Saturday, June 10, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/8/2023 Episode #15

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/8/2023 Episode #15

Last week's show is here: 

I skipped one match. I will try to add more gifs later.

Christopher Daniels vs Kyle Fletcher

They trade basic holds early and Kyle shoulders him over. Daniels trips him then is shouldered over again. Daniels hits an armdrag then hits more. Kyle does a dangerous looking slam and slams him again for 2. Daniels hits some neckbreakers and knee drops him. Daniels backdrops him then does a hammerlock + chin grab submission. Kyle suplexes him and hits running forearms. Kyle backdrops him for 2 then Daniels leg lariats him. Kyle then michinoku drivers him for 2.

Daniels 2nd rope swinging flatliners him for 2 then turns it into a koji clutch. They clothesline each other at the same time then trade shots. Daniels hits a german on him then Kyle suplexes him back. Daniels then does a nasty backdrop on Kyle's neck. Kyle flying kicks him in the corner then does a hammerlock tombstone and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of this. It went too long and just wasn't that interesting. 

Matt Sydal vs Zack Clayton

They shove each other and Matt jumping hurricanrana's him. Matt then spin kicks him for 2. Zack hits a stiff lariat then is hook kicked. Matt standing corkscrew moonsaults him and Kole Carter distracts Matt on the apron. Matt jumps off the top and is caught with a powerslam. Zack then hits mounted forearms.

Zack kicks him in the gut then is ddt'd off a slam attempt. Matt buzzsaw kicks him then Matt hits a tope rope meteora and wins it.

It was mostly a short squash but they kept it interesting and the two matched up well.

Matt gets on the mic after. He said Zack is twice his size and he cut throw him like a buzzsaw. He said he is the best in ROH and wants to be our tv champ. He said if Joe wants to be the king of television, he has to stop him first.

Dralistico vs Willie Mack 

Mack asks for a handshake and Dral teases him then flips him off. Dral kicks him out of the ring then tope con hilos him. Mack is then sent into the steps. Dral springboard swantons him for 2 and basement dropkicks him. Dral hits forearms in the corner and superkicks him in the corner while he's seated. Dral then lays on the top rope and poses over him.

Mack handstands on the buckles in the corner and taunts him then does a running shining wizard. Mack then topes Dral and Jose then dances. Jose grabs Mack's foot as he re-enters then Dral stomps him off the top as he is between the ropes. They trade chest slaps then Mack hits a big forearm. Dral corkscrew kicks him then Mack spinning heel kicks him. Both go down.

Mack messes up a pop-up samoan drop then kips up and standing moonsaults him for 2. Dral gets his knees up on Mack's top rope frogsplash then Dral pumping knees him for 2. Mack pop-up forearms him then Jose gets on the apron. Mack goes up to him and is low-blowed. Dral then pumping knees him and wins it.

This was fun. The ending kind of sucked but I guess it's okay. Mack had some nice stiff shots here and Dral is a pretty consistent dude in the ring. 

Tony Khan comes out with a special announcement. He says we will see Samoa Joe vs Matt Sydal for the TV title next week. He says he will form a board of directors in Ring of Honor then brings out Stokeley Hathaway. Stoke says he loves him and ROH. He goes to say he loves the fans while saying he told him he won't lie anymore. Tony then brings out Jerry Lynn who is also on the board. Jerry thanks him for the opportunity and said he won't be disappointed. 

NJPW Strong Women's Title - Willow Nightingale (c) vs Rachael Ellering

They each do headlock takeovers and Willow avoids an armdrag. Willow sentons her then splashes her. Willow hits suplexes then fisherman's suplexes her for 2. Willow corner lariats her. Rach the flying forearms her into an STO and a bottom rope springboard corkscrew legdrop.

Rach sentons her and they trade corner chops. Willow step-up enzugiri's her then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Willow short arm clotheslines her and hits a black hole slam for 2. Willow pounces her after taking shots then corner cannonballs her. Willow spinebusters her then wins with a camel clutch.

