Tuesday, June 20, 2023

WWE NXT 6/20/2023

WWE NXT 6/20/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/06/wwe-nxt-6132023.html

NXT North American Title - Special Guest Ref: Mustafa Ali: Wes Lee (c) vs Tyler Bate

No entrance for anyone here. They lock up and Lee flips over Bate while he's on the mat. Bate armdrags and headlock takeovers him and Ali does quick counts. Bate does under, over and back under him but is rolled up. Wes questions Ali counting speed and they argue. Bate then questions Ali's counting speed and they argue. Wes and Bate push each other and roll outside off the lock up.

We go to PiP break and return. They lariat each other at the same time and Wes flip sells for his lariat. Bate 2nd rope euros him then exploders him. Bate rebound lariats him for 2. They go up top and fight and Bate falls down into the ring while Wes falls outside. Ali counts and slaps around Wes to wake him up. Ali then grabs bate and tells him to fight. Wes then does his backflip kick and beats Bate.

The match wasn't that long but the Ali stuff was interesting. I don't think it was their best work and it felt like they were planning for a match that was 10-15 minutes longer. 

We get a Gigi Dolin video. She talks about how she likes art and says she has been rejected by friends, family and life. She said this is what makes her unique  and says she has the freedom to create anything she wants.

Kiana James is interviewed. She said Gigi's art is a waste of real estate. She said she is fueled by results and said she grew up unlike Gigi. She said she has ambition but Gigi can't even spell it.

Chase U is in the back and heading in for the pep rally. 

Chase U Pep Rally

Duke says Thea will become the youngest NXT women's champ and Thea runs through one of those breakable signs. Thea's wearing a singlet and says htis is the best day of her life. There's a "Hail Yeah" sign. Thea said she didn't want to go to college, she was training to be become a WWE star. She said she just graduated high school as well. Dempsey and Gulak ask what they got themselves into. Thea thanks Andre Chase, who she says is at home and says Duke is the MVp of Chase U. Duke gets his own MVP chant going then Thea thanks Dempsey and Gulak. She says she will give Tiff Stratton an Andre Chase U sized @ss whooping and Duke asks for a "Hail Yeah".

Tiffany Stratton comes out and calls this horrible. She said Thea was nobodies pick to win the battle royale and said she got lucky. She said she has a 0% chance of winning next week. Duke says Thea will take the title from her and says he believes in Thea. Tiff says Thea won't beat her or tap her out then Thea grabs her and taps her with a kimura.

Schism talk in the back. Gacy is asking why. Jagger said Gacy's misfortunes affected all of them. Ava Raine takes offense to this. Gacy said he will look inside himself and says togetherness is what's most important. Ava said their tree will not fall from one chop and they can't change what happened tonight, just what happens going forward.

Diamond Mine are in the gym. They are watching the Schism flip out. Julius says they are a serious threat and a cancer to NXT. He says they will be the ones to send them packing from NXT. They then all make fun of each others looks.

NXT Anonymous films Lyra and Jacy talking in the back. Lyra asks if she has a problem with her. Jacy said what she said to her was just locker room chatter.

#1 Contenders - Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs vs Edris Enofe and Malik Blade vs Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

Briggs facekicks Tank hard to start then knocks Hank off the apron. Jensen is knocked off the apron then Briggs takes a facekick into a reverse slingblade. Enofe is double slammed by B&J then Hank is too. Gallus are shown watching this on the inset. Hank hits ab ig shoulder on Enofe and is wearing a button down sleeveless shirt which is different. Jensen hits a nice dropkick on Tank then B&J both slide out to punch Hank and Tank but get dove on by Enofe and Blade. Hank and Tank then do vader bombs dvives to the outside.

Hank hits a bubba bomb on Blade and we go to break. Enofe takes a spinning heel kick then B&J slide out and double punch Hank and Blade. Blade is thrown int othe ropes from the outside and lariated. Enofe then jumps off of Briggs' back and dropkicks Hank. Hank has Enofe for a ddt then Briggs facekicks Hank. Hank flying elbows Briggs and Blade jumps high for a blockbuster. Tank throws Blade across the ring with a fallaway sslam then takes a neckbreaker.

Jensen gutwrench powerbombs Blade onto Tank then Tank takes a hart attack. Blade top rope frogsplashes Tank and picks up the win for this team.

It was a very fast paced spotfest type of match. They had 3 people in at all times so it couldn't be much else. They did good here and it was entertaining without going overboard.

Gallus talks in the back then Angel Garza and Humberto Carillo says they are lucky they weren't in the match or the tag titles would be theirs.

Eddy Thorpe is doing dj'ing and Damon Kemp comes in. Kemp says Raw Underground comes to NXT in 2 weeks. He says it'll be in a ring with no ropes.

Roxanne Perez then jumps Blair Davenport in the back.

Seth Rollins talks to Nathan Frazer in the locker room. Seth said he has a giant cup that heh as to carry everywhere. Seth said he's proud of him and the performer he has become and tells him to have fun with the cup. Melo and Trick then come in. Melo says he's the NXT champ and Seth laughs. Seth said he knows who they are and Melo said he wants to pay his respect. Melo looks at the belt and Seth says eyes up here. Seth says to worry about his title and asks if he will beat Corbin next week .Melo asks if he's ready for Bron and he says he doesn't miss. Melo then gives him al ook for it and they end on a positive note.

Dana Brooke vs Cora Jade

They shove each other and Dana hits corner spears. Cora goes to run out and is caught then Dana pounds on her on the mat. Dana hiptosses her and cartwheels into a superkick. Dana slams her then handstands into a splash. Cora footchokes her in the corner. Dana handsprings, gets caught and does a headscissors. Dana then single leg dropkicks her. Dana flips off the apron to the floor then Cora jumping knees her.

