Saturday, June 10, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 6/9/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 6/9/2023

Last week's show is here:

Tavion Heights vs Nathan Frazer

Tav picks him up and slams him down a few times. Tav hits corner spears then headlock takeovers him. NF flips out of the corner and flatliners him into the buckles. NF comes off the 2nd rope and is belly to belly suplexed. Tav puts him in a buffalo sleeper variation and is armdragged out of it.

NF rolls him up then takes a big release german and a dominator. NF comes back with an enzugiri then hits running forearms. NF springboards but flips out of a german and superkicks him. NF then wins it with a phoenix splash.

This was on the shorter end of things but it was a good match. Tav looked good throwing Frazer around and Frazer did a good job bumping for him.

Luca Crusifino is interviewed about his match with Myles Borne tonight. He says he has an inspirational story but potential doesn't lead to victories. He said Myles lacks the instinct he has from the legal field and he said he will come out victorious.  He took offense to his victorious being attributed to luck and said it's not luck, it's strategy. He said that edge that he got from being a lawyer will lead him to victory. Kelly the interviewer then asked if he does parking tickets and he threw a card at her.

Myles Borne vs Luca Crusifino

Luca tries to roll out of an armbar but Myles rolls with him. Myles rolls out of an armlock and trips him. Myles has a hammerlock on and Luca pulls him into the 2nd rope. Luca then lariats him against it. Myles is whipped hard into the buckles and Luca legdrops him. Luca then does his hiptoss into a neckbreaker for 2.

Luca does a cobra clutch variation on him. Myles backdrops him. Myles belly to belly suplexes him into another then rolls him into a suplex. Luca gets tied up by Myles for 2 then tries more pin attempts. Luca blocks his la magistral attempt and pins him.

It was pretty basic and Myles didn't get a ton of offense in here. It wasn't that interesting but not awful either. It's really kind of odd that Luca is picking up these wins, but I guess they see potential in him. 

Dante Chen vs Charlie Dempsey

 CD hammerlocks him and armdrags him. Chen flips him via the arm and CD kind of rolls out of it. CD does a northern lights suplex variation twice then flips over to get on top of him. Chen bridges and CD uses it to armbar him. CD rolls him then Chen kips up hits armdrags.

Chen backslides him for 2. They do some chain wrestling and Chen does a nice irish whip with a bridge to put him into the buckles. CD hits a nice gutwrench suplex for 2. Chen slams him out of the cravate but CD holds on then does a nice move to keep the cravate on. Chen backdrops him and hits strikes against the ropes. Chen palm strikes him and atomic drops him. Chen hits a pump kick and CD goes to the apron to avoid a move. Chen gets him in and CD does a nice dragon screw off a blocked pump kick. CD then hooks his legs and does a very nice STF variation to win it.

It was a decent match. They did some nice technical wrestling and CD won with a nice submission. I thought for sure they were going to have Gulak interfere here when Chen was on the apron. CD continues to look like the best technical wrestler in the company.

Overall thoughts: 2 of the 3 matches were good here but I wouldn't say it was a must see show.

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