The submission finish didn't really fit the match but it wasn't bad for the girls. Willow getting black hole slammed was a cool spot.

Proving Ground Match - The Embassy (c) vs Marcus Kross, Eli Isom and Cheeseburger

They said The Embassy was representing the Mogul Embassy which was unusual.

Cheeseburger (CB) is wearing rainbow underwear. Why he thought this was a good idea, I don't know. Eli back elbows Cage then top rope crossbodies him but is caught. Eli hits a nice dropkick. Cage pop-up drops him and superkicks him. Toa hits corner spears then does a nice throw on Eli.

CB gets in and hits forearms then takes a stiff back elbow. Toa and Kaun slap and push each other then back splash CB. CB is thrown into a uranage. Kaun hits a chest slap then eye pokes him. Kross gets in and hits forearms then hurricanrana's Kaun. Kaun then flips him with a lariat. Eli is po-up powerbombed by Cage then buckle bombed while Kross is buckle sideslammed. Toa sentons Kross on the apron then he runs over CB outside. Kross is swung into a huge powerbomb and The Embassy win it.

It was a fun squash as always with The Embassy and Kross bumped big here.

Mercedes Martinez vs Vertvixen

Vert armdrags her then hits a nice dropkick. Vert headflips then runs into a facekick. MM stretches her on the mat and they trade forearms. MM backdrops her then Vert hits some clubs to the chest. Vert slingshots in to a a rolling stunner then hits a blue thunder bomb for 2.

MM half-nelson suplexes her then does a bridging neckbreaker for 2. MM forearms her in the back of the neck then does a surfboard style dragon sleeper to win it.

It was short and it was okay for what it was with the girls hitting some hard shots.

Lee Moriarty vs Griff Garrison

This is the first we've seen of Griff in months since his injury. Lee takes him down, cartwheels over him and gt kicks him. Griff then hits a facekick. Lee yanks his arm down over the top then pounds on him. Griff hits lariats and a big slam. Griff flying splashes him in the corner and lariats him again. Lee tries to crossbody him but is caught in a powerslam.

Griff does a nice headscissors then spinning forearms him for 2. Lee then kind of eye pokes him the ngrabs the tights and pins him out of nowhere.

It was short and Griff looked more impressive here than Lee did.

Kiera Hogan vs Robyn Renegade

Robyn shoulders her over then Kiera hip attacks her over the middle rope. Kiera step up legdrops her for 2 then is thrown into the post. Robyn stomps her in the corner then pulls her arm while tying it around the bottom rope. Robyn arm throws her then works the arm.

Robyn hits chops then Kiera hits forearms and cross chops. Kiera mudhole stomps her and running hip attacks her against the bottom rope. Kiera baseball slides her and she rolls out. Robyn and her twin try to switch but are caught then have their heads banged together by Kiera. Kiera high kicks and superkicks her for the win.

I don't know why they always have the twins blow the switcheroo spot, but it was an okay match otherwise. Robyn heeled it up, Kiera got some offense in then Robyn got caught cheating and was beaten.

Athena nails Kiera from behind after, tries to hit her with a kendo stick but the stick bounces off the rope into her. Kiera then hits her with it several times and Athena rolls out.

The Dark Order vs The Workhorsemen and Shane Taylor

They waste no time in hitting each other with all 6 men going at it. Silver hits chest kicks on Shane then is slapped. Silver running euros Shane then Silver and Uno pound on Shane in the corner and kick him. Alex forearms Shane and is pushed off then Alex dropkicks him. Alex is leg swept by Henry from the outside then Shane knees Alex. Henry pounds on Alex then JD slingshot sentons Alex.

JD belly to belly suplexes Alex then Shane splashes Alex for 2. JD cannonballs Alex in the corner then Alex takes a double team stunner. Henry top rope double stomps Alex for 2. Alex stunners Shane over th etop rope then Uno gets the hot tag in. Uno hits chops on both Henry and JD then he slaps Henry. Uno brainbusters Henry then he trades shots with Shane.