Dana cartwheels and holds her knee. She screams and yells, "my knee". Cora accuses her of faking it (and I think she's right). We go to break and Dana is put on a gurney. Cora grabs her off of it and they keep fighting. Cora chop blocks her and bangs her leg off the mat. Dana flapjacks her then isses a vader bomb. Cora single leg crabs her and the ref stops it.

I don't know if Dana was down here to get help or to help out, but she wasn't that good here. I don't know why they did the match they did as they really went all out to protect Dana for some odd reason. The match wasn't that good and Cora looked better than Dana did.

Dana is put on the gurney after.

We see Von Wagner and Mr. Stone talking in an empty arena. Von says this is where they started. Stone asks about Von's kid's picture. Von says baby skulls were st to stretch and grow, but his didn't. He said it limited brain growth and said he had to get surgery. He said he was cut from ear to ear and said he was given a life. He said he was in intensive care and is lucky to be alive. Von said the scarring on his head was bad and said he got called a monster. He said all he could do is take it because he looked different. Von said parents told their kids not to look at him. Stone said he understands and Von said that's enough for today.

Eddy Thorpe, Scrypts and Axiom are watching Raw Underground clips. Eddy says he has 2 weeks to put together a fight camp. Gable Steveson then walks in. He said he heard he needs a training partner and says if anyone knows Damon Kemp, it's him. That's Kemp's brother by the way.

Baron Corbin and Carmelo Hayes are having a face to face. Corbin says having the NXT title doesn't mean he made it. Corbin says there nothing he can say or do that he hasn't seen. Melo said he never seen an NXT title reign or the respect of the people. Melo said he accepts the challenge. Corbin says he does and says what he wants and doesn't care what anyone thinks. Melo said he has sent other challengers packing and said there is no difference between him and them. Melo brings up Happy Corbin and Corbin said it bought him an 8 million dollar house. Corbin says let's compare bank accounts, lifestyles and Mania moments.

Melo said he used to be that and asked what happened. Melo said Corbin had a decade on him and said he won the NXT Breakout tournament when Corbin was getting cut from the Airzona Cardinals. Melo said he gives him credit and said this isn't Black and Gold vs the new NXT guys. Melo said he won't meet his expectation,s he will create new expectations of his own. Melo told him to check the deed if he thinks this is his house. He said he put new doors, windows and a new roof in this house, because he tore it off many times. He said he is still him. Corbin says if you have to tell people, you are him, you are a nobody. Corbin says he is insignificant. Corbin said he would usually leave him laying at this point but he doesn't need to. He said he will take his title, drive his porsche and go to his big house. He said his wife will pour him alcohol that he can't afford and will say today is a good day. Corbin then interrupted him and said the lesson is over.

This was a pretty good segment with both guys doing well on the mic.

Feroz and Leon talk in the back then Dragon Lee walks in. He said he will be watching Nathan Frazer then walks in and says "gracias" for last week. He said he wouldn't have won without them. Lee congratulates him. NF said Seth told him to take care of people who helped him and NF says he will give him the first shot at the Heritage Cup.

We see Gallus leaving the building. 2 of them get picked up and Coffey gets a phone call where he is called a rat. Stacks hits him with the car door then throws him into the trunk and drives off.

Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon vs Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend

They fight outside to start and Feroz is thrown onto the steps. Leon handspring armdrags JJ then Lash pulls out Leon. Leon is having trouble getting up and is thrown in. Leon takes a 2v1 with JJ hitting punches and a chop. Lash splashes Leon for 2 then bangs her head off the mat. Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice then come out. Leon is lifted for a cutter.

Leon hiptosses JJ then Feroz and Lash get in. Feroz hits leg kicks then back hook kicks Lash. Feroz meteora's her in the corner then top rope hurricanrana's her. Feroz meteora's her and kicks Oro Mensah. She dives on him. Oro catches her then Leon tope con hilo's Oro. Lash facekicks Feroz and wins it.

It was short and I really don't know if the knee injury on Leon was a work or not. 

The camera guy gets caught running in front of the announcer's as they talk in a rare moment.

WWE Title - Seth Rollins (c) vs Bron Breakker

Seth leapfrogs over him, goes under him and they end up doing a stand off. Bron is pulled to the outside then Seth knees him off the apron. We go to break and return. Bron has a bearhug on Seth then hurricanrana's him. Bron overhead suplexes him then release germans him. Bron goes for a corner spear but nails the post. Seth hits kicks and a spinning lariat.

Bron rolls out of the ring and Seth topes him three times. Seth lariats him outside then clears the announcers table. Bron is superkicked and lands on the table then Seth top rope frogsplashes him through the table.

We then go to a 2nd break. We return and Seth rolls him up. Seth superkicks him and gets his taped ribs hurt. Bron puts him in the camel clutch and Seth ropebreaks. Bron hurricanrana's him then hits a gorilla press powerslam for 2. Seth pedigrees him for 2 and is speared for 2. Bron comes off the top and takes a superkick then Seth curb stomps him. Seth hits another curbstomp and wins it.

It felt kind of rushed and the two breaks really hurt a lot of this one. They matched up well, but if you were looking for a great story or something, this wasn't it.

Seth poses with the title after and is jumped by Finn Balor. Finn beats up on him  and fights security. Seth has his ribs rammed into the apron then Finn chairs him in the ribs and the back. Melo and Trick end up making the save for Seth.

Overall thoughts: It was a better night outside of the ring then inside of it. The women's matches were not good, but the Melo/Corbin segment was. The three way was probably the best thing on this show and Frazer/Wes Lee was disappointing.

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