Sunday, June 11, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #39 6/10/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #39 6/10/2023

I'm not super familiar with a lot of these wrestlers and their storylines, but I'll do my best.

They recap the feud between Miami's Sweet Heat and The Tonga Twins. Vickie Lynn McCoy helped the Heat win the match.

BK Rhythm vs Ariel Sky

This is Ariel Sky's debut. She's a gymnast and does various cartwheels in her entrance. BK does her usual rap beforehand. BK blocks a headlock takeover and Sky rolls her up. Sky uses the ropes to do a headlock takeover then BK headscissors her. Sky headstands out of a headscissors and Sky headscissors her out of a slam attempt. Sky goes up and over in the corner then backflips. She turns around, they botch some spot and Sky hits a soul foot for 2.

Sky goes on the 2nd rope and is pulled down then BK footchokes her. BK suplexes her for 2. BK neckcranks her then cobra twists her. Sky forward cartwheels into a lariat. She hits a lariat and uses the ropes to bulldog her. Sky then top rope moonsaults her and picks up the win in an upset.

Sky's still green and had a bunch of sloppy moments here. However, she's athletic and is good looking. If she can work on not messing stuff up, she's going to get signed somewhere. The match was not that great but Sky had some highlights.

David McClane goes to interview Ariel Sky after. She said she competed in gymnastics and was told she was nothing more than a pretty face. She then said thank you for having me.

We see clips of The Heavy Metal Sisters attacking Americana and Jessie Jones. Jessie broke her leg during it but said she wasn't going down like that. The Sisters say they will be the next WOW tag team champs.

Fury vs Americana

Americana runs in and hits a mounted forearm flurry. The Sisters come in and 3v1 Americana. Fury hits a bunch of forearms on her then Jen Florez and Stephy Slays come out to help Americana.

Americana gets on the mic after and said the Sisters broke Jessie Jones' leg and stomped her sons tablet, breaking it. She said now they have to deal with her. She said payback is coming their way and said this isn't over.

Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah Rah are talking in the back. Coach said now that she has let her coach tips sit in, they can get the win. Randi said it not being 3v2 will also help this time. Randi says her and Coach should recruit someone so they have a squad.

Genesis and Ice Cold vs Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah Rah

"I don't know if the cartwheel helped at all" - AJ Mendez

Genesis does nunchuk tricks during her entrance and AJ Mendez said she wanted a hot dog during it.

Gensis yells at the crowd and Randi rolls her up. Randi tries another pin and both tag out. Coach snapmares Ice Cold and hits basement dropkicks. Ice is legswept then Randi cartwheels into an elbow. Randi then jumps up, stands and leg drops her for 2. Ice snapmares Randi and pulls her arms back.

Randi flips out of a snapmare and dropkicks her. Gen gets in and gets tripped then Randi armdrags her. Randi forward cartwheels but is kicked. Gen straightjacket chokes her. Randi kind of flips over her knee from the backbreaker position then kicks her. Gen spin kicks her in the corner.

Randi is double team swung and thrown. Randi is driven into the corner then is held for a neckbreaker from Ice. Coach gets the hot tag in and misses a step up enzugiri. She fireman's carries Ice then airplane spins her. Coach bangs her head off the mat then flips Randi onto her from the top. Randi then tags in Coach to let her pick up the win.

There were a lot of green moments here but the idea and structure was there and it kind of worked.

We get a package on Holidead with her walking in front of a full moon. they interviewed Holidead from the graveyard. She said she's not here for wins or applause, she's only here for anger, destruction and death. She said she will leave a sea of bodies everywhere she goes.

We are told Lana Star appeared at a charity event and said she made an impact. They then showed Jungle Girl doing a speech and then leading a group workout for cancer patients. 

Miami's Sweet Heat do a promo. They said they can't believe rookies get a shot against them. they said they are about to be embarrassed. They said they are nice, sweet ladies, but they aren't ready for the primetime. They say it will be easy money for Sweet Heat

WOW Tag Team Titles - Miami's Sweet Heat with Lana Star (c) vs Jennifer Florez and Stephy Slays

Stephy and Lindsay start us off. Stephy headlock takeovers her then crossbodies her. Stephy trips and single leg dropkicks Laurie. Laurie is then monkey flipped. She slams Stephy then Stephy is double arm flipped into a leg lariat and an elbow drop. Stephy has her arm pulled over the middle rope by Lindsay then is put in a sleeper.

Lindsay slams Stephy then Laurie footchokes her. Stephy is dropkicked into a slam then has her arms both pulled back by Lindsay. Stephy upkicks out and tags in Jen. Jen hits forearms on Laurie then hits back elbows. Jen snapmares and basement dropkicks her for 2. Jen bangs the heels' heads together then Jen is helped into a bodypress onto Laurie. Jen takes a nasty looking double team ddt and Miami's Sweet Heat picks up the win.

It was short and not that great or impressive, but it was okay enough.

Lana Star gets on the mic after. She said they are the most dominant faction in WOW. She said they are unbeatable and said they are all at the back of the line and only get a match if Lana says so. The Tonga Twins come out and argue with Sweet Heat. Lana gets on the mic and asks who let them out and tells someone to come and get them. The heels then walk off.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a bad show. They built up some things and while the matches often did have some sloppy and green moments, the faces were faces and the heels were heels. I really didn't think it was a bad watch at all.

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