Friday, May 12, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 5/12/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 5/12/2023

Last week's show is here:

Dante Chen vs Tavion Heights

Tav has a new singlet with clouds and has a song that goes, "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4".

Tav headlock takeovers him then Chen sleepers him. Tav throws him off then hits a fireman's carry. Chen crossbodies Tav when he isn't expecting it and knocks him over legit. Tav does a cool suplex while Chen holds onto his leg. Tav hits a big belly to belly then does a capture suplex for 2. Tav does a buffalo sleeper variation and Chen moves around to counter his backdrop. Tav is whipped into the buckles then takes armdrags.

Chen atomic drops him then pump kicks him from the side. Chen makes goofy faces and takes a sunset flip for 2. Chen then double chops him and wins it.

Other than the crossbody botch, Tavion did good here with some nice suplexes. The match wasn't that special though.

Kelani Jordan is interviewed. She is debuting tonight. she said she is excited to show the NXT Universe what she is all about. She graduated from Michigan State and is a 3-time MVP in gymnastics. She said she is wearing chalk tonight because of her background and to show that she isn't going to let this slip. She said she's here to make some noise tonight.

Wendy Choo vs Kelani Jordan

This is Kelani Jordan's debut match. They call Choo's fans the "Choo Crew". Kelani does a double bicep pose and Choo claps for her. She headflips into a split during her entrance.

Choo rolls her and Kelani hangs on. Kelani's bra straps break then they roll out of each others armlocks. Kelani headlock takeovers her then Kelani flips out of a legscissors. Choo shoulders her over then Kelani does a nice armdrag with the ropes. She then dropkicks her then Choo short flatliners her for 2.

Choo cartwheel forearms her then suplexes her for 2. Kelani rolls her up off a suplex attempt and is dropkicked. Choo running boots her in the corner then does a sleeping elbow drop for 2. Kelani forearms her then cartwheels into a back elbow. Kelani kips up then springboard crossbodies her for 2. Kelani takes a stiff full nelson slam and Choo wins it.

This was a very good debut for Kelani and the match was fine. She looked good out there. She can move and is clearly agile. She's a natural face and definitely going to be part of the women's division going forward. 

Choo hugged Kelani after.

Malik Blade and Edris Enofe vs Bronco Nima and Lucien Price

Blade and Enofe still can't make NXT TV for some reason. We have not seen Nima or Price for 6 months according to the announcers. They pose together and slingshot in together.

Enofe hits shots on Nima to start. Enofe jumps in the air and gets caught. Blade kicks Nima in the face and Enofe hits a sloppy reverse slingblade. Nima slams Blade then Price takes a double suplex. Price hits a stiff superkick on Enofe then gets on all fours and stares him down. Enofe slaps Price and is thrown into the corner where Price punch flurries him in the body. Nima tags himself in and blocks Enofe's tag.

Enofe is whipped into a lariat and he langs on his head for it. Price hits snake eyes on Enofe then Enofe is whipped into a single foot press. Price kicks Enofe as he hangs over the middle rope. Nima grabs Enofe by the chin  and chinlocks him. Enofe rolls him off and tags to Blade

Blade hits some nice punches and a nice dropkick on Price. Blade knocks Price off the apron then plancha's Nima and Price at the same time. Blade top rope crossbodies Price then Enofe top rope elbow drops Price to win it.

It was rushed early and Nima had some sloppy moments. It ended up being okay afterwards. Price and Nima go to do some new stuff here like the corner punch flurry and the foot press.

Overall thoughts: Kelani Jordan had a good debut here and if you are interested in seeing new talent, you'll want to see that. The opener and main both had some sloppy moments that brought them down.

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