Thursday, June 15, 2023

AEW Dynamite 6/14/2023

AEW Dynamite 6/14/2023

Last week's show is here:

AEW Title - MJF vs Adam Cole

MJF shoulders him over and does his pose then does the Flair strut. MJF sits down to avoid a superkick then Cole does his taunt. MJF goes into the crowd to stall then accuses Cole of grabbing his hair. MJF boots him in the corner then armwhips him into the buckles. Cole hits corner punches then back body drops MJF over the top. Cole slides out and is caught in the ring skirt then MJF bangs Cole's hand off the steps. MJF then stomps his hand on the steps.

Cole is pulled down by the hair then MJF hits a made in japan for 2. MJF does HBK's tuning up the band and runs into a superkick. MJF's mouth gets busted open off of it. Cole pump kicks him then enzugiri's him. Cole has his panama sunrise attempt blocked then MJF double underhook shoulderbeakers him. Cole then does a shoulderbreaker out of the suplex position on him. Cole neckrbeakers him over the knee.

They fight on the apron and MJF tombstones him on the apron. We go to break as both are on the floor and return. They trade shots and MJF eye pokes him. Cole facekicks him then pump kicks him. Cole fakes a superkick, kicks him low then superkicks him twice. MJF then does a big lariat. Cole crossfaces him and then ankle locks him. MJF does his short piledriver through the ropes. MJF elbow drops Cole through a table from the top rope.

Cole superkicks him on the apron then straightjacket germans him on the apron. MJF double stomps his arm from the 2nd rope then Cole rolls him up while he argues with the ref. The ref gets knocked over and MJF grabs his title belt. MJF throws Cole the belt and falls over then the ref falls over too in a silly spot. Cole hits MJF with the belt then does the boom knee for 2.

MJF grabs the ref and low blows Cole. MJF grabs the diamond ring and the ref blocks the shot. Cole hits the panama sunrise and a boom knee but the time limit expires.

The ending was clever but I wasn't a big fan of it. They did way too much as expected and the selling was not very good. We also had lots of shenanigans with the ref and cheating.

Cole asks for 5 more minutes on the mic after and MJF leaves.

We get a video on CM Punk. He says the only thing that is certain is that nothing is certain. He says there are still scores to settle and still things to do. He said he doesn't know what he will do or say until he has the mic in his hand and says he has a lot of things to get off his chest. 

Sammy Guevara is interviewed by Renee in the ring. Sammy said he will have his wife, his daughter and the AEW title at his sides soon. He said he needs to make changes then Darby Allin comes out. Darby congratulates him and said it sounds like the fans are starting to love him again. He asks if he will stand on his own two feet or live in the shadow of the JAS. Chris Jericho comes out. He tells Darby to mind his own business and said Sammy never called him once while he was chasing the AEW title. Jericho said if he asked for his help, he would be AEW champ. Sammy asked him why he didn't call him, because if he had, he might not have lost to Adam Cole twice.

Jericho offers him the chance to apologize and Sammy says he's not apologizing for anything. Jericho talks about having a match with Sammy and Darby tells Jericho the magic is gone when he steps in the ring. Jericho asks him if he is sure if he wants a match with him then says him and Sammy should beat him up 2v1. Darby then says he's not alone and Sting comes out.

Jericho points his bat at Sting's throat then Sting does it back to him. Sting knocks the bat away and Jericho leaves. 

SANADA does a promo. He says he will show the world the strength of the IWGP champ at Forbidden Door. He said there will be an open challenge and he looks forward to seeing who shows up. He says see you next time. I don't really like the IWGP title being used for an open challenge. It makes the belt look weak.

Orange Cassidy, Sting, Darby Allin and Keith Lee vs The Mogul Embassy

Cage is wearing orange and blue facepaint like surfer Sting. OC and Darby dive out before htis starts and OC is caught and bearhugged. For some reason, the screen says "NO" in large letters. Sting hits a splash on Swerve in the corner then Sting is pulled out and ent into the stairs outside. Darby hits a code red as we go to break.

