Friday, June 23, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/22/2023 Episode #17

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/22/2023 Episode #17

Last week's show is here:

Tony Khan, Stokeley Hathaway, Jerry Lynn and Samoa Joe were together. Tony said they were celebrating a year of dominance for Samoa Joe and gave him a new TV title. Jerry Lynn was going to stay something then Stoke interrupted and took the belt. Joe said it's a big night of return and he can't think of a better way to celebrate than breaking Tony's boy's face tonight. All of the authority figured then looked confused as to what to do. 

Lucha Bros, El Hijo del Vikingo and Komander vs Serpentico, Kip Sabian, Butcher and The Blade

Vik handsprings against the ropes and Serp slides under him. Vik flips over him and eventually is monkey flipped into the buckles. Serp powerbombs Vik then Vik corkscrew kicks him seconds later. Komander and Butcher go at it. Komander takes a knee on the apron then is put into the rails. Serp superkicks him outside and Kip arabian moonsaults him. Butcher then hits a stiff lariat. Kip sentons him in the corner then Butcher hits a half-nelson backbreaker on Komander.

Kip fisherman suplexes him for 2. Komander does something on the ropes, but they cut away so we can't see it then Komander handspring tornado ddt's Kip. Penta sling blades Blade and Kip then Penta rolls Kip and ddt's Blade off of it. Fenix springboard crossbodies 2 heels then springboard spin kicks Butcher. The heels take 4 superkicks at the same time. Penta takes a hard punch from Butcher then takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo. Kip top rope double stomps Penta for 2.

The heels take 4 stereo superkicks then the heels take the star/rowboat. Penta then canadian destroyers Serp in the middle of it. Vik goes up top, takes forever then corkscrew dives Butcher and Blade. Fenix springboard crossbodies Kip then Penta package piledrivers Serp to win it.

It was very fast paced and was mostly just big moves with no break in between.

The faces all dance together after.

Gringo Loco vs Willie Mack

Loco armlocks him and Mack rolls through it and punches him. Loco goes up and over and does flips out of the corner. Mack then cartwheels out of his headscissors and Loco does the same thing back to him. They then stand off.  Mack hits a ddt and hits running attacks. Mack sentons him in the corner then chinlocks him. Mack hits a samoan drop then does his kip up and standing moonsaults him for 2.

Loco double jump moonsaults Mack then tope con hilos him. Loco misses a corkscrew moonsault off the top then takes a sky high for 2. Mack hits a big forearm then Loco spinning enzugiri's him. Mack then running shining wizards him. Loco top rope spanish flies him and wins it.

It was short and they didn't overdo it, but it was most definitely an indy match. Not the smartest match ever but it was entertaining.

Allysin Kay vs Trish Adora

Kay knees her in the gut then Trish northern lights suplexes her. Trish does a standing AT lock and Kay just kind of throws her at the ropes. Kay hits mounted punches then does a bad neckbreaker for 2. Trish has her head banged off the apron and is piefaced. Trish germans her as she is on her knees. Trish does a forearm and throws her shoulder into the top buckle. 

Trish suplexes her for 2 then Kay germans her. Trish hits a lariat and they call it "lariat Tubman" which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Trish then wins it.

This sucked. Most of what Kay did looked real sloppy and I really don't see anything in Trish.

Kyle Fletcher vs Silas Young

Silas has put a lot of weight on since the original ROH ended. Silas kips up and cartwheels out of an armlock. They shoulder each other on two different instances then Silas hits forearms. Kyle facekicks him off the apron then plancha's him. Kyle takes a stun gun then is thrown hard into the ropes. Kyle suplexes Silas then backdrops him.

Silas face kicks him then tiger suplexes him. Kyle hits a brainbuster for 2. Silas springboard clotheslines him then backbreakers him into a lariat. Silas does a rolling death valley driver and misses his corner flip. Kyle superkicks him then does his lifting hammerlock reverse ddt.

I didn't think it was anything special and I wasn't that interested in this.

The Embassy vs Trenton Storm, AZJ and Luke Kurtis

The Embassy have fire shooting up for their entrance. Toa grabs a handshake and refuses to let go. One of the jobbers get nailed by him with his robe still on. Toa chokes him over the 2nd rope and they mess up a corner spear. Toa hits a big back body drop then is ddt'd by Kurti. Toa belly to belly suplexes Kurtis.

