Sunday, June 11, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #37 5/27/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #37 5/27/2023

Basically, I was going to review Episode #38, but the highlights of Episode #37 caught my interest and I decided to check this out.

We have a School Yard Brawl tonight with The Disciplinarian and Samantha Smart vs Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah Rah.

Gigi Gianni vs Chantilly Chella

They lock up and both take each other down from the lock up position. Chella armdrags her then does a bad roll into more armdrags. They legsweep each other and Chella bridges out of a pin. Chella slingshots in over Gigi then dropkicks her for 2. Dave McClane says the NBA has the Dunk Contest and they should have the Dropkick Contest. That's really not a bad idea at all.

Chella splashes her in the corner and is put over the middle rope. Gigi then drops double knees on her and stands on her. Chella misses a high kick and takes a stroke for 2. Chella does a bad spinebuster for 2 then Gigi chinlocks her. Gigi hits a stiff lariat and then misses a flip on her.

Chella uses the ropes to hurricanrana her then hits kicks. Chella leg sweeps her and meteoras her for 2. Chella is neckbreakered over the 2nd rope then Gigi does a swinging sidewalk slam. Chella armdrags her off her 2nd attempt then cutters her to win it.

The finish was kind of sudden. Chella showed some skill as a face here. The match wasn't anything special.

Amber Rodriguez vs Razor

Razor takes off Amber's nail

The finish

Amber wears a rainbow tiger stripe bodysuit that is quite the fashion statement.

Amber wristlocks her then Razor headlock takeovers her. Razor hits a headbutt then russian legsweeps her for 2. Razor hits a suplex and sentons her for 2. Razor then takes off one of her nails and Amber hits mounted punches. Amber ddt's her knee then Razor rolls her up. Amber works the knee more and puts her in a tequila sunrise. Fury helps Razor reach the ropes and Razor makes her comeback.

Razor hits a stroke for 2 then Amber clips her. Razor grabs her arm and does a clothesline to get the win.

The finish was sudden but Razor was over as a face and did a decent job.  Razor taking off Amber's fake nail was a unique spot. I didn't think it was that bad.

Reina del Rey vs Jennifer Florez

Reina shoves her over early then shoulders her. Jen hits a boot out of the corner and 2nd rope forearms her. Reina then walks out of the way on a corkscrew crossbody attempt. Reina hits a nice forearm and lariats her. Jen hits kicks and top rope crossbodies her. Jen tries some bad rollups then Reina dragon sleepers her. Reina lariats her from behind and wins it.

This was a short squash with Florez not being able to do much against Reina.

Samantha Smart is from Indiana and says she left because she wasn't meant to be somewhere simple. She said her family is full of teachers, so of course she is a teacher. She said she got a full ride to college for teaching and tennis. She said she was truly needed at WOW. She said taking over WOW is diabolical. I don't know if she's trying to be as dry as possible, but she that's what happened during this promo.

The Disciplinarian and Samatha Smart are talking. They rip David McClane for setting up the School Yard Brawl and Smart has packed a bookbag with stuff.

Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah Rah are talking too. Coach packs her bags full of stuff and they grab plyers and pom-pom's.

They then run down the feud between these teams.

School Yard Brawl - The Disciplinarian and Samantha Smart vs Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah Rah

Randi has a badminton racket in her back and is knocked off the apron while doing a split. Smart tries to hit Coach with a ruler but is thrown out. Randi and Coach hit double axe handles off the apron then Randi brings out dodge balls. Randi and Coach throw them at their opponents. Randi misses a badminton racket shot on Smart and Smart bangs her head off the rail. Disciplinarian then slaps Coach with a notebook.

Randi grabs glue and tries to glue Smart's lips together then Smart breaks something over Randi that goes everywhere. Randi hits Smart with books and Coach blows a whistle in Disciplinarian's ear. Disciplinarian is hit with the racket while Smart hits Randi with a ruler. Smart gets an apple put in her mouth and Disciplinarian gets chalk thrown in her eyes.

Randi tries to slingshot rubber bands at smart then smart hits her with a ruler. Randi is slammed on a bookbag then Smart accidentally nails Disciplinarian with a ruler. Smart is pushed with a pom-pom that was loaded with a stapler and Randi picks up the win.

Look, this was ridiculous and silly but it was funny and entertaining. No one is confusing this for some great brawl or weapons match though.

Randi puts glue on a ruler and puts it in Smart's mouth, glueing her mouth shut. Coach and Randi get on the mic after. Coach said Smart didn't quite measure up and said they never give up. Coach said her and Randi ended up on top here.

Overall thoughts: The main was silly, over the top fun. It wasn't realistic in any way of course or that serious, but it was funny. I wouldn't really recommend this one though.

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