Sunday, May 14, 2023

AEW Rampage 5/13/2023

AEW Rampage 5/13/2023

Last week's show is here: 

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs Kip Sabian, The Butcher and Blade

Bowens shoulders Kip over then is hiptossed and double stomped. Bowens jumps over the back and elgdrops him then Blade takes a back body drop from Max. Bowens legdrops Blade in the crotch from the 2nd rope. Butcher hits shots on the faces then the heels scissor. Bowens is rammed into the rails then Kip hits a sitout moonsault off the top rope onto Bowens. We go to PiP break and return.

Bowens takes a cannonball in the corner then takes a Butcher backbreaker over the knee. Bowens hits supericks on Blade. Billy gets the hot tag in and hits slow offense then he powerslams Butcher. Max top rope dropkicks Blade then flapjacks Kip. Billy fameassers Kip for 2. Bowens hits a uranage on Kip then Max to prope elbow drops Kip to win.

As I always say, trios matches really aren't that hard to do. This was totally fine with the heels having the advantage early then the faces making their comeback and winning it. This was a good choice for an opener.

We go to QTV. They talk about Wembley. Harley is asked if she is from England and she says she is from Australia. She says if you are living in Britain but not from there, they refer to you as , "British". We then cut to video of Harley interviewing Hobbs. Hobb says everyone has a story and it doesn't matter how many pages are in that story, it matters who is holding the pen.

Toni Storm vs Allysin Kay

You have wonder why they have Kay on here instead of ROH, considering she worked for ROH. She hasn't wrestled here since 2020. She pounds on Toni early and is pushed as a 3 time world's champ. Kay hits corner boots then Toni stomps on her. Ruby Soho gets a cheapshot in then Toni hip attacks her off the apron. Ruby and Saraya beat on her outside. Toni bangs her head off the post.

Kay fights off the heels outside and pulls Toni's throat over the top. Kay neckbreakers her then lariats her for 2. Toni tornado ddt's Kay then his a beach break but the heels distract the ref. Toni hits a hip attack in the corner then a storm zero and wins it.

This wasn't anything special with lots of heel cheating.

Kay gets spray painted after.

The Gunns do a promo. They said they are mad that the ref cheated them out of their titles and didn't get why they didn't get a rematch. They said it won't take them long to get back where they were. Ethan Page comes in and says he hopes they do. He said he has a problem and needs help and they leave with him.

Kyle Fletcher vs Action Andretti

I think Mark Davis is injured, though they haven't said it. Darius Martin is with Andretti. AA rolls, cartwheels and headflips out of an armlock and Kyle throws him down. AA walks up the buckles and flips into an armdrag. AA hurricanrana's and dropkicks him. AA then tornillo's off the bottom rope onto him. AA takes a hard flying kick off the apron and we go to PiP break.

We return and AA slams Kyle. AA lariats him over the top then does a nice tope on him. Kyle comes back with a superkick on the inside then brainbusters him. AA sits him on the top and kicks him then AA top rope superplexes him. AA springboard 450's him then enzugiri's him. Kyle leg lariats him then does a weird wrist clutch spinning tombstone to win it.

It was just kind of an average throwaway match. It wasn't anything particularly special or bad. 

We see clips of the Omega/Mox cage match and the Don Callis turn on Omega.

The Hardy's and Isaiah Kassidy are interviewed. The Hardys say they will get back on trak and try to win the tag titles. The Gunn's then come out. They said Ethan Page wants them to beat up the Hardy's. Matt says no and the Gunn's ask what it will take to do this. Matt said he would do it ihe he can get control of Ethan Page's contract if he accepts. The Gunn's say Ethan accepts. The Gunn's then say they are the best brother tag team and said the Hardy's will never touch the titles as long as they are here. The Hardy's say they will be happy to delete them.

The Mogul Embassy and Dark Order do a split screen interview. Swerve says the Mogul Affiliations are expanding. He said Lee took out his crew and he had to replace them. They say with expansion comes gentrification. Alex Reynolds says expansion is necessary for any group. Silver aks if they want to join the dark order as they can wear silly their silly hats and would look good in purple. Prince Nana says they will bring their hats and put the Dark Order out of business tonight.

Dark Order (Alex Reynolds and John Silver) vs The Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland and Brian Cage)

Swerve does a headscissors from the mat and Alex walks away when Swerve goes up top. Silver and Cage pose off. The crowd cheers Silver and boos Cage then Cage goes at him. Silver hurricanrana's him then Cage hurricanrana's him back. Cage crossbodies him and is caught then slammed. Silver runs the ropes but Swerve pulls the ropes down and he goes out. Swerve then pump kicks him from the apron and does a muscle pose.

We go to PiP break and return. Silver and Cage are trading kicks then Silver suplexes him. Alex gets the hot tag in and running elbows Swerve. He hits a cravateplex on him then double underhook powerbombs him. Alex then piledrives him for 2. Nana distracts Alex up top. Swerve takes a double team sequence by the Dark Order for 2 as Cage pulls Alex's crotch into the post off the pin attempt. Silver topes Cage but is caught and put into the rails and apron. Cage pop up powerbombs Alex then Alex takes a cool F-5 into a cutter double team. Alex facekicks Swerve then the Dark Order takes a drill claw and a JML driver at the same time and loses.

It was just your average match. Nothing wrong with it, just not super memorable.

Evil Uno gets beat up by Kaun and Toa after then Uno takes a double uranage. Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes come out with weapons and the Mogul Embassy leave. 

Overall thoughts: It was an okay Rampage. Nothing really stood out but none of it was awful either.

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