Friday, May 12, 2023

Ring of Honor on Honor Club 5/11/2023 Episode 11

Ring of Honor on Honor Club 5/11/2023 Episode 11

Last week's show is here:

Shane Taylor vs Mark Briscoe

They shake hands and they say its a first time singles match between these two. Shane shoulders him over then says he's going to beat his @ss like he did his brother's. Mark fires up and palm strikes him. Mark slingshots and is caught with a stunner for 2. Shane footchokes him then Mark face kicks him out of the ring. Mark then cannonballs him off the apron. Mark hits a mongolian chop out there and brings a chair inside. Mark ducks a clothesline then takes a stiff left arm lariat.

Shane hits a hard right hand and tells him he only got a title shot because he wasn't here. Mark fights back with chest slaps then is decked again. Mark hits face kicks the flying kicks him. Mark hits chops and forearms then back enzugiri's him. Mark dropkicks him through the ropes then jumps off the chair inside with a tope con hilo. Mark hits a top rope dropkick then does a rolling death valley driver. Shane hits a fire thunder driver for 2 and misses a 2nd rope splash.

Mark uranage's him for 2 then takes a headbutt to the chest. Shane uranage's and splashes him for 2. They trade forearms then Shane hits a great right hand. Mark lariats him and somewhat hits a jay driller to win it.

They did a little too much here but they matched up well otherwise. Shane hit some great punches and I liked all the trash talking he did against Mark.

Mark tell Joe to warm the TV title up because he is coming.

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta vs Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus

Tracy snapmares Yuta twice then takes strikes. Tracy does an interesting takedown and works the leg. CC breaks it up and does a nice takedown on Tracy. Tracy holds CC's arm then Titus jumps over him and butt drops it. Yuta is whipped into Titus then Titus suplexes him. Yuta takes knees then is lariated while on a knee. CC stomps on Tracy then slams him.

Tracy sunset flips Yuta then CC euros him. CC hits a slam and elbow drop for 2. CC spears the post. Yuta and Tracy go up top and Tracy ddt's him on the top buckle. Titus gets in and splashes then short arm lariats Yuta. Titus does an unusual spinning backdrop then belly to belly suplexes him. Titus hits a nice dropkick on CC then Tracy knees CC off the apron. Titus running facekicks Yuta then Titus dropkicks Yuta into a lariat for 2.

CC basically alley oops Titus to the floor. The ref gets bumped into and Yuta eye pokes Tracy. CC rocket launches Yuta off the top and they pick up the win.

This was fine. Nothing great or bad here but totally acceptable wrestling with the heels cheating to win. 

ROH TV Title - Samoa Joe (c) vs Blake Christian

Blake goes between his legs then goes onto the apron and backflips to the floor. Joe grabs him by the hair and takes an enzugiri. Blake then hits a hadnspring into a kick. Blake 619's his legs to sweep him then works Joe's left leg. Blake dropkicks the leg then takes a senton. Joe hits a punch then stomps him on the mat. Joe chest kicks him and does an elbow drop for 2.

Joe hits a nice powerslam for 2 and Blake jawbreakers him off the choke. Joe goes for a uranage but Blake armdrags him. Blake goes up top, takes a muscle buster and Joe wins it.

This was short but worked with Blake trying to work the leg and being the underdog before being beaten.

The Trustbusters/Varsity Athletes are interviewed. Mark says the Dark Order are putting a strain on his team. Ari says if a fight is what the Dark Order wants, then a fight is what they shall receiver.

The Infantry vs The Righteous

They shake hands and Righteous offers a hug with Dutch doing his tongue flick at both guys. Dean shoulders over Vincent then armdrags him. Dean hits a dropkick then Vincent running back elbows him. Bravo hits a back splash on Vincent and Dean drops an elbow. Stu Grayson comes out on the ramp. Vincent takes a double shoulder then has his legs split. Dutch lariats Dean from the apron then Dutch exploders Dean for 2.

