Wednesday, May 17, 2023

WWE NXT 5/16/2023

WWE NXT 5/16/2023

Last week's show is here:

Cora Jade did an inset saying no one can match up to the best of the best in Cora Jade.

NXT Women's Title Quaterfinal - Fallon Henley vs Cora Jade

Fallon said she's been on  wild ride and Cora needs to get her head out of her @ss to realize her potential. She said she has more potential in her finger than she does in her entire body.

Cora worked the leg early here. Fallon got her comeback in and they went out. Fallon threw her back in, got her leg swep then Cora picked up the win with a double underhook ddt. It really wasn't anything much of note an the match wasn't anything special.

Cora and Lyra (who had her hair straightened out here, talked trash over the women's title after.

We go t the back with a bunch of unknown girls and wrestlers. Kiana tells Thea that there's a difference between watching as a fan and a superstar. Kiana said she's in the top tier of this division and said Thea would never get there. Thea said she should have been in the women's tournament like she was. Kiana told her she neededto ask for permission from Chase, but Thea asked Duke to approve it. Thea then said she'd kick her prissy @ss tonight.

Tyler Bate and Wes Lee are meditating in the back. The Dyad then jumps them and Bate gets his head banged off a locker. Wes' head is banged into a locker with Bate's arm in it. Gacy then comes in and said their charade of a friendship is based on lies and it will eventually burn out.

Trick and Melo arrive in the parking lot and walk right into ringside. They tell Charlie Dempsey and Gulakto get out of the way then go to talk. Melo said they are in his yard at NXT Battleground and they don't bark there, they bite. They then called out Bron Breakker. Gulak and Dempsey came out instead. Gulak said you do not disrespect us and said they did so by going past them like children. Gulak said their lifestyles aren't alike and they show their flash in the ring. The crowd called Dempsey Willy Wonka then Trick challenged them to a tag match tonight. Gulak asked if they were sure they wanted to do that then they jumped them.

Dijka did a promo saying Ilja found out he's the judge, jury and executioner of NXT. Ilja then walked in and said he's unbreakable, while Dijak thinks he can break him. Dijak said he enjoys inflicting pain. Ilja says pain is inevitable but sffering is optional. Dijak said there's not a man he can't break and Ilja said he invites him to try.

We see clips of Dani Palmer getting jumped this weekend by someone in a hoodie.

The Creed Brothers vs The Dyad

Rip rolls Julius off the lockup then Julius fireman's carries him. Rip does a nice suplex off the knuckle lock then Julius monkey flips him then flips out of a monkey flip. Julius hits a nice dropkick, goes up and over then Brutus top rope double axe handles him. Jagger headlocks Brutus. Brutus delay suplexes him and passes him over to Julius for the suplex. They then do it again with Rip getting passed around to both guys. Julius takes a step up enzugiri then Jagger jumps off of Rip's back to dropkick Brutus. Julius then takes an enzugiri > flatliner > koji clutch combo.

Julius powerbombs his way out of it. We go to PiP break and return. Jagger chinlocks Julius and Julius backdrops him. Brutus gets the hot tag in and clears off the heels. Brutus flips out of a suplex then does his hammerfists on Rip. Brutus walks around wiht Rip then samoan drops him for 2. Jagger distracts Brutus then Brutus does a cool roll up + northern lights suplex combo. Brutus pounces Jagger and thye both go down. Jagger and Julius both go up to the top at the same time and hit stereo 450's on their opponents.

They trade forearms and Julius hits a high knee before taking a superkick. Julius flips him with a lariat then takes a ddt. Ivy backs up Rip outside then Ava gets dragon sleeper'd by Ivy. Brutus hits a Brutusball off the apron onto Rip then Julius throws down Jagger into a sliding lariat to win.

As usual, this was a good one here. The Creeds looked fantastic as always and the Dyad did their job well.

Tony D and Stacks are at dinner. They ask who Joe Coffey thinks he is.  Stacks gets a call hearing there's a delay in shipment at the docks then two officers walk up to Tony. They ask him to come down to the station to investigate criminal acts. Tony walks off with them and Stacks comes back, wondering where Tony is. He was told Tony was being questioned.

The Creed Brothers and Ivy go to the announcer's table. They challenge Gallus for the tag titles at Battleground and tell them to answer the call.

Supernova Sessions

Noam Dar talks about the show and brings out Dragon Lee. Dar has a beginners Spanish book then Lee says he speaks English. He asks if being on Supernova Sessions is the highlight of his life. Lee says it's an honor to be in front of the people, but not him as he doesn't give people respect. He said he has been training since he is 14 and was told to respect his opponent. Lee said Dar has to defend his Heritage Cup. Dar said Lee doesn't know what he is getting into.

Nathan Frazier then comes out. He said he has to expose him as a fraud. He said the cup is not an annual trophy, it has to be defend like other titles. He said Dar doesn't get to choose when to defend the Cup. Frazier says he and everyone want to see Lee and Dar fight for the title. Lee makes a challenge for it at Battleground. Dar said he's going to kick Frazier's @ss next week for interrupting his show.

We see video of Ilja being tied up and hurt from Dijak. Dijak says enough? and Ilja says it's not even close. 

Jacy Jayne is interviewed. She said she doesn't know why she has to wrestle tonight against Roxanne Perez. She said her time has come and gone and she will then move over to the semi-finals. She said Gigi proved to everyone that she is nothing more than a failure and said he failed at winning the title again. Jacy said she's the opposite and will have to picture Gigi's face when she kicks Roxanne's head in.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey

CD euros Trick then flips him over. Trick headflips then CD does a nice backslide bridge. Trick shoulders him over and hits nice dropkicks. Melo headlock takeovers Gulak then springboard armdrags him. They mess up some spinning heel kick spot. Melo leapfrogs and Gulak rolls into a pin attempt. CD snapmares Melo, then Melo takes him over after. Trick flying lariats CD.

