Thursday, June 22, 2023

AEW Dynamite 6/21/2023

AEW Dynamite 6/21/2023

Last week's show is here:

The Hardy's vs The Gunn's

Matt hits shots on Austin early then Austin is double shouldered and double fist dropped. Austin takes a double suplex and Jeff jumps off Matt's back to splash Colten. Jeff hits a whisper in the wind on Colten. Jeff is hit from behind on the apron then Colten stomps him and does his pose. Colten suplexes him for 2.

Austin is thrown out of the ring then Jeff jawbreakers Colten. Matt gets the hot tag in, beats up the Gunns then hits a side effect. Matt hits a twist of fate on Austin for 2. Colten does a double underhook twisitng neckbreaker on Matt. Jeff double ddt's both Gunns at the same time does a double leg drop on their crotches. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Colten. Juice Robinson and Jay White come down and Jeff is pushed off the buckles. Jeff then takes a 310 to Yuma and loses.

This wasn't good. Jeff's trying but he doesn't move well anymore and he never learned to work smarter like Matt did.

The Hardy's were attacked after by Juice and Jay White. Ricky Stars and FTR came out to make the save. CM Punk then came out to help out FTR nd Juice got out before taking a go to sleep. 

Punk got on the mic after and said we could do the fight here or at Collision. Punk then said he was a Collision guy and wasn't supposed to be here and said he'd see them at Collision.

I didn't like Punk being brought out for this without hype in the opener as it buries him.

Jeff Jarrett and friends talked said they'd kick Mark's @ss in the concessions stand brawl tonight.

Concession Stand Brawl - Jeff Jarrett vs Mark Briscoe

Mark was hit with a bun and then popcorn before it started. Mark hit punches and hit him with a trash can. JJ tipped a table over then was thrown into it. Mark hit him with the trash can then threw him into a column. MArk sprayed ketchup and mustard on him then hit him with a pile of hot dogs. Mark was banged into the hot dog stand then Karent Jarrett came out dressed like a conecession stand worker and put ketchup in Mark's eyes.

Mark put JJ on a table and climbed a ladder. Someone went up behind him on the ladder and pushed him off of it onto a table. That person was then revealed to be Sonjay Dutt. Break began and Mark and Dutt threw hot dogs at each other. They then went on the steps where Mark fought with Dutt. Mark punched Jarrett on the stairs and they fought down to ringside. Dutt was thrown over the rail and Mark hit JJ with a chair. Mark threw a chair at JJ then Lethal hit Mark.

JJ hit Mark with a chair as we returned. Mark is stomped 3v1. Jay grabs a table but Papa Briscoe is there then Papa chokeslams him through a table. Papa lariats JJ and Dutt then Karen low blows him. Satnam Singh gets in the ring and chokeslams Mark. Christopher Daniels and Best Friends then come out to help as do the Lucha Bros. They 5v1 superkick Singh then Fenix springboard splashes him to the outside. Penta superkicks JJ then Mark rolls up JJ and wins it.

It was wild as expected with lots of shenanigans and interference. Not a great match or anything though not boring. I didn't like Papa watching his son take a 3v1 though and not do anything about it.

Callis and Takeshita are with the Blackpool Combat Club in the back. Mox says the BCC is all that matters and said they defined wrestling in 2023. They want a 5v5 with the Elite at Forbidden Door with Shota Umino joining the BCC. Danielson said he challenged Okada to a face to face, but he's not even here. Bryan says Okada will be nothing but an amateur when he faces him. He said he will be an amateur and a coward if he doesn't show up tonight.

Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Minoru Suzuki vs Darius Martin, AR Fox and Action Andretti

AA and Sammy try to superkick each other at the same time early. Darius hits chots on Suzuki then  Suzuki knocks him down with forearms. Darius takes a double shoulder then Jericho poses and Suzuki poses with him. AR lariats Jericho in the corner and superkicks him in the gut. Sammy hits AR from the apron then Jericho lariats AR over. We go to break and return. AR hits a step up enzugiri on Sammy.

AA hits forearms on Jericho then AA ducks Jericho's lariat and topes Sammy. AA springboards onto Jericho then shotgun dropkicks him. Sammy jumps off the top and hits double cutters on his opponents then AR top rope dropkicks him. Jricho chops AR then AR does his springboard imploding 450 outside. AA springboard enzugiri's Jericho then running ssp's him for 2.

Sammy does a standing spanish fly on AA then AA twisting brainbusters an opponent. Suzuki gotch style piledrivers AR then is pump kicked. Jericho codebreakers AA then Darius backrolls him. Darius comes off the top and is caught with a walls of jericho. Jericho then submits him and wins it.

The result was never really in doubt here. It was real fast paced and a lot of people coming in and out. I didn't think it was particularly special.

Rene interviews Jericho and his partners. Jericho said him and Sting being in the ring at the same time was a monumental moment in history. Jericho says he knows who Sting is and how selfish and egotistical he is. Jericho challenged him to a 6-man at forbidden Door. Sting then came out. Sting said they had a moment last week but he needs some time with him. He said he accepts his lame challenge. He said he has a partner for Sunday with Darby and Darby told him Jericho will found out who it is on Collision.

We do the draw for the Blind Eliminator Tag Tournament but they don't tell us who the teams are or what the matches are. This was stupid.

