Sunday, June 11, 2023

AEW Rampage 6/9/2023

AEW Rampage 6/9/2023

Last week's show is here:

Bandido, Rey Fenix and Penta El Ciero Miedo vs Big Bill, Ethan Page and Lee Moriarty 

Fenix headscissors Page then Page hurricanrana's him. Fenix dropkicks him. Bandido and Lee get in and Lee dances. Bandido flips over a legsweep then 2nd rope tornillo's him. Penta and Bill get in, Penta superkicks him then hits leg kicks. Penta is caught then Bill takes a double superkick from his partners. Penta tries to tope Bill but is hit on his way out.

We go to PiP break and return. Penta hot tags in Bandido and he botches a pop-up spot with Bill. Bandido is irish whipped into a knee then Page does a nice pull into a powerslam for 2. Fenix headscissors Lee over and superkicks Page. Bill takes superkicks then Penta pops up Bandido into a tornillo over the top. Penta hits a made in Japan on Page for 2 then Fenix walks the top rope and kicks Page. BIll takes superkicks and a top rope dropkick from Bandido. Lee spinning forearms Bandido then Fenix rolls into a cutter on Lee.

Fenix walks the top rope and double stomps Lee, who is in the package piledriver position, on the apron. Bandido top rope moonsaults but Page gets his feet up. Page sets up for the razor's edge then The Hardy's and Kassidy come out. They tell him to extend his wrist sleeves then Bandido does his handspring into a german on him and wins it.

There were way too many superkicks here and the finish was lame. The action was fast paced and the match was okay otherwise. I was surprised we didn't get another dive or two here.

We go to QTV. QT says they need to be edgier for AEW Collision. Harley talks about showing her chest, Solo says they should buy the fans ice cream then Harley says they should spill Jim Ross' coffee. QT said that has been done then Solo said they need to make an announcement about making an announcement. QT says they should just have Hobbs go out there and let the fans know what Collision will really be about. 

We get a video for Omega vs Osperay at Forbidden Door

Powerhouse Hobbs vs Caleb Crush

Hobbs back elbows and lariats him. Hobbs hangs him over the top rope then kicks him as he hangs. CC step up enzugiri's him then is splashed on the ropes. Hobbs hits a spinebuster and wins in this short squash.

Wardlow and Arn Anderson are interviewed. Arn says Brock Anderson is fine after being attacked by Luchasaurus. Arn says Christian and Luchasaurus tried to send him a message and said it just happens. Arn said this is a tough business and he made a mistake by not finishing it. Wardlow says when you disrespect him or Arn, it comes at a cost. He talks about Hobbs and Joe like he destroyed them or something and says he has an open challenge on Wednesday with Jake Hager. 

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs The Spanish Announce Project (Angelico, Serpentico and Luther)

Ange hits Bowens early then Bowens dropkicks him. Serp takes corner moves then an atomic drop and a manhattan drop from Max. Max slams Ange and Bowens 2nd rope legdrops his crotch. Serp tries to scissor Billy but Billy decks him.

We go to break and return. Billy beats up the heels then fallaway slams Serp into Luther. Ange upkicks Billy then Bowens superkicks Ange. Serp is racked into a dropkick then Bowens hits the arrival on Luther. Max top rope elbows Luther and wins it.

It was mostly a squash here but it was okay for the little we saw of it. Max did suck it taunts almost through all of this though which is not something I needed to see.

Jeff Jarrett and friends came out. Karen Jarrett said Aubrey Edwards started something that she wants to finish right now. Mark Briscoe and Aubrey then come out. Aubrey says AEW won't sanction a match between them. She says if she sees her she's going to kick her @ss though. Mark gets on the mic and confirms that AEW won't sanction that match but will sanction a mixed trios match. Sonjay asks who their third would be though and Mark said his dad Papa Briscoe will be.

I will be skipping the main event.

Overall thoughts: Of what I saw, it wasn't a bad show with the opening trios match being okay and the other trios match being an okay squash. Hobbs' squash was over as soon as it got started.

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