Wednesday, June 14, 2023

WWE NXT 6/13/2023

WWE NXT 6/13/2023

Last week's show is here:

Schism vs Mustafa Ali, Tyler Bate and Wes Lee

They all brawl 3v3 to start in the ring. Alia is flipped off a lariat and everyone gets to hit a move. Bate 2nd rope euros Gacy then Ali top rope double stomps Gacy's arm. Ali flips over Gacy in the corner then headscissors him. They tag out and Wes headscissors and dropkicks Rip.

Wes takes a double stungun from Dyad then Gacy uranage's Wes for 2. Wes gets beat up for a bit then Bate kind of gets a hot tag in. Bate back body drops Jagger then belly to belly and standing ssp's him. Everyone gets in and the faces all hit Bate's punch then the faces do triple plancha's outside.

We go to break and return, seeing Bate get pushed off the buckles. Ali is tagged in and beauts up on Jadder then is popped up into a dropkick. Ali flying leg lariats Gacy while he's on the apron then is pulled down off the apron. Everyone starts hitting moves again and Ali finishes the sequence by rolling in and hitting a neckbreaker. Ali is whipped hard face first in the 2nd buckle then Wes gets in.

We beats up on Rip then tope con hilos the other heels. Wes does his backflip into a kick to nothing as Rip wasn't even close to him then Rip double throat thrusts him. Wes is then thrown into a Gacy powerbomb. The ref goes to count the pin but then another ref comes in and stops him. The refs argue, Ali 2nd rope tornado ddt's Jagger and Wes topes Rip. Bate hits a tiger driver on Joe and wins it.

I have no idea what the finish was about with the refs, but clearly they planned it though they didn't explain it. They went longer here than they knew what to do with and ended up having multiple hot tags and repeating the "everyone gets a move in" spot.

Dempsey, Gulak and Thea watch Thea getting beat up by Lash in the battle royale and critique her. They challenge her to try putting on a hold correctly then Duke comes in with his trophy. Duke kicks them all out as they want to train anyway. Duke calls Andre Chase and wants an update on his recovery, saying things are getting out of hand. 

Bron Breakker comes out to talk. He said he took out the biggest star in Europe and called out the biggest star on Raw. He said everyone is going to be held accountable for their actions. He calls out Dragunov and asks where he is then Drag has to be held back by security from getting in the ring.

He talks about Seth Rollins then Seth gets on the tron. Seth says you can't just call him out and get a shot. Seth said he's thinking about coming back where he started and said he accepts his challenge next week.

We get a package on Dana Brooke. She says she's ready to rule and says play time is over. Dana is interviewed. She said she is a Raw star, but will work every show. Cora Jade comes in and says she cost her the battle royale and says she deserves to be #1 contender. Cora says she will show her how good she is tonight and then slaps her.

Bate, Ali and Wes are celebrating in the locker room. Bate says getting the victory was the important thing as Wes complains about the ref. Ali says if it wasn't for the ref, the outcome would be different. Ali then says Wes and Bate need to get ready for their match and says he should be the special guest ref. They both agree and ask where they will go out. Bate wants to go to a vegan place and Wes agrees, which Ali doesn't look happy with.

Thea Hail vs Cora Jade

They push each other and Cora headlock takeovers her. Cora shoulders her over and they botch something before Cora basement dropkicks her. Dana Brooke comes out then Thea botches a rope assisted armdrag. Cora hits something like a step up enzugiri and double stomps her back. Thea hits double axe handles then does a bad half-butterfly suplex. Thea backsplashes her off the bottom rope then exploders her.

Thea goes to dive, but Cora stops her then Cora nails Dana Brooke outside. Cora goes to use her stick but the ref takes it away and Dana pushes Cora into the steps. Thea hammerlocks Cora and makes her tap.

This was not a good night for Thea as she had one of the worst matches she has been involved in. There were lots of sloppy moments and the submission finish was not expected. At least they factored in Dana Brooke here, which was expected. 

We get a video on the Heritage Cup then we see Noam Dar with his crew. Dar is on crutches.

We get a Shawn Michaels tweet. He says Bron vs Seth is next week for the World Title and Melo faces the winner of Ilja/Corbin (which is tonight) in two weeks.