The Elite do a promo. They say they only have 3 people for a 5v5. Kenny said a lot of people hate the BCC though and they found a friend, who is Eddie Kingston. Eddie walks in and says he isn't their friend. He said he doesn't like or respect them but hates Claudio more. Eddie said he will pick the 5th person and said he will make the announcement, but not right now I guess.

Adam Cole comes out. Cole said MJF gave him one of his toughest matches but he didn't win. He said MJF didn't win either. Cole says MJF never beat him and tells him to come down and talk about a rematch. MJF comes out. He said Cole came back and was better than ever last week. He said he dragged it out of him and should thank him. MJF said he had him beat if the time didn't run out.

MJF said no rematch as he was worried about his health and wellbeing. Cole said they should fight now and he will whoop him. Tony Schiavone then gets on the mic from the announcers desk and both tell him to shut up at the same time. Tony said Cole and MJF will be partners in the Blind Elimination Tournament. Cole said he won't team with him and MJF is mad at having to wrestle again. Cole and MJf then argue.

Hiroshi Tanahashi then does a taped video. He calls him a coward and dares him to show up at Forbidden Door. MJF yells at Tana and Cole said he is worried that MJF thinks Tana is better than him. Cole calls him a coward and much like the Cole/MJF match, MJF got mad and accepted the challenge against Tana. Cole then says, "good luck, partner".

This was a mess and sucked in multiple ways.

Orange Cassidy and Katsuyori Shibata vs Daniel Garcia and Zack Sabre Jr.

Zack and KS mat wrestle early. OC and Garcia tease going for a test of strength but don't. OC takes him down and hooks both legs then Garcia gets on his back and slaps the back of his head. Oc does a horrible rope walk and is pulled down then taken down. Garcia then rides his back and slaps the back of his head again before dancing.

Garcia dances more and hits corner punches then Garcia splits the crotch in his pants. Zack headscissors KS and KS handstands out. They fight for submissions. Garcia gets in and they trade shots. Garcia gets back in and does more dancing to OC then OC dances. OC dropkicks him with his hands in his pockets. Zack ges in and snapmares OC then twists his neck. Zack and Garcia grab parts of OC at the same time and Zack stomps on OC's leg.

We go to break as Zack euros OC on the floor. We return from break and OC cutters Zack. KS gets the hot tag in and hits shots on Zack. Zack kicks KS in the arm. The faces make their comeback and hit stereo forearms and dropkicks in the corner. OC topes Zack then KS dropkicks Garcia in the corner and underhook suplexes him. OC ddt's Zack then takes a facekick from Garcia. Garcia lariats Ks then takes a facekick. KS pump kicks him and facekicks Zack. OC accidentally hits KS with an orange punch and Garcia rolls up Shibata to win.

This was long and not good. I have no idea what they were thinking here, but I would have rather watched anything else. Garcia split his pants and we had the usual dumb stuff from OC.

Garcia and Zack fight over the International Title. Shibata and OC join in then they announce a 4-way for the International Title between him.

Will Osperay is interviewed by Alex in the back. Will says he is used to fighting in civilized countries. He said he needs security. Don Callis goes up to him and said he agrees. Don says Kenny has been inciting his fanbase to violence. Don said he needs special security and says he will give Will his own military grade security. Will asks what he wants and Don said he wants a fair fight and a 1, 2, 3.

Toni Storm said Willow is common folk and represents the people. Toni said she doesn't rep the people. Willow said she doesn't love Toni's character or attitude. Toni tells her not to worry about her attitude and to worry about what will happen to her at Forbidden Door.

TBS Title - Kris Statlander (c) vs Taya Valkyrie

Kris shoulders her over then hits corner chops. Kris bangs her head off the buckles then Taya slaps her as she charges at her. They trade more chops then Kris handstands into a twisting legdrop. Kris moonsaults off the apron onto her. Kris is dropkicked off the apron and we go to break. We return and see clips of them high kicking each other at the same time. Kris hits punches then running knees her in the corner. Kris hits a spinning falcon arrow and Taya hits a la rosa driver. Taya sliding germans her then Kris superplexes her. Kris then package tombstones her and wins it.

This was longer than it needed to be and wasn't good.

Eddie Kingston came out looking like a bum like usual. Eddie said he needed to put a shirt on as he had surgery and ate a lot of ice cream. Eddie said Mox was mad that he's teaming up with the Young Bucks and Eddie said he can't stand Claudio at all. Mox then comes out without music. Mox said Eddie is drawing a line at the ppv. Eddie then said he drew the line teaming up with Claudio. Eddie said the 5th man on his team at the PPV will be Tomohiro Ishii. The BCC then jumps Eddie and Ishii. Danielson calls out Okada then Okada comes out. Okada and Danielson stare down. Yuta hits Okada from behind then Bryan accidentally flying knees Yuta. Bryan then runs out of the ring on a rainmaker attempt. Okada then rainmakers Yuta.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this show. What they are doing is a mess and while smarks might like it, the negatives vastly outweigh the positives. People are just being put on these shows and in matches without a lot of explanation or reason to care. It sucks in the short term and it sucks in the longterm too, because they probably won't be used much after the PPV. They are also trying to mix some of their ongoing storylines with it. It makes for a very weird soup that doesn't make much sense and varies from person to person. And even if you are a Japanese wrestling fan, I still think it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. There's also been very little build to the two double main events at Forbidden Door.

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