Storm and Cage go at it. Storm hits a nice dropkick then is lariated. Cage blocks a hurricanrana then hits a nice german on him. AJZ and Kaun trade forearms and AJZ pop-up slaps him. AJZ is cuttered over the top rope then Kaun running back elbows him on the floor. Cage pop up powerbombs Kurtis then Kaun sideslams AJZ on the top rope. Toa sentons him on the apron and the heels hit triple moves and get the win.

It was just a squash. The graphic said AZJ is how you say his name but the announcers said it was AJZ. I have no idea which one was right.

Dalton Castle vs Josh Woods

Woods grabs him and does a nice roll and facelocks him on the mat. They block each others hiptosses and Dalton is yanked hard throat/shoulder first into the top rope. Dalton short arm lariats him then short ddt's him. Woods is put over the top buckle and Dalton flying knees him.

Mark Sterling gets on the apron and The Boys get him off of it. Nese then distracts Dalton and Woods knocks Dalton off the apron into the rail. Dalton is seated on the 2nd rope and german suplexed. Dalton hits a nice lariat then does a nice overhead suplex. Dalton then grabs his foot and backdrops him. Woods jumps at him and is caught with a nice german for 2.

Woods kicks Dalton in the gut then hits a big punch. Dalton goes for the bangaran but Sterling helps Woods get out. Woods forearms him then hits a gutwrench powerbomb. Woods then knees him for 2. Dalton back elbows him and kicks Nese off the apron. Woods is lariated over the top then Dalton throws Brandon into a tope on Nese. Brent is then throw at Nese too. Woods goes for a leapfrog and takes a bangarang for the Dalton win.

Dalton and Woods matched up well together. The interference didn't really help it and the match would have been better without it.

Stokeley Hathaway talks then The Kingdom walk in. Taven said he's been in power a week and they haven't heard from him. They want to know when their tag title shot is coming. Stoke said they should earn them while he is watching. He said the stuff that happened in the past is in the past. Mike says he heard The Infantry talk trash about Stoke. Stoke then comes back to talk and is interrupted by The Infantry. Stoke said he heard they were talking trash. Bravo told Stoke that The Kingdom were taking bets on his job. Dean says he respects Stoke and says to let them take care of The Kingdom. Stoke agrees and tells them to take off their glasses as they look ridiculous.

The Kingdom vs The Infantry

Dean hits armdrags and a dropkick on Mike. The Infantry hit a bad double team sequence with an elbow drop and a splash. Taven gets in and has his hiptoss turned into an armdrag. Bravo dropkicks and flying back elbows him. Bravo then slingshot cutters him for 2. Bravo takes double kicks and a superkick. Mike spinning forearms and facewash kicks him. Mike then brainbusters him for 2.

Mike spinebusters Bravo then Taven springboard moonsaults him for 2. Taven ddt's Bravo for 2 then Bravo fakes his punch then hits a real punch on Taven. Dean gets in and beats up on the heels with a hot tag. He back body drops Mike and makes Kingdom splash each other. Dean then top rope crossbodies Kingdom. Dean tiger drivers Mike for 2. Mike takes a double team uranage then Taven springboard kicks Bravo. Bravo is lifted into a reverse jumping flatliner + powerbomb combo.

Bravo is catapulted in the corner but forearms Taven out of it. Bravo scissor kicks Mike then Dean top rope splashes Mike for 2. Dean and Mike lariat each other at the same time. Maria distracts the ref and Mike hits Dean with a chair. Trish comes down to help out, but she's totally late and does a bad job. Trish and Maria go to the back then Dean rolls up Mike and wins it.

The finish here was all messed up and blew whatever good work they did here. I think they should have done an angle out of Bravo and Dean getting their first big ROH win and should have built up to it. They also should have had The Kingdom beat them up after as punishment and to make a program out of this.

Bravo is thrilled after saying, "we did it?". They make it seem like Trish is going to be affiliated with The Infantry going forward.

Big Bill and Lee Moriarty vs Matt Sydal and Blake Christian


It is unknown why Sydal is teaming with Blake and not Daniels. Lee headlock takeovers Matt and they do more takedowns. Lee euros him then Matt headlock takeovers him again. Lee shoulders Matt over then Matt flying headscissors him. Matt then does a standing corkscrew moonsault for 2. Lee puts Blake in an octopus stretch then Blake dropkicks him. Blake 619's him under the middle rope then handspring back enzugiri's him. Lee takes a stiff meteora in the corner.