We return and Swerve has control of Darby's arm. The heels knock the faces off the apron and Darby is thrown into a Cage powerbomb. Swerve jumping kicks Darby for 2. Darby rolls him up off a half-nelson driver attempt then stunners him. Keith Lee gets in and shoulders everyone. Cage monkey flips Lee and Lee misses when he was supposed to land. Swerve goes to flatliner Keith but is thrown off. Keith takes a triple powerbomb + top rope double stomp combo for 2.

OC tornado ddt's Swerve then Cage F-5's OC. Kaun alabama slams Darby then Sting atomic drops and punches Kaun. Sting is supposed to be irish whipped in the corner but slips and takes a splash on the ropes. Lee flips Kaun over the top then does a big chokeslam type of move to Swerve. Darby coffin drops outside onto Kaun and Toa then Sting lariats Cage. Sting scorpion deathdrops Cage with help from OC and wins it.

It was short and rushed. We had some real sloppy moments here though they did keep the action moving.

Daniel Garcia is shown not looking impressed in the back.

The Gunn's are interviewed. They were asked about their association with Jay White and said they didn't know anything about it. They said they are the best tag team in AEW and the best brother tag team. They talk about the Hardy's being brothers and say they are washed up and over the hill.

TNT Title - Wardlow (c) vs Jake Hager

Jake hits him from behind while he's on the ramp. Warlow hits lariats in the ring then germans him. Wardlow hit a corner spear. Wardlow back body drops him in the corner and JAke goes out and hits his head. Wardlow then lariats him on the floor as we go to break.

We return from break and Jake has the ankle lock on. Wardlow spinebusters him then 2.0 show up on the ramp to confront Arn. Brock Anderson comes out and they fight 2.0 together. Hager slams Wardlow for 1. Wardlow lariats him over the top and plancha's him. Wardlow top rope swantons him then powerbombs him twice to win it.

It was short and there wasn't a lot to this before the finish.  

Christian and Luchasaurus appear on the tron. They forget to mic Christian so we can't hear him talk. Christian said they accept his open challenge to Luchasaurus on Collision. Christian asks what will happen when his new daddy Arn isn't there to save him. Then we see Arn Anderson bloody next to them. Wardlow then runs to help Arn. 

Hiroshi Tanahashi does a video. He said he came close to winning the AEW title last year at Forbidden Door and is challenging MJF this year.

Renee goes up to MJF in the medical area and says he is now facing Hiroshi Tanahashi. MJF said he is saying no to that as he doesn't feel like giving a title shot to a rando from a rinky dink indy fed. He said it wouldn't be the first time he no-showed a booking. I really don't like MJF burying NJPW as they are doing a PPV with them and to the average person, they probably are a rinky dink indy fed.

Orange Cassidy is interviewed. He said someone will walk in and challenge him then Zack Sabre Jr. came in. He said OC mentioned his name in a media scrum. He said net week is Forbidden Door and he likes the idea of being double champion. Daniel Garcia then walked in and told OC he wanted Shibata. He asked where he was and OC said he will be here next week. They then made OC and Shibata vs Zack Sabre Jr. and Daniel Garcia in an odd match.

AEW Women's Title - Toni Storm (c) vs Skye Blue

Skye's mom was at ringside and Ruby Soho had a sign with Saraya's face on it. Skye hits a forearm flurry hen hits kicks. Skye hits more forearms and kicks Ruby from the apron. Skye then top rope crossbodies Toni for 2. Toni gets hip attacked off the apron then Skye's mom taunts Ruby. Toni spray paints Skye's mom then Skye dives on Toni and Ruby.

We go to break and return. Skye headscissors her then step up knees her on the ropes. Skye does her low swing kick then is thrown out. Toni grabs spray paint and Skye gets some kind of spray too and sprays her with it. Skye then hits a code red from the side but Ruby is distracting the ref. Skye usperkicks Ruby and is short piledrivered for 2. Toni puts her in the texas cloverlead and wins it.

They had a lot of shenanigans going on here as always. They really didn't make much of Skye's mom getting spray painted in the face and Toni winning with a texas cloverleaf was random. Skye didn't mess anything up though today and it was better than expected.

Skye is beat up after then Willow comes out to make the save.