Trick takes a german into another german for 2. Melo superkicks Gulak then springboard twisting lariats CD. Melo backdrops CD and Trick flying lariats Gulak. Trick spinning facekicks CD then Melo hits a top rope legdrop over CD's back and wins it.

It had some sloppy moments here but it was short and okay for what it was. Trick's still a little green, but he has improved alot from where he was.

Melo and Trick call out Bron after. Bron is on the tron and asks Melo how has ribs feel. He says he's going to have to wait a little longer. He said he made a pit stop and he's at Melo's barbershop. He said the energy just isn't the same in there today. He said he will get a fresh cut before he finishes what he started last week.

Duke grades papers in the back. Thea's ready to wrestle and telling him it's go time, but Duke has no idea what she's talking about. Duke eventually goes along with it. 

Noam Dar goes up to Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson in the back. Jakara was mad she idnd't get called Miss Jackson. Dar asked if Lash watched Supernova Sessions. Lash said we should only be talking about Lashin' Out.

Thea Hail vs Kiana James

Thea is shoved then takes her down and stomps her back. Thea rolls her up then hits armdrags. Thea hits a back body drop then Kiana goues out. Thea topes her then misses a top rope crossbody inside. Kiana hits knees to the gut for 2.

Kiana stomps her gut then hits more gut shots as Duke is writing. Thea knees her then hits a bottom rope back splash. Kiana hits a gordbuster and a stun gun then does a 401 swinging flatliner.

It wasn't good. They were sloppy here and a lot of the stuff they did didn't look good.

Hank and Tank are in the back and Tank is worried about his teeth as one of them got knocked out last week. Briggs and Jensen walk in and Briggs calls him tough. Briggs says drinks are on him once they are done here tonight. Tank said he and Hank need to be close like Briggs and Jensen to be a tag team and says they need to wrestle each other next week. Hank doesn't get how beating up each other will be a bonding experience.

Bate's arm is all wrapped up and Wes says he will say what he needs to towards the NXT Universe.

Dabba Kato does a video promo. He said he wants championship gold. It was hard to figure out what else he said.

Axiom, Enofe, Blade, Dante Chen and Eddy Thorpe are in the locker room. Axiom talked about wanting to conquer challenges.

Wes Lee comes out. He says the tag match with Schism won't happen tonight. He said Gacy's crew are sheep while Tyler Bate is a friend. We see an inset of Bate in the back. Joe Gacy shows up on the riser. He says he wants the North American championship. He said Wes told him that he just had to ask and he said he is asking. Tyler Bate heads to the ring. He said he is sick of the name calling. Bate says he wants the N-A title too and Gacy says, "the truth will finally set you free". Wes asks why he didn't say something before. Bate says he should have and said they could still do it in the spirit of competition while Schism doubt it. Wes said he will take them both on at Battleground in a triple threat.

Roxanne Perez asked where the time went and talked about how things move so fast as she talks about the last year she has had in WWE. She asks what her next year will look like and then has an empty board with Mania and WWE TV show logos. She said she knows where hse has been and where she wants to go, but it's about how she gets there.

Von Wagner was told by a girl that he did a great job in the battle royale on Raw last week. She said she is sorry for what Luca Crusifino said to him. Von then grabs Luca and picks him up. He tells him we can settle this anytime they want in the ring. Luca was apparently bothering Mr. Stone and Mr. Stone asks if Von just stuck up for him. Von said Stone is the only one who has believed in him. Stone asks if he's ready to talk the picture of him as a kid when he was sick. Von walks away and says, "nice try".

NXT Women's Title Quarterfinal - Jacy Jayne vs Roxanne Perez

Perez rolls her up and forearms her. Perez rolls her up for a pin attempt. Jacy grabs an arm and Perez is knocked off the apron and hits her head off the desk. We go to PiP break and return. Jacy misses a cannonball in the corner. Jacy then is knocked off the apron to the flooor and Perez topes her. Perez crossbodies and pumping knees her for 2. Jacy superkicks and spinning lariat's her for 2. Perez then hits pop rocks and wins it.

This wasn't anything good or special and it felt like it was cut short.

Perez and Tiff talk trash outside over the belt then Gigi comes in and jumps Jacy. They fight and go to the outside.

Melo and Trick then come out and ask for Bron Breakker.

We go to break and return. Ilja's still alive and Dijak says he told him he would break any man. Ilja said he's still standing.

Bron comes out with a bunch of security guards. He said he brought guards out to protect them from him. Trick said Bron's the one who needs protection. Bron said he beat him last week. Melo said Bron isn't taking his title at Battleground. Bron says destroying him in front of his family and friends is as important as winning the title to him. Bron starts talking trash about local Boston sports teams and says he will put an end to Melo's dynasty before it begins. Bron said Melo will realize e's not him, he's nothing and there's nothing he can do about it. Melo flip dives onto the guards then Melo and Bron go at it as Trick is carried away. Bron flips Melo with a lariat. Melo hits him in the nuts. Melo goes for a title shot to the head but he totally misses and they sell it anyway.

Overall thoughts: It didn't look like a great ep and it wasn't. The women's matches, which made up most of the show weren't that good. The storylines just aren't hitting right now either and there's way too many title matches set up over challenges instead of being built up in better ways.

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