Bill and Matt stare down. Bill makes fun of his height then hits a knee. Matt tries to hit a hurricanrana but is dropkicked as he hangs. Bill then does some very gay dance with Lee. Lee stomps Matt in the corner then suplexes him. Bill misses a corner splash then Lee misses double knees in the corner. Matt spinning heel kicks him and Blake gets the hot tag in. Blake beats up the heels then spears Lee on the apron. Blake then topes Bill and fosbury flops Lee. Blake springboard 450's Lee for 2. Lee takes a double dropkick.

Bill double lariats the faces then black hole slams Blake for 2. Bill ends up getting hurricanrana'd by Sydall over the top. Blake goes for a tope con hilo, but Bill moves and he rolls without hurting himself. Blake is chokeslammed on the apron. Blake then takes a pendulum side slam and is pinned. 

The Kingdom are interviewed. Taven says this is Ring of Honor and said liars are people who tell you they are not liars. He said The Infantry are liars and was mad at Stoke for believing them. Matt said Stoke has forgotten that they were best friends. Matt said Stoke used to get a kids meal at cracker barrel when they went together and Matt says he will go tell Jerry Lynn he loved ECW. He then said Lynn will give them everything they wanted. Maria said she gave Trish her first opportunity in ROH and said she will make sure she gets her last opportunity here. This was a weird promo.

Dark Order (Alex Reynolds and John Silver) with Negative One vs Davey Bang and August Matthews

Negative One is back and he is taller than he used to be. Silver takes down Bang then hits a stiff lariat. Silver throws Bang across the ring then Alex hits a running corner lariat. Alex tiger drivers Bang for 2. August is dropped with a forearm and Alex pounds on him. Silver powerbombs August onto Alex's knees then Silver threw Bang into the rails. August takes the Dark Order combo that ends in a german and is pinned.

The Dark Order were very stiff and aggressive here to the point of coming across like heels.

The Righteous appear on the tron. Dutch says that's what they like to see. Stu said the question is will the Dark Order bleed for him? Vincent said the Order are prey of their own emotions. He said you stab the body and it heals, but you injure the heart and it hurts for a lifetime. Vincent said let's see the same aggression next week.

Alex then running knees Bang and short piledrivers him. Silver then spinning torture rack drops him. 

Diamante is interviewed. Mark Sterling walks in and offers to split the winners purse 49/51 so Diamante doesn't have to get in the ring with Leila Grey. She asks Mark if she looks stupid. She said she doesn't trust Mark or anyone else and said she will win the match and take 100% for herself.

Diamante vs Leila Grey

Dia says she will lay down. Grey goes to pin her and is kicked. Dia hiptosses her then clotheslines her and pounds on her. Grey goes outside then Dia baseball slides her. Dia is leg swept on the apron then Grey pump kicks her. They trade chops then Grey dances before hip attacking her.

Grey slams Dia and misses a senton. Dia germans her then corner dropkicks her. The two trade forearms and Dia steps on Mark's hand. Grey then rolls up Dia with the ropes and wins it.

This was short and nothing special. Grey getting the win was surprising.

AR Fox, Action Andretti and Darius Martin vs The Workhorsemen and Shane Taylor

The faces are hit after the handshake. Shane holds onto AR's hand. AR flips out of a chokeslam, kips down and enzugiri's him. DM top rope dropkicks Shane then atomic drops Henry. D< slides outside into JD and JD throws him into the ropes for a lariat. JD then cannonballs DM in the corner. Shane hits a nasty uranage on DM then Henry brainbusters DM.

AR bounces off the post to moonsault JD on the floor then DM bottom rope flatliners Henry. AA gets in and lariats Henry. AA is popped up and dropkicks Henry. AA then springboard kicks Henry. Henry strike combos and superkicks AA then takes a standing spanish fly. AA arabian moonsaults to the floor then JD takes a handspring back elbow into a release german.

Shane headbutts AA in the chest then hits a stiff lariat on DM. Shane knees AR then JD spinebusters AR. AR is catapulted then takes a fire thunder + a top rope double stomp. AA planchas and is caught then DM topes into him to knock opponents down. AR kips down and rolls up Henry to get the win.

This was rushed as they didn't have enough time. It's a shame too because what we got was good and these guys could have easily gone double the time and maybe produced something even better.