Dutch lariats Dean then Vincent short flatliners him for 2. Bravo gets in and hits forearms then pulls out Dutch. Dutch hits a nice black hole slam on Bravo then Vincent uses Dutch for a sliced bread #2 on Dean and wins it.

The finishing stretch got a little messy here and unfortunately, the crowd was dead silent for a lot of this.

The Righteous stare down Stu after and walk up to him, calling him their friend. Vincent puts his hands on his head then Dutch says Stu is "one of us". I am curious to see if they go through with this or not as the Dark Order will be down to only three guys if Stu joins with them. This will be a problem because if Stu goes with The Righteous here, he's going to have to do it on AEW TV too. I just think it's going to be messy one way or the other and eventually cause a problem.

The Kingdom vs Action Andretti and Darius Martin in a fight without honor is next week.

Vertvixen vs Robyn Renegade

Vert shoulders her over then legsweeps her into a short flatliner for 2.  Vert hits a boot in the corner and Charlette distracts Vert while Robyn has the ref. Robyn dropkicks Vert and takes control. Vert slingshot rolls into a stunner on Robyn then pump kicks her. Vert flatliners Robyn for 2. Robyn abdominal stretches her and rolls back to ground her with it. Vert taps and Robyn breaks the hold before the ref calls it.

I think they messed the finish up here. It seemed like it was being built for a Vert win, but that was not the case. In typical AEW fashion, Vert lost on her AEW debut here.

Prince Nana, Kaun and Toa are interviewed. Nana isn't worried about facing The Boys tonight. Dalton Castle comes in and one of his boys is in the hospital. Dalton accuses Nana's crew of doing it but Nana says it wasn't them. Dalton says they made a big mistake then Nana reveals the mask that Brent had.

Ninja Mack vs Willie Mack 

The Mack Brothers are in action here. Willie backs him up into the corner then does kung fu/karate poses. Mack waistlocks him and slams him down. Mack shoulders him over then armdrags him off the hiptoss attempt. Ninja handstands over him and headscissors him but Willie cartwheels out. Ninja does a cool kip down then they face off. Willie hurricanrana's him then flying kicks him. Willie then tope con hilos him.

Willie slaps him outside then misses a standing moonsault inside. Mack hits kicks then Ninja running euros him. Ninja does a cool corkscrew capoeira splash then they superkick each other. Ninja is samoan dropped then Willie kips up and standing moonsaults him for 2. Mack rolls him up then tries a 2nd rope crossbody but is caught and sitout powerbombed for the Wille Mack win.

It was short but they matched up well. I would have liked to have seen this gone longer, but at least they didn't overdo it. I didn't like Ninja losing on his debut here.

The Embassy vs Adam Priest, Lucky Ali and Victor Benjamin

Kaun knees Adam in the gut then shoulders him over. Adam hits some strikes then Kaun hipthrows him. Cage gets in and back body drops Adam. Ali is tagged in then takes a pop-up drop. Cage hits corner moves then does a huge release german. Victor and Toa get in and Toa sends him flying with a shoulder. Victor high kicks Toa then spin kicks him. Victor hits a step up knee in the corner then takes a spinning lariat. Adam comes off the top and dropkicks Toa then Kaun lariats Adam. Cage pop up powerbombs Ali then buckle bombs him. Adam and Victor are put back to back and lariated then Adam is slammed body first onto Victor. The Embassy pick up the win.

This was the usual entertaining squash with The Embassy. They looked good as usual here.

Kyle Fletcher vs Tony Deppen

Tony grounded abdominal stretches him. Tony side headlocks him then Kyle shoulders him. Kyle mock claps him then Tony kicks him in the gut when he tries to shoulder him. Kyle shoulders him over then has his throat dropped over the top rope. Tony codebreakers him and Kyle no sells his chops. Kyle hits forearms then suplexes him.

