Thursday, May 18, 2023

AEW Dynamite 5/17/2023

AEW Dynamite 5/17/2023

Last week's show is here:

Wardlow calls out Christian and dares him to come and spit in his face. Christian and Luchasaurus come down, Wardlow grabs Christian by the throat and has to fight off Lucha and Christian. Wardlow gets hit with a ladder then is driven through one. 

Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy vs Lee Moriarty and Big Bill

OC does the usual pockets nonsense early that the heels just somehow can't figure out how to counter. Bill swings Darby around and throws him.Bill mocks Darby's size on a test of strength and is slapped then pulled over the top. Darby back body drops Legg onto Bill then Darby and OC tope them. We go to break and return. Bill delay suplexes OC then Darby springboard double back elbows both opponents. He hits running back elbows in the corner on both opponents. Darby gets stuck on the 2nd rope then dives at Bill and takes a big swinging slam for 2. OC tornado ddt's Bill then Lee buckingham drops OC. Lee takes a double superplex off the 2nd rope then Bill his a double lariat. OC cutters Bill into a dArby code red. Lee takes a beach break then a coffin drop. Darby then headlock takedowns him and wins it. They say the headlock takedown thing was a shot at MJF.

This match had the usual issues with Orange Cassidy goofing around and it's a shame as it brought down an otherwise okay match.

The Young Bucks are asked about Kenny Omega in the parking lot. The Blackpool Combat Club surround them then the Bucks throw suitcases at them. One of the Bucks is gorilla pressed onto a car then Matt has his injured arm banged off a car hood. Mox says they are the only elite in this business.

Wardlow is getting ice in the back. Arn grabs the ice bag and throws it. Arn says he knows what Christian will do and asks him what he's prepared to do. Wardlow says they should play with ladders if that's what Christian wants then he challenges him to a ladder match. 

Orange Cassidy is interviewed. He tells Kyle Fletcher to go find Tony Khan if he wants a shot at his title.

Sammy Guevara vs Exodus Prime

Prime misses a punch then takes a jumping knee and a GTH for the quick Sammy win. This was a total waste of time.

Sammy talks about wrestling on the Texas indies and said that helped make him who he is today. He said he will shut up all the naysayers at Double or Nothing and said he listens to his heart. He says he will be the champ at DoN.

Lethal and crew come out then FTR get them from behind. Singh is put through a table off the ramp. They brawl outside and Lethal's crew eventually gets the advantage with Karen Jarrett. FTR each take guitars to the head and are left laying.

Darby Allin is interviewed. He said the DoN match is the most important one of his career. Sammy Guevara comes in and said he respects him. Sammy said he's not laying down for MJF at the PPV or making it easy for Darby and JB. They pound fists and say may the best man win in an odd near face turn for Sammy.

Ruby Soho and Toni Storm vs Hikaru Shida and Britt Baker.

Shida hurricanrana's Toni early then suplexes Soho into Toni. Shida hits corner punches then 2nd rope dropkicks Ruby. Shida and Toni trade shots. Britt neckbrakers Toni for 2. Saraya disrupts Britt on the apron then attacks her on the outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Britt neckbreakers Toni then Shida and Soho trade forearms. Shida flurry forearms her then running forearms her. Shida clears off Saray and Soho too then springboard crossbodies all of them outside. Shida jumping knees her for 2. Shida falcon arrows Soho for 2. Shida meteora's Soho off the buckles then Toni ends up ddt'ing Soho when Britt neckbreakers her. Ruby rolls up Britt then Britt hits an air raid crash and a curb stomp on Toni. Saraya gives toni spray paint, she sprays Britt in the face and wins it with a storm zero

It really wasn't that great or anything though we've seen a lot worse. How the ref didn't noice Baker having green stuff all over face and doing something about is beyond me. The dirty finish didn't help things either.

Renee interviews OC again. We are told 20 people went up to ask for a title match with OC. OC said he will get in on it too so they have will have a "Blackjack Battle Royale" since it'll be 21 people at Double or Nothing. OC also offers Renee a spot in it but she declines.

Tony Khan speaks. He mentioned that AEW Collision is starting on 6/17 and then talks about their schedule in June and July. He said he will tell us where Collision will be held. 

Falls Count Anywhere - Chris Jericho vs Roderick Strong

Strong posed here and got zero pop. Jericho nails him from behind then takes shots. They trade chops and Strong leg lariats him. They trade more chops and Strong is lariated over the top. Jericho takes a backdrop on the apron and Strong gets a 2 count on the floor. They trade forearms on the floor and Strgon's head is banged off the table. Jericho throws a water bottle at him. Jericho boston crabs him.

