Thursday, May 11, 2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 5/6/2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 5/6/2023

Last week's show is here:

Savio Vega comes out. He has a message  for Invader #1. He said Invader planned to attack him. He said he asked him why he did that and said he was a coward. Savio said Invader told him he can't go back and can only go forward. He said he is a pig and calls him a son of a b****. Savio said he doesn't run from anyone and said he's not afraid of him. He tells him to come face to face with him. Savio says he knows him well and mayb even better than his family knows him. He says he has seen the worst of him and said he is waiting for him in the ring at the next show, which is Armageddon. He calls him a son of a b**** again  and said he can either meet him in the ring or in the street.

El Fugitivo Niche vs Harry William

They go right at each other and Niche is thrown out and tope'd on. Niche is thrown into the post then choked with a shirt. Harry hits forearms outside then chokes him over the middle rope inside. Harry splashes Niche then kicks him in the back. Nihe comes back with chops then misses a corner charge. Niche top rope lariats Harry.

Niche superkicks him then 2nd rope back cutters him for 2. Harry throws him off a suplex then sentons him for 2. Harry goes for a suplex but is cuttered then Niche spinning heel kicks him over the top. Niche then plancha's him. They trade slaps and Niche superplexes him into a brainbuster. Niche does a top rope tornillo and misses then Harry throws him on an exploder for 2.

Harry grabs a chair but the ref takes it away. Harry then grabs brass knucks and nails Niche with them. Niche somehow kicks out at 2 then corner lariats him. Hrry corner lariats him then hits an enzugiri. Harry samoan drops him then Niche fireman's carries him into a codebreaker. Niche hits moonsaults and a corkscre moonsault off the 2nd rope to win it.

It was a good match with Niche hitting lots of dives and Harry using his brass knucks to cheat again, which is partially how this feud started.

"The Scorpion" Mike Mendoza vs Nick Mercer 

We get some clips of their promos on each other before the match. Mike is shouldered over then kips up. They shove each other and Mike dropkicks him. Mike headscissors him and goes for a dive, but Nick's partner Jay Blaze trips him. Mike hits some kicks then Nick is thrown out. Mike superkicks him from the apron. Mike goes for another dive but is tripped again by Jay.

Nick pounds on Mike then Nick sliding lariats him. Nick hits a nice lariat. Nick leglocks him and Mike ropebreaks. Mike's throat is catapulted into the bottom rope. They trade forearms then Nick superkicks him. Nick is back body dropped over the top. Jay trips Mike again then Mike puts Nick into Jay. Mike superkicks Nick out then hits a huge tope con hilo on both Faces of Destiny.

Mike rolls into a cutter then takes a superkick to the face for 2. Mike does a cool boot in the corner then pulls himself up to the top rope for a great drive. Jay gets on the apron again then Nick nails Mike. Nick hits a falcon arrow for 2. Mike then his a half-nelson pumphandle driver for 2. The ref finally kicks out Jay Blaze then Nick low blows Mike. Mike takes a brainbuster and a running knee for 2.

They trade forearms on their knees then forearm each other on their feet. Mike does a double underhook into a twisting ddt then Mike hits a go to sleep for the win.

I thought they did a little too much here and it went a little longer than it needed to.

Wizard Analiza

Wizard shows us clips of John Hawking losing the IWA Title to Romeo Quevado, who is not the Romeo that has been fighting with Savio Vega. Wizard says Hawking made a fool of himself.

Manny Ferno vs El Cuervo with La Gran Ameneza

Gran brings out a stretcher with him. They start brawling before they get in the ring and Manny's head is banged off the stretcher. Manny hits chops and Gran chokes him and takes his stick away. Cuervo suplexes him then kneels on the top rope and swantons him.

Cuervo hits chops then Manny comnes back with chops. Manny is on the apron and takes a pele kick then Manny takes a death valley driver on the apron. Cuervo superkicks him and tries to cannonball him in the corner but Manny gets his knees up. Manny then suplexes him for 2. Gran trips Manny then Cuervo enzugiri's him while he's on his knee.

Cuervo does a split legged moonsault but Manny gets his knees up. Manny hits running forearms then back body drops him. Manny ddt's him then topes him outside. Gran the puts Manny into the post. Cuervo hits Manny with  some kind of metal and Manny is bleeding bad. Cuervo wipes Manny's blood on himself. Cuervo sentons Manny in the corner.

Manny facekicks him in the corner and death valley drivers him. Cuervo lariats him while both are up top. Gran grabs some brass knucks and Cuervo goes into the ref. Gran accidentally nails Cuervo with the knucks then Manny dropkicks him. Another ref comes out and Gran stops him from counting to 3. Gran then punches the ref out with knucks.

Cuervo spears Manny then Gran hits Manny with the belt causing a dq. Manny gets beat up on after.

The finish was really lame here especially after the last match between these two had a fake Gran Amenza wrestling. It just makes Cuervo look weak. 

Gran gives Cuervo the mic after. Gran signs a contract and reveals himself to be Pedro Portillo III. Glad that's finally over with. Gran said they censored him because they are afraid of what he has to say. He talks to Manny, saying Manny told him he sat on the bench for 7 years. Pedro said all the guys he talks about beating have gone down hill and says he lost to an 80 year old man. He said he never faced people like Mike Mendoza and others in their prime. He chokes him with his foot. He said he wrestled in the US but Manny couldn't get off the island because nobody wants him. He says he will never be better than Pedro Portillo. He then calls out Savio and said he (Pedro) is the best wrestler in the last 25 years in Puerto Rico. Pedro talks trash as Cuervo foot chokes Manny. 

Savio Vega comes into the ring and stares down Pedro. Savio misses shots and Pedro gets out of the ring. Pedro said his dream was to fight Savio Vega and says his new dream is to retire Savio Vega. Pedro says Cuervo will take care of him. Cuervo says they messed with the most dominant faction. I believe he then says they are La Maldita Industria (The D@mn Industry) Savio then gets on the mic. He said  they lied to people and asked why Pedro left the ring. Savio said he retired when he wants, not when others want. He said he will die with his boots on. He said welcome to the house of Savio Vega and said things are done here his way.

Manny is stretchered out after. Savio helps tie him up on the stretcher. They have ads for the EMS company during this is which is hilarious and the ambulance almost runs over a couple of fans to close the show.

Overall thoughts: I liked Niche/Harry William but the two main matches were long and made the show drag some.

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