Saturday, May 13, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 5/13/2023 Best of the Super Junior 30 Day 2

New Japan Pro Wrestling 5/13/2023 Best of the Super Junior 30 Day 2

The crowd isn't allowed to cheer for this one it seems. Here's what I saw:

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block A Match - TJP vs. KUSHIDA

They trade some holds early and leglock each other at the same time then slap and pull on each others hair at the same time. TJP cranks his arm and leg back at the same time. TJP ties the legs up and indian deathlocks him. TJP goes for a facewash but Kush gets out of it then TJP does an octopus stretch variation. Kush then does an octopus variation to him between the ropes then cobra twists him.

Kush dropkicks him then hiptoss > cartwheel > dropkicks him. Kush pele kicks him then catches him with an armbar as he springboards. TJP gets out then rolls him up for the win.

It was all technical and amateur wrestling here before TJP took the win. They made it look more realistic here.

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block B Match - Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Dan Moloney

YK is pushed off the lock up and Dan grabs whiskey. The ref takes it away from him and they shoulder battle. Dan shoulders him over and suplexes him. YK hits a sunset flip then takes a double stomp off of it. Dan spinning chops him then YK dropkicks him in the knee. YK rolls him up and puts him in a figure four. YK submits him and wins it.

This was a short waste of time that ended way too soon.

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block B Match - Francesco Akira vs. Kevin Knight

Akira dropkicks him to start then hurricanrana's him. Kevin plancha's him then shoulders him as he is seated. Kevin gets put in tree of woe then  Akira baseball slides him. They trade chops and Akira leg lariats him. Akira holds onto the ropes to avoid a dorpkick then takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Kevin corner splahes him then hits a nice dropkick.

Kevin sky highs him for 2 then they trade superkicks. Akira is popped up from the powerbomb and ddt's him out of it. Akira rolls him up for 2 then is hurricanana'd while on the 2nd rope. Kevin tries to splash him but Akira gets his knees up then running knees him. Akira does a super unusual neckbreaker the meteora's him to the back of the head for the win.

This was fine and the two matched up well together.

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block A Match - Mike Bailey vs. SHO

Sho goes up to the entrance area and hits Mike with a chair during his entrance. They dodge moves and Mike teases a kick, Sho tries to block it then Sho is kicked. Mike does his alternating kicks outside on him. Evil comes out and knocks Mike off the top while the ref is distracted. They trade chops and Mike is thrown out so Evil can chairshot him.

Evil trips up Mike again then Mike 2nd rope dropkicks him. Mike kicks Evil while he's outside then triangle moonsaults Sho. Mike drops him with a kick combo then running ssp's him for 2. Sho germans him then lariats him for 2. Sho hits a shock arrow for 2 then Mike standing moonsault double knees him.

Sho pushes Mike into the ref and takes the ref off. Sho gets a wrench and hits Mike in the foot with it. Mike is double stomped then kicks the heels. Mike corkscrew kicks Sho then hits the ultimate weapon and wins it.

I didn't like this at all. It was just the usual overdone House of Torture absurd cheating.

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block A Match - Hiromu Takahashi vs. DOUKI

HT sicks on the apron during his entrance and takes a baseball slide off of it. HT armdrags him then is hurricanrana'd. Douki goes out, handsrpings off the apron into the ropes and ddt's him on the floor. Douki hits another ddt on the floor then Douki neckbreakers him inside.

HT headscissors him then basement dropkicks him. HT falcon arrows him for 2. Douki enzugiris him then does a nice one-armed northern lights suplex. HT armdrags him then Douki double armbars him.  HT death valley drivers him into the buckles then hits a dynamite plunger for 2. Douki reverses a time bomb and double armbars him. Douki then hits a widow's peak esque moves and double armbars him again. Douki slingshot ddt's him for 2. HT flatliners him off the wheelbarrow then they lariat each other at the same time and Douki knocks him over. Douki lariats him again then does a swinging side slam for 2. HT then hits a time bomb and wins it.

They were building this up to a Douki win then just had Hiromu win it out of nowhere in an odd finish. It would have been okay if Douki ended up winning it, but it felt like a weird fluke win for Hiromu and was unusual.

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block B Match - YOH vs. Master Wato

Yoh flips out of an armlock and Wato rolls him into a submission but Yoh rolls out. Yoh then runs all the way to the other side of the building. They call it a sellout, but that's clearly not the case. Bakck in and Yoh headscissors him out then plancha's him. Yoh flips on him from the top for 2. Yoh hits a neckbreaker then headscissors him.

Wato bulldogs him from behind then facekicks him. Wato hits a jumping leg lariat then tope con hilos him. Wato hits his recientemente then hits his vendaval submission. Yoh hits a nice dropkick then flips out of a high kick. Yoh then dragon screws him and superplexes him. Wato springboard euros him then corkscrew kicks him. Wato hits a spin kick then slams him over the knee. They trade forearms and Wato rolls him up for 2. Wato counters a dragon screw with a pin attempt then high kicks him.

Yoh poisonrana's him then superkicks him. Yoh hits a big short arm clothesline then twisting underhook ddt's him and wins it.

It was longer than it needed to be and just average. The crowd couldn't cheer and it was just not an exciting match.

Overall thoughts: Not a real great card. The crowd couldn't or didn't want to cheer which brought down everything and there weren't any real great matches.

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