We go to PiP break. During it, Strong is thrown over the rail. and Jericho double axe handles him off of it. Jericho hits him with a sign in the crowd then Strong drops his gut on a guardrail. He does it again when we return from break and tries to pin him on the steps. Strong has his head banged off a counter then Strong is suplexed through a table.

Jericho is backdropped onto a counter then Jericho hits him with a pole. Jericho is put onto a ledge in the stairs area and they trade chops there. Jericho then running forearms him and tris to pin him there. Jericho has a box of spoons and forks thrown at him then Strong grabs soft serve ice cream and puts it in his face. Jericho throws a plastic trash can at him and they go outside. Cole then appeasb ecause he's only banned from the building. Cole beats up on him then hits the boom knee to the back of the head. Strong jumping knees Jericho in the dirt and wins it.

This was not the world's greatest brawl, but they had fun with some of the surroundings here and it was entertaining. Cole getting involved was very clever.

Rush vs Jungle Boy

JB is lariated over the top early then thrown into the rails several times. Rush bangs JB's head off the rail. JB's head is busted open as he is sent over the rails into the crowd. JB gets his head banged off a chair on the outside. Rush foot chokes him and hits forearms and we return with JB making his comeback. He hits forearms and lariats then Rush boots and headbutts him in the face.

JB spinkicks him in the gut then Rush jumping knees him only to take a dropkick. Rush superkicks him and they chope each other while sitting on the top rope. JB hurricanrana's him from there then Jose grabs JB's leg. JB then hits the stf but he loses it. They fight on the apron with Rush licking his blood. They trade chops and JB takes a sick belly to belly off the apron.

They trade forearms on their knees and Rush shoves the ref. JB grabs the tights and rolls him up to win it.

Rush, Vance and Jose beat up JB after then choke him with a cord. Darby Allin comes in to make the save and Darby is choked too. Sammy then comes out to further his face turn and nails the heels. Jose takes a scorpion deathdrop then Vance takes a double dropkick. Sammy and Darby stare down with JB.

The match was decent but I didn't get the finish of JB having to pull on the tights to win it.  He's a face and doesn't need to be doing that. 

MJF is asked questions by Renee. He slaps the mic away and leaves without saying anything.

Toni Storm is interviewed. We are told she set a record with 4 wins in the last 5 days. she said she doesn't see Jamie Hayter set those kinds of records. She tells her to put the title on the line against her at Double or Nothing if she has any guts.

Jay White vs Ricky Starks

Jay goes out to stall, Ricky goes after him then is hit on his re-entry. Starks hits punches and stomps in the corner then Starks drives Jay into the rails outside. Starks takes a stun gun then Jay hits chops. Starks back body drops him. They go back out and both have their head banged off the apron. Jay gordbusters him on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Starks lariats Jay then hits an overhead belly to belly. Starks then tornado ddt's him for 2. Jay ddt's him then hits a uranage for 2. Jay epxloders him over the top rope then Starks immediately rolls him up after. Starks neckbreakers him then northern lights bombs him for 2. Juice trips Starks but Stakrs rolls up then spears Jay. Jay eye rakes him then Juice misses a chair shot on Starks. Starks charis Juice then chairs Jay in front of the ref. The ref then DQ's him for hitting him with the chair the 2nd time.

The finish was really lame here. The match was okay but I didn't like the exploder over the top not meaning anything. Jay wasn't that over here.

Don Callis is interviewed in the ring by Tony Schiavone. Security guards ae on the ramp. Don said all of Kenny's successes were because of him and says there's no Kenny Omega without him. Kenny tries to beat up security and hits some horrible shots then the Blackpool Combat Club jump him. Mox ddt's him on the ramp. Mox says the war is over and him and his friends can't touch him. Mox tells him to stay down and says the BCC are The Elite. The Young Bucks then come out with weapons then Adam Page comes out with an eyepatch after letting Kenny get beat up a few weeks ago. Of course, they bring out the stupid barbed wire broom and everyone fights with weapons. Yuta takes a bte trigger then Page hits a buckshot lariat.

Page says they are the heart, the soul and the spirit of this place and says they are The Elite. Cole tells them to run and hide as they will fight in an Anarchy in the Arena match at Double or Nothing.

Overall thoughts: It was a good episode of Dynamite with some good in-ring action.

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