Leila Grey and Mark Sterling are interviewed. Mark says it was a dominating performance and said Dia should have taken the money. Grey says she puts the bad in baddie and says to hate me cuz you ain't me. Dia comes in and says that was bull. She said she deserves a rematch unless Grey is too scared. Grey said she isn't scared and will beat her tonight and again. Mark then said they would talk about this.

Daniel Garcia vs Rocky Romero

 DG kicks Rocky's handshake away. DG then gets his back and slaps him in the back of the head. Rocky then does the same and dances. Rocky is charged a ropebreak off of a lock-up then he rolling armbars DG as he pats him on the head. DG uses his first ropebreak. Rocky headscissors him then topes him.

Rocky shiranui's him then is double underhook suplexed into the buckles. DG dances and suplexes him then Rocky octopus stretches him. Rocky goes for a hurricanrana and DG blocks it then stf's him. DG slingshots and back kicks him then dances. The crowd chants, "you can't dance" then DG hits forearms in the corner. Rocky flying knees him. Rocky is on the 2nd rope and he hurricanrana's DG down. Rocky dropkicks him while he's on the 2nd rope and DG uses his 2nd rope break.

Rocky back elbows him and DG rolls him into a boston crab. DG then sleepers him and tries Shibata's PK. It is blocked and they trade strikes. DG lariats him. Rocky then springboard tornado ddt's him and falcon arrows him into an armbar. DG sharpshooters him but Rocky has no ropebreak left. Rocky goes under the ropes and DG pulls back and taps him out.

I didn't think it was that good or bad. It was just kind of there with no special storyline involved. I'm really not that into either wrestler.

Rocky goes for a handshake after and DG goes to sharpshooter him. Orange Cassidy comes out as soon as it happens. OC foes face to face with DG. DG backs off and OC holds up his belt.

ROH Women's Title - Street Fight - Athena (c) vs Kiera Hogan

There's chairs, ladders and tables already set up at ringside before this starts. Kiera hits shots then does a Thesz press with mounted punches. Kiera jumps at her and is caught with a blackhole slam. Kiera baseball slides a ladder into her then jumps off the apron to hurricanrana her. Athena then goes into the ladder. Kiera clubs her and is tripped onto a ladder. Kiera is then sent into the rails.

Athena hits her with a trash can lid. Athena hits her with a kendo stick then slides her head into the can. She then hits the can with the kendo stick. Athena forward cartwheels and takes a trash can to the face. Kiera hip attacks her in the corner then baseball slides the can into her face. Athena is neckbreakered onto the trash can for 2. A ladder is bridged from the apron to another ladder. Kiera tries to splash her on it but misses and lands on the ladder.

Athena stomps on a "Clark St." sign then throws her into the rails. Kiera is chaired in the back then Athena is thrown into a table against the rail. Kiera hits her with a stick then they duel with the sticks. Athena hits her several times. Athena is put on a table and Kiera tries to dive on her from the steps but the table doesn't break. Kiera tries again from the 2nd rope and puts her through the table.

Kiera slides a table in and Athena 2nd rope powerbombs her through it. Athena pours thumbtacks out and they trade superkicks. Athena runs into a trash can between the ropes and is backdropped onto the tacks. Kiera hanging chokes her with her hair extensions. Athena gouges her eyes then superplexes her onto a pryamid of chairs on the floor. Athena then picks up the win.

The girls really had trouble setting up the ladders and tables here. I had to fast forward as it was taking 1-2 minutes just to get these thing set up. That really slowed down and hurt this match. AEW/ROH also still hasn't figured out that the girls can't break tables as easily as the men can and we had a failed table break spot. It was still decent, but the pauses in the action really hurt this.

Athena is interviewed after. She asks where her flowers and skittles are for her congratulations. She said no one is here to celebrate. She said she doesn't get her just do and has thrown Kiera in the trash. She said it is time for this division to recognize what real dominance is. Athena grabs Lexi and tells her to tell the locker room to step up or step out.

Overall thoughts: This was a long one at 2 hours and 35 minutes straight. The show wasn't bad, but I didn't love it. ROH has this weird thing where they have long TV shows and instead of letting some of the matches go longer, they just do a ton of shorter matches. That's what happened here. The show is also still having issues setting up matches and is still having issues with its champs not appearing. Shibata was on Dynamite the day before this aired but wasn't on here and Claudio is on TV weekly yet hasn't been seen for a while here.

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