Kyle running forearms him then germans him. Kyle hits a boot in the corner then Tony slingshot cutters him. Kyle goes out and Tony tope con hilos him. Tony running forearms him in the back of the neck. They trade forearms and Tony rolls him up. Kyle spinning forearms him then superkicks him. Tony hits a jumping knee and a german then double knees him in the corner. Tony hits a top rope double stomp for 2 then Kyle michinoku drivers him for apparently 3, though everyone thought it was a 2.

I didn't think this was anything special and they definitely botched the finish.

Anthony Henry vs AR Fox

Henry grabs him from behind and takes him down. Henry gets pulled out then AR topes him over the top twice. Henry gets close to JD then AR tope con hilos both. AR kips down then enzugiris and twisting brainbusters him. They get on the apron and AR is piledriven on it. Henry then short piledrivers him on the mat. Henry hits two brainbusters then AR counters the third one and brainbusters him.

AR facekicks him in the corner and cutters him from the bottom rope. AR top rope swantons him for 2. Henry rebound germans him then does a slingshot suplex for 2. AR facekicks him in the corner then reverses a sleeper into a pin attempt. Henry takes an iconoslam then is rolled into a cutter for 2. AR kicks JD Drake from the apron then AR tope con hilos him. AR comes bck in and takes a ddt over the 2nd rope. Henry is on the 2nd rope and AR hits a seated spanish fly then a 450 and wins it.

I hated this. It was nothing but indy garbage with flip for no reason and everyone taking head bumps that didn't mean anything.

AR and Henry shake hands after then JD and Henry beat up Fox. Shane Taylor comes out and helps out then FTR come down. They brawl with the heels  and naturally get the edge on them, clearing them off. Henry goes up the ramp and then Eddie Kingston comes out. Henry takes a big rig. Eddie goes to talk and they cut away and we never get to hear it. This was a weird segment as AR was with Metallik and Blake Christian, yet neither were here. It was also weird that they cut off Eddie from talking.

I will not be watching the Varsity Athletes/Trustbusters vs Dark Order match.

We see a Skye Blue interview from last week.

ROH Women's Title - Athena (c) vs Skye Blue 

We see a Skye Blue interview from last week.

Athena drops her with a forearm to start. Skye hits some bad strikes and they botch a roll-up. Athena cartwheels out of a headscissors then Skye does the same. Athena facekicks her. Skye rolls her up and gets dropkicked. Skye is thrown out and nearly lands on her head. Athena is then thrown into the stairs she set up outside.

Skye is pulled off the apron then carried up the ramp. Skye hits a bad armdrag on the stage and does a bad headscissors. Athena superkicks her and she falls off the stage. Athena drops double knees on her outside. They try roll-ups and Skye top rope crossbodies her for 2.

They go up top and Skye hurricanrana's her as she sits on the top tope. Skye hits a reverse sitout slam then Athena backbreakers her. Athena slaps her and Skye fires back with a slap. Athena hits Skye's skyfall full nelson slam then Skye 2nd rope cutters her. Skye hits a skyfall for 2. Skye bangs her head off the apron. Skye gets powerbombed from the apron to the side of the stairs then Athena twists her into a codebreaker for 2. Skye rolls her up then Athena wins with a camel clutch.

This wasn't good. Lots of sloppy work here, mostly from Skye. They took it too easy on the powerbomb spot at the end and I'm pretty sure we heard them calling the spot too. I think this was supposed to highlight Skye, but it ended up exposing her.

Athena shakes her hand and holds up her arm after then lariats her. Skye has her head banged off the title and Athena talks trash and poses.

Overall thoughts: The show was more bad than good with a lot of mess ups.The Embassy trios match, Joe's match, Mack vs Mack and Briscoe/Shane were decent matches but the main event and semi main weren't good. They had a bad night with finishes with multiple screw-ups. As usual, we had a lot of unexplainable absences here, a lack of direction and people coming in with no introduction randomly to lose.

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