Jungle Boy and Hook are interviewed. JB says he feels naked without a title and said he wants to win a title. He said he is accepting Sanada's open challenge for the IWGP title. JB says things are going back to normal after he wins this, but Hook is his tag partner and best friend. He asks him to be in his corner at Forbidden Door and Hook pounds fists with him. 

We get some promos for Forbidden Door.

We get a quick promo from Bullet Club and FTR. The Club is excited about Joe being their partner and said it will be guns up. FTR says it's clobbering time. Miro is also announced for the show along with Andrade El Idolo vs Buddy Matthews, Luchasaurus vs Wardlow and Skye Blue/Willow vs Toni/Ruby.

The Young Bucks and Adam Page vs The Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli)

The Bucks are wearing cowboy attire here and look sillier than usual.

They dod a 6 person hockey fight to start and the BCC takes triple superkicks. Yuta is powerbombed on the apron edge by a Buck. Nick walks up the ropes and flips outside while Page moonsaults off the top outside. Yuta is bridged over the apron and Page runs the apron to SSP him. Matt spears Mox and pounds on him then Nick top rope crossbodies Mox.  

Nick slingshot facebusters Mox then flips outside onto CC and is hit with a euro. Page does a rebound lariat outside against the ropes and Mox topes Page. Matt top rope crossbodies Mox and CC at the same time. Yuta germans a Buck on the floor then the other Buck is lariated and piledriven by Mox.

We go to break and return. Mox misses an elbow drop and later takes a dropkick. Page slingshot lariats CC then fallaway slams Yuta. Page plancha's CC then lariats Yuta over the top before hitting topes on both CC and Yuta. Page diving lariats Yuta from the top and Yuta takes a buckle bomb with kicks from the Bucks. Matt hits his stupid locomotion northern lights suplexes on Yuta then hits Yuta and Mox with one at hte same time.

Everyone comes in and hits a move then Yuta germans a Buck. Page is sent into the steps outsidethen a Buck takes a doomsday device for 2. Mox elbow flurries and chokes a Buck then CC elbow flurries Page. Nick swantons on Mox to break the choke then CC uranage's a Buck. Yuta is rocket launched onto a Buck's knees then the Bucks hit superkicks. Page pop-up powerbombs Yuta, Yuta takes a bte trigger then Page buckshot lariats Yuta as the Bucks hit topes. Page gets the win over Yuta.

There wasn't even an attempt at selling a single thing here. Everyone just did a million cool moves as fast as they could then moved onto the next spot. And the Buck's doing all kinds of power moves here was stupid.

The BCC beat up The Elite after. One of the Bucks is thrown over the barricade then Eddie Kingston comes out to attack and pounds on CC. Eddie uraken's Yuta and CC then lariats CC over the top. Mox and Eddie then stare down but Mox is hit from behind. Mox pushes the Bucks and Eddie then Konosuke Takeshita comes down and hits Eddie. KT hits Nick then KEnny Omega comes out. KT and Kenny fight and Kenny pumping knees and snap dragons him. CC is superkicked off the apron and The Bucks and Page hit plancha's. Kenny knees KT then Will Osperay comes out and superkicks Kenny. Will then hits a hidden blade and does his stormbreaker. Bryan Danielson was on commentary all during this and claps for Will.

This segment was just a mess. Eddie looked like one of my neighbors with his jorts and there's just no reason for him to be attacking CC and Yuta. Isn't Eddie banned or gone from AEW anyway? Eddie did have a match with CC on Mania Weekend, but that's it for the most part. Bryan watched his crew get beat up and did nothing about it even though he's not injured and Kenny was also in the back the whole time while his crew got beaten up. And how did Will Osperay know Kenny was coming out?

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this show. The opener went overboard and had shenanigans ad the main had no selling whatsoever. The festivities after the main were also a mess with multiple logic holes. They just kind of threw some of the AEW vs NJPW matches out there without any good build. I don't think anyone really cares about Sammy returning them trying to shoehorn Darby and Sting in there was odd. Skye Blue's mom also got spraypainted in the face and Skye didn't seem to care one bit.

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