Monday, June 12, 2023

All Together Again 6/9/2023

All Together Again 6/9/2023 

THE TOUGH (Masa Kitamiya & Yoshiki Inamura) & Daiki Inaba vs. CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI)

Goto shoulders over Masa then Masa shoulders him over. They trade forearms. Masa takes a double shoulder then Yoshi is hiptossed onto him. Inaba is suplexed onto Masa then Yoshi neckbreakers Masa. Masa hulks up and samoan drops Yoshi. Masa then sentons him.

Inaba gets in and trades shots with Yoshi. Inaba backdrops Yoshi  then elbow drops him. Ina and Yoshi trade forearms then Yoshi chops him hard. Yoshi running blockbusters Ina. Ina and Ishii go at it with a shoulder battle and Ishii shoulders him over. Ina hits forearms on Ishii then Ishii is sandwiched. Ishii takes a senton and a splash. Ishii germans Ina then Ina slams him. Ishii suplexes Ina then Ina squats and suplexes him.

Inaba and Goto go at it and Inaba shoulders him. Inaba cannonballs Goto in the corner then he suplexes him for 2. Inaba enzugiri's Goto then Inaba takes a neckbreaker on the knee and a sliding d. Inaba then takes a double team elbow slice and Goto pins him.

It was short but fun for the little we got of it. We got to see Ishii vs Ina and Masa, which is what I wanted though Inaba got to do nothing here.

Yoshitatsu vs Shota Umino

Yoshi pounds on Umino to start then back elbows him. Yoshi facewashes him then Umino drops him on a slam and running euros him. Umino fisherman's suplexes him for 2 then Umino dropkicks him. Umino slingshot ddt's him then Yoshi knees him in the gut. Yoshi drops Umino with chest kicks.

Yoshi tornado ddt's him and footslaps him. The two trade forearms then Yoshi flatliners him into a koji clutch. Umino pop up euros him then does a mcgillicutter. Umino double arm ddt's him and wins it.

It was short and the announcers crapped all over Yoshi during this. Yoshi tried some here but it didn't have the time and wasn't going to be much more than it was.

Umino walks through the crowd after. 

Hokuto Omori & Satoshi Kojima vs. AXIZ (Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima)

KN and Omori stare down and Koji tries to pull Omori off. Omori throws his own partner Kojima out then hits forearms on Go. Omori running forearms Go then is hit by KN. Omori forearms KN off the apron. KN then facekicks him outside against the rails. Omori hits forearms on KN.

Koji stares at KN then shoulders him over. KN chest kicks him down then Axiz double shoulders Koji. Koji machine gun chops Go then Go machine gun chops Koji. Go lariats Koji for 2 then Koji ddt's him. Go 2nd rope twisting suplexes Koji and they swat down each other's lariats. Koji cutters him then Omori forearms KN. Omori then does KN's footchoke to him.

Omori and KN forearm each other then Omori germans him for 2. Omori dragon suplexes him for 2. KN facekicks Koji then knees Omori. Koji takes a combo of kicks and chops from his opponents then Omori is kicked into a fisherman's buster. KN hits a PK on Omori for 2. KN brainbusters Omori and picks up the win.

This was exactly what you would want with KN and Omori being jerks to each other and Go and Koji doing machine gun chops. It was short and sweet and I enjoyed it.

Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito), Dan Tamura, Hikaru Sato & Ryuki Honda vs. United Empire (Aaron Henare, Francesco Akira, Great-O-Khan, Jeff Cobb & TJP)

Sato and Akira start us off. Akira armdrags him and they stand off. The Saito's then attack all their opponents. Akira takes a double axe handle off the apron then Akia is headlocked into the crowd. Khan and Honda go at it then the Saitos stand on Akira. The Saito's each take jumping attacks from Cobb and Fale and go out. Fale and Cobb are pushed into each other and Cobb takes Honda's spear. Honda spinebusters Fale then Khan rolls Sato into a calf-crusher before sticking his thumb in his butt.