Noam Dar is on the mic in the ring. He says he is a victim and is on crutches due to Nathan Frazer. Frazer is confused. Dar says Frazer brutally attacked him in the parking lot.

Heritage Cup Title Match - Oro Mensah vs Nathan Frazer

Round 1 - Oro still has his hair pink and you have to wonder if it's some Little Mermaid tribute since his gear is green too. Oro shoulders him over then is armdragged. NF runs the ropes fast and rolls him up to get a quick pin in the first fall.

Round 2 - Oro hits a bunch of strikes on NF in quick fashion then kicks him in the back. Oro suplexes him and hits some kicks to his head. NF enzugiri's him and hit boots in the corner. NF goes up and over in the corner then does flips. Oro flipping koppo kicks him. Jakara distracts the ref and Lash grabs NF, so Oro can running spinning heel kick him. Oro then pins him to tie this up 1-1.

Round 3 - 2 minutes of this 3 minute round were cut off by the break. Oro backslides him then NF sunset flips him. Oro asai moonsaults and is caught with a superkick. NF goes for the pin but the fall ends.

Round 4 - NF dropkicks him into the buckles then misses a phoenix splash. Oro rolls him up for 2 then springboard rider kicks him. Oro then alley oops him for 2. NF superkicks him then Oro 2nd rope release germans him. Jakara distracts the ref and Lash grabs NF.  Feroz and Leon come down and beat up the heels and Oro misses a spinning heel kick. NF then springboard phoenix splashes him for the win.

The match probably would have been better without the Heritage Cup rules as that broke up a lot of the flow. The interference didn't help either. The Heritage Cup was apparently on the line here even though the champ wasn't in it which was odd.

Taya Valkyria talks over video about losing in big matches. she says nothing worth having comes easy. She said she will keep adapting.

Jacy and Elektra watch on in the locker room and aren't impressive. Jacy said Tiffany knocked her out of the battle royale. Lola Vice then walks in and said Lyra eliminated her too. Lola says she doesn't like too many people but she likes Elektra. 

Von Wagner and Mr. Stone talk. Stone says Von has been seeing the therapist a lot lately and Von says she gets a lot out of him. Dijak then walks in and tells Stone to drop Von to rep a real winner. Stone says he is repping a real winner. Von says he hadn't talked to Stone about the picture and Stone questions him about it. Stone asks who he trusts. Von said Stone can be real stupid sometimes and said it's him. Von says it has always been him.

Handicap Match - Dabba Kato vs Axiom and Scrypts

 Kato comes out of the ring after them. The faces hit a double dropkick then Scrypts lifts Ax for a dropkick. Kato lariats Ax and Scrypts is hit coming off the top. Ax is thrown into Scrypts. They say there will be NXT Gold Rush news after this. Kato takes a double step-up enzugiri then lifts both. Kato boots Scrypts while holding Ax then drops Ax. Scrypts messes up a spinning heel kickj on Kato then topes him outside. Ax then topes Kato, just bouncing off him.  

Ax does a cool move to pull Scrypts over the top onto Kato then Ax top rope moonsaults onto Kato outside. Scrypts top rope moonsaults onto Kato then Ax flying superkicks Kato and wins it.

I don't know if ever I've seen a giant ever really lose a handicap match. 

Ax and Scrypts are jumped by Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo after. Ax is popped up into a kick.

Stratton/Thea and Wes/Bate meet in title matches. The women are up in 2 weeks and the men are up next week.

Stacks is trying to figure out who attacked Tony with a giant poster on the wall with pictures. He says it has to be Gallus. He says if he wants the big C, he has to make the big moves. No, I don't know what the big C is.

Duke tells Thea he's proud of her in the back and yells at her for touching his trophy. Duke says Thea will become the youngest NXT women's champ and Thea says she can do it. Duke says he will put on a pep rally for her next week. Tiffany Stratton then walks in and tells Thea to use her indoor voice. Tiff says the underdog will not win in this story. Gulak and Dempsey then walk in. They said she barely won and he's throwing a pep rally. They said she needs to get back in the gym and focus on training. Thea says she will see them in the gym later.

