 to Yuma (this is not the original version of it though) then Jay hits a bladerunner and wins it.

It was average and the finish was lame. I'm really concerned that the dirty finish means that this feud goes on, which is not something I want to see. Starks somewhat made it seem like he hated him early then just gave it up and had a normal match. 

Overall thoughts: The show was average overall. AEW is not really in a good position right now as they were kind of cold as is and with Forbidden Door coming up, we're probably not going to see much change until July.

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