TJP spin kicks Dan then Sato enzugiri's TJP. Sato armbars Akira and Rei comes in and hits his own partner Sato. Rei chops Akira  then slams him. Jun slams Akira and elbow drops him for 2. Honda chokes Akira on the ropes then Akira wheelbarrow rolls Dan into a double stomp. TJP springboard forearms Dan then facewashes him.

Cobb drives Dan in the corner, where he takes lariats then tour of the islands backdrops him. Honda lariats Cobb then fale spinebusters Honda. Jun chokeslams Fale then Rei crossbodies Khan. Khan does a nice wrist clutch suplex on Rei. Dan takes a 3D then Akira is death valley drivered by Dan. Dan is put on TJP's shoulders then Akira top rope cutters him. TJP plancha's outside and Akira meteora's Dan in the back of the head to win it.

Jun and Cobb push each other outside after and Sato puts his thumb into Khan's butt.

It was a short match with too many people involved. The juniors and heavies being in this also kind of made this harder to pull off.

Suwama, Yuji Nagata & Yuma Anzai vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito)


Naito gets nailed by Yuma with a forearm and LIJ is thrown out before the bell rings. Yuma hits a nice dropkick on Naito then butterfly suplexes him for 2. Yuma takes a running lariat then a sandwich basement dropkick. Yuma and Shingo trade shots then Shingo shoulders him over. Shino sentons Yuma then Bushi stomps Yuma.

Yuma hits forearms on Naito then takes an atomic drop into a step up enzugiri. Yuma belly to belly suplexes Naito then Nagata gets in and hits facekicks. Nagata chest kicks Shingo then running facekicks him. Nagata butterfly suplexes him then trades forearms with Shingo. Shingo lariats Nagata in the corner then suplexes him.

Nagata exploders Shingo. Suwama hits a big lariat on Shingo then sleepers him. Shingo running lariats Suwama then Bushi top rope dropkicks Suwama. Bushi topes Suwama into the rails then Suwama hits a stiff double chop. Shingo lariats Suwama then Nagata facekicks Shingo. Bushi and Shingo are whipped into each other then take stereo dropkicks. Yuma hits a jumping knee on Naito then Suwama hits a last ride on Bushi to win it.

It was short but entertaining. We didn't really get the best out of anyone here and due to the length, some of the people in it didn't get much more than a small section.

Just 5 Guys (SANADA, TAKA Michinoku & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) vs. GLG (Jake Lee, Tadasuke & YO-HEY)

YK knocks over Tada then headlocks him. Tada shoulders him over then YK bangs his knee off the mat. Tada flying euros YK then YK is held for a dropkick. Yo basement dropkicks YK then YK dropkicks his knee. Taka eye pokes Yo then works his eyes more. YK dropkicks Yo in the knee then Yo hits a nice dropkick on YK.

Jake clean breaks Sanada, bows then goes for his paradise lock on Sanada. Sanada does nice leapfrogs then dropkicks Jake. Sanada then plancha's him. Sanada slingshots onto Jake but Jake puts him in the paradise lock. Yo and Tada then dropkick Sanada in the butt for 2. Sanada springboard dropkicks Jake then Jake hits him in the gut. Sanada bridging neckbreakers him.

Jake takes a pump kick + legsweep combo then Taka puts him in just facelock. Taka jumping kicks Jake then Jake hits a stiff knee to the gut. Jake running facekicks Taka and wins it.

This was nothing special at all. It was short and they didn't do anything of note. 

Jake goes up to Sanada after and bows at him.

AMAKUSA, Atsuki Aoyagi & Hiromu Takahashi vs. HAYATA, Master Wato & Rising HAYATO 

Atsuki and Wato start us off. Wato shoulders him then is armdragged. Wato snapmares and kicks him then Atsuko rolls out. Rising and Hiromu trade chest slaps then Rising headscissors him out. Hiromu basement dropkicks Rising then does his taunt. Hayata kicks Hiromu and stops it. Wato hits kicks on Hiromu and Hiromu leapfrogs into an atomic drop by Hayata.