Malik Blade vs Edris Enofe

Blade is oiled up and looks roided up here. They push each other and Hank and Tank come out. Enofe shoulders him over and Blade rolls him up. Briggs and Jensen then walk out. Enofe misses a dropkick then Blade hits a beautiful dropkick right on his face. Blade goes for a sunset bomb off the apron and Enofe ends up lariating him on the floor. Enofe does a tope con hilo, but Blade moves. Enofe lands hard then is tope con hilo'd by Blade.

Enofe superplexes Blade for 2 and Blade reverses his pin attempt to win the match.

Enofe purposely missing a dive out there was really stupid. The two matched up together otherwise but I can't put over that match with that stupid spot.

Enofe and Blade talk after. Enofe says he knows when Blade's birthday is and says he loves him. Booker T then gets on the mic and says Blade and Enofe will fight Hank and Tank and Briggs in Jensen in a #1 Contender's match next week. Garza and Carrillo stare on from the riser then all three teams fight. Garza and Carrillo are interviewed as they all fight and they say they want to be part of the tag division. Refs come down to break the fight up. I didn't like the faces all fighting each other. They are faces so they shouldn't be doing it and it was just interesting to have some teams that get along with each other.

Damon Kemp complains to a ref for counting the pin last week and costing him the match. The ref says he' sorry and Kemp mocks him. Another ref comes in and Eddy Thorpe comes in, asking him if he is picking fights with a ref. Kemp says Eddy's win was a cheap victory. Eddy tells him to pick the type of match he wants and they can redo it. Kemp tells him he should have taken the cheap victory. I didn't really get this segment. Kemp got screwed, Eddy acknowledged he got screwed then bashed him for being mad about it.

Blair Davenport does a promo outside. She said she derailed the future and shows the various spots where she injured Nikkita Lyons, Wendy Choo and Sol Ruca. She said Roxanne Perez was saved this time but says to beware of enemies of Blair.

Roxanne Perez vs Tatum Paxley

Perez rolls her up twice then does a spinning reverse headscissors. Tatum does a bridging butterfly suplex then boston crabs her. Tatum sit out half-nelson slams her then Perez twisting 2nd rope Thesz presses her. Perez then topes her. Perez does a sloppy roll-up off the ropes and wins it.

It was short and rushed but we got to see some new moves out of Tatum.

Perez calls out Blair Davenport after. She said she has hid in the shadows for months and says she isn't afraid of her. She said she will hurt her and tries to make mean faces.

Gigi is watching herself be eliminated from the battle royale last week and Fallon Henley walks in. Gigi says Kiana is targeting her and Fallon says Kiana is a snake.

We see a video of Bronco Nima and Lucien Price playing dominos as kids then adults. They say they are from the streets and only have each other. They say NXT isn't ready for them.

#1 Contender's Match - Baron Corbin vs Ilja Dragunov

Corbin lariats him over then Ilja facekicks him. Ilja bangs his head off the buckles then Corbin chest slaps him. Ilja hits chops then has his throat dropped over the top rope. Corbin then hits various strikes and a short arm lariat. Ilja germans him then lariats him.

Corbin rolls out and we go to break. We return and Ilja is thrown over the top, hitting the apron hard. Ilja is uranage'd on the apron. Corbin hits shots to his injured ribs. Corbin then uranage's him on his knee. Corbin pulls him off the buckles then death valley drivers him. They trade forearms then Corbin hits a deep six.

Drag uraken's him then hits enzugiri's. Drag hits a top rope senton then ddt's him. Drag suplexes him then does a falling elbow. Bron Breakker comes in the ring and Drag hits him then Corbin wins with an end of the days.

The finish sucked here. Bron came out for no real reason without much of a warning. The match was okay, but I really don't want to see Baron Corbin.

Bron and Ilja fight to the back. Melo then superkicks and springboard lariats Corbin. Melo then hits his top rope legdrop on the back of the neck. Melo then poses on him with the title.

Overall thoughts: I'm very unhappy with the current direction of NXT. I know some of it is because they are trying to push this as a third brand to get more money for tv rights, but it's just not what I want to see. There's a bunch of main roster rejects going over NXT roster members and the already bloated roster is getting more bloated by the day. There were some bad calls here with Drag losing to Corbin, Dabba Kato getting buried and somehow Dar losing his title in a match he wasn't even in.

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