Uno hits chops then is punched by Shane. JD accidentally dropkicks Shane and Silver double stomps Shane off the apron. Uno sky high's JD. Henry is held up and flipped under by Silver then JD takes the Dark Order's combo that ends in a german. Alex picks up the win on JD.

It was on the shorter end and there was nothing wrong with it.

The Righteous and Stu Grayson are interviewed. Dutch says The Dark Order don't impress him. Stu says the same then says they aren't The Dark Order that's willing to kick the door down. Vincent said what they did was interesting and tells them if they thought what they did was bad, tune in next week. Vincent was good here, motioning like a crazy person and looking unstable. 

The Kingdom vs El Dragon and El Cobarde

Taven cartwheels over Cobarde then Cobarde flips out of a hiptoss and dropkicks him. Mike and Dragon trade chest chops and forearms. Mike somehow starts bleeding badly from this.Dragon flips over a double clothesline then does a double hurricanrana on both Kingdom members. He then corkscrew dives on Taven then Mike hits his rebound clothesline outside. Cobarde tope con hilos Mike then Dragon runs into a superkick. Dragon is forearmed into a blue thunder then Mike suplexes Dragon. Taven misses a top rope frogsplash then Cobarde top rope crossbodies him.

We get a double leapfrog and Taven takes a 3D for 2. Taven lariats Dragon off the apron and Dragon flips for it onto the floor. Cobarde takes a death valley driver and a running knee. Kingdom then hit the protonpack and grab the win.

It was short, fast paced and entertaining. The luchadores got to show off a little and Mike getting busted open so bad was something. I'd be up for a rematch.

Maria kisses Mike after and has blood all over her face from it. 

Tony Khan comes out with Jerry Lynn and Stokeley Hathaway. Stokeley says Action Andretti was talking trash about how he could beat the Embassy and Stoke said it should be AA vs the entire Embassy. Tony then says we should do a trios title match with The Embassy vs Andretti, Darius Martin and AR Fox. Stoke said that's what he meant to say. Khan said Stokeley said there should not be any more lucha on the show. Tony said they have Bandido's brother, Gravity, up next on the show against Rey Fenix.

Rey Fenix vs Gravity

Gravity comes out in an astronaut suit. Gravity takes him down to start. They leg sweep each other then do a stand off. They mess up some hold and Gravity kind of has to handstand into it, then they stare down again. Gravity goes over Rey then walks in slow motion before armdragging him. Gravity headscissors him out then is dropkicked.

Fenix kicks him in the back of the head as he is seated then he ties him up by pulling his arm and sitting on his head. Fenix superkicks him then Gravity does an interesting armdrag. Gravity then jumps off the inner 2nd rope to dive on him. Fenix rolls and gets powerslammed then Gravity standing moonsaults him for 2. Gravity then reverse cradle shocks him for 2.

Fenix springboard spin kicks him and buckingham drops him for 2. Gravity rolls him up then powerbombs him out of the triangle for 2. Gravity misses a top rope splash then Fenix walks the top rope and kicks him. Gravity hits a nice crucifix driver for 2 then buzzsaw kicks him. They trade chest slaps and Fenix rolls into a cutter. Fenix does a stiff fire thunder driver variation and wins it.

It was decent. Not great and Gravity is still green, but they didn't overdo it, it had some highlights and kept my attention. I would not expect to see Gravity on the main roster anytime soon. The announcers mentioned that they'd like to see the Lucha Bros vs Bandido and Gravity and I'm sure that will happen at some point.

Overall thoughts: Wrestling wise, it was good show with a bunch of decent matches. I didn't like how the main was done as Gravity was put out there completely out of the blue and of course lost in his debut. Tony Khan's announcement segments were also not good as usual. I still feel like there are some continuity issues with people missing randomly, but I think the show is headed on the right path.

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