Thursday, June 15, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #38 6/3/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #38 6/3/2023

Last week's show is here:

Miami's Sweet Heat face The Tonga Twins tonight n a tag title match and we will see the debut of Sandy Shore.

Robbie Rocket vs Sandy Shore

I'm not real sure what Rocket's gimmick is supposed to be. Sandy wears colorful gear and has a beach ball and sunglasses. Sandy headlock takeovers her then crucifix's her into a pin attempt. She headscissors her then pump kicks her for 2. Rocket suplexes her for 2 then Sandy rolls her up and pins her off her 2nd pinfall attempt.

It was short and there really wasn't much to decipher out of this. It was over before it really got started but at least Sandy won on her debut.

We get a video on the Tonga Twins vs Miami's Sweet Heat match tonight. We see Lana Star cheating and helping her team win the titles and we are told Lana's Fabulous Four all have titles on WOW. The Twins did a promo saying they are tired of their crew and said they are coming with everything they got. They said they will take their heads off if they have to and being champions is in their blood.

GI Jane has returned and said she is reporting for duty.

We see Jane training. She said she is a drill sergeant and we see her crawling under obstacles in the mud, then we see Chella frolicking in a field.

GI Jane vs Chantilly Chella

Chella throws McClane her cape and AJ puts the cape on him. Chella's dancing around and Jane yells at her to stop and give her 20. Chella goes to do a push-up and Jane stomps her. Chella goes up and over in the corner then hits armdrags. Chella dropkicks her for 2. Chella crossbodies her then gets caught and powerslammed for 2.

Jane bangs Chella's head off the buckles then Jane slams her. Chella hits a bad knee and some weak chops. Jane chops her back then clotheslines her. Chella hits kicks then takes a hard front kick to the chest. Jane then pins her and wins it.

It wasn't that good and it was short. Some of the strikes here were very bad.

We see clips of Chainsaw scaring people and they say Stephy Slays vs Chainsaw is next. Chainsaw recently was DQ'd in a match for choking and they ask if Chainsaw's sister Angelica Dante has got her under control.

Stephy Slays vs Chainsaw

Chainsaw has a freaky apron on with faces sewed into it. Slays grabs a headlock then headlock takeovers her. Slays goes up the buckle to headlock takeover her then Chainsaw grabs her by the hair and pulls her down. Chainsaw stands on her hair and pulls her arms.

Chainsaw clubs her back then Slays is whipped hard into the buckles. Chainsaw chinlocks her then grabs her nose. The announcers say that Angelica is grabbing parts on Chainsaw's apron and using it as an instruction guide for her. Chinsaw grabs the ear and bites the fingers.

Slays gets out of her hold and clotheslines her over. Slays is arm thrown off the 2nd rope, grabs her by the throat with both hands then drops her. Chainsaw then splashes her and wins it.

I'm not going to claim it was super great or revolutionary, but Chainsaw did an okay job as the monster heel here. She shouldn't have been taken down though at all. Dante grabbing pieces of her apron to tell Chainsaw what to grab was cool.

We see clips of Miami's Sweet Heat beating the Tonga Twins for the tag titles then see the Twins and their partners get the win over them in an 8-man tag.

The Tonga Twins do a promo. They said they are bring the fire and said they don't need anyone's help. They say being a champ is in their blood and said they will be ready for anything and everything.

Miami's Sweet Heat say nothing is more important than money. They say no one can compete and said the belts look best around their waists. They said they won their matches fair and square and are the hottest tag team WOW has ever seen.

WOW Tag Titles - Miami's Sweet Heat (Lindsay and Laurie Carlson) vs The Tonga Twins (Kona and Kaos)

The Twins get jumped from behind then roll out. MSH didn't have their belts on and Lana Star handed the belts to them after. The twins hit headbutts then stereo lariats. The twins double chop Lindsay then hit a double flapjack on her. Kona misses shots on Lindsay then finally gets some boots and clubs in. The twins are pulled over the top then MSH stereo flip dive off the apron onto them.

MSH double boots and double footchokes a twin in the corner then they both do corner spears. Laurie messes up a slingshot move on Kaos then MSH accidentally hit each other. MSH hits a double shoulder on Kaos for 2. Kaos hits a big spear on Laurie. Kona gets the hot tag in and beats up on Laurie then does a dance and slaps her.

Kona hits a belly to belly suplex for 2. Lindsay is superkicked by Kaos then Lana Star gets on the apron while her partner Vickie Lynn McCoy beats up on the twins. Miami's Sweet Heat is dq'd and the Twins win, but don't win the titles.

The ending was lame. It wasn't that great but the format for it kind of worked with the heels being heels and the faces hitting some heavyweight offense.

The Twins get on the mic after and say the fans are cheering for them. They say they will see them again and said they fight to the end. Dave McClane gets on the mic and says something has to be done about McCoy's interference.

Overall thoughts: It was an easy watch but not particularly great. Chainsaw was kind of the highlight here.

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