Hiromu falcon arrows Hayata then Ama springboard hurricanrana's Hayata. Ama walks up the buckles and ropes and does a combo armdrag + headscissors on two opponents. Ama tornillo's Hayata off the top for 2 then Hayata enzugiri's Ama. Wato bulldogs Atsuki then Atsuki 2nd rope armdrags him. Atsuki dropkicks him and step up enzugiri's him. They both trade corkscrew kicks.

Rising jumps off Atsuki's back to dropkick Hiromu off the apron. Rising superkicks Atsuki for 2 then dropkicks Ama. Rising package tombstones Atsuki then takes a superkick from Hiromu. Ama top rope chops an opponent then does a sweet corkscrew dive on Hayata. Atsuki hits superkicks on Rising then Rising slingshots over the top and ddt's him on the apron. Atsuki top rope spanish flies Rising for 2 then 450's him off the top to win.

I idn't like the spanish fly kickout but it was a fun little match otherwise. It was too short for the spot on the card and for how many people were in it but we got some dives and fast paced action.

The three junior champs then all hold up their titles after and compare them.

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kaito Kiyomiya & Kento Miyahara vs. Kazuchika Okada, Kenoh & Yuma Aoyagi

Ken pushes Tana and Kaito at the same time before it starts. Ken hits some leg kicks on Tana and they grab each others hair. Tana twisting crossbodies him from the 2nd rope. Okada and Kento get in and Okada forearms him off the break. Okada shoulders him over then takes a face kick. The two trade forearms and they stand off after a headscissors attempt. Okada knocks Kaito off the apron and Kento tags him in, only for Okada to leave the ring.

Yuma grabs Kaito and they trade armdrags. Kaito jumping elbows him and dropkicks Okada off the apron. Kaito then stomps him outside and throws him into the rails. Kento accidentally facekicks Tana then Yuma hits dropkicks on everyone. Okada then throws Kaito into the rails and into the seats in the crowd. Yuma legdrops Tana then does his air guitar taunt.

Okada calls Ken in and Ken facekicks Tana, messing up the double team. Okada slaps Ken on the shoulder to get him in and Yuma has to play peacemaker between them. Ken stomps on Tana then stands on him and footslaps him. Ken drops Tana with a chest kick then Tana dragon screws him. Kaito hits shots on Ken then 2nd rope twisting forearms him. Kaito hits a big Okada style dropkick on Okada and Okada goes out. Kaito top rope dropkicks Ken for 2. Ken blocks his jumping knee with a kick then dragon suplexes him. Yuma dropkicks Kento off the apron then running forearms Kaito. Yuma top rope crossbodies Kaito for 2 then Kaito flying clotheslines him. Kento facekicks Yuma then dropkicks him in the side of the head.

Yuma flying forearms Kento then Okada footslaps Kento. Okada facekicks and over the knee neckbreakers him. Okada top rope elbows Kento then Kento hits a nice pumping knee on Okada. Kento pumping knees him again for 2. Kento lariats Okada then Tana hits attacks on all 3 opponents. Kaito tries to get Kento in for a triple team and Kento's team all dropkick Okada. Tana slingblades Okada and goes for a high fly flow but Okada gets his knees up.Okada and Tana trade forearms and Okada fire thunder drivers him. Everyone gets in and hits a move then Kento and Kenoh duel.  Ken enzugiri's Tana then Tana takes a 1v3. Ken and Okada go to fist bump but Yuma does a top rope move on Tana and stops it. Okada dropkicks Tana then hits an emerald flowsion. Okada rainmakers Tana and wins it.

It was a great 6-man and had everything you wanted and more. They built up the Okada/Kaito and Kenoh/Kento rivalries here and they also pushed Okada and Kenoh having issues working together. The crowd was into it and it was a really well done match. Easily one of the best matches of the year so far and a must see.

Everyone then did the ich, ni, san daa thing after.

Overall thoughts: I skipped 3 matches here. I liked what I saw, but it was what I expected. There were too many people to get on the show so everything had to be short with people often not getting much in. The main was really the only thing that got enough time. I was disappointed we didn't get a young lions match here. The main was great and worth going out of your way to see.

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