Thursday, May 11, 2023

AEW Dynamite 5/10/2023

AEW Dynamite 5/10/2023

Last week's show is here:

Double Jeopardy Match - Claudio Castagnoli vs Rey Fenix

They said the winner of this gets a shot at the other's title. This is not usually what a double jeopardy match is, which is two matches going on at the same time. There were no entrances here.

Rey comes off the 2nd rope and takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Rey does a triple jump springboard into a hurricanrana then topes him twice. Rey gets his throat dropped on the rails outside. CC lifts him up like a suplex and tries to go up the steps with him, but can't and puts him past the rail. Rey walks the rail and hurricanrana's him. CC gets on the 2nd rope and Rey springboard hurricanrana's him.

CC lariats him for 2. They go outside again and CC gorilla presses him over the rails into the crowd. We go to break and return. CC gutwrench suplexes him off the ropes. Rey superkicks him then rolls into a jumping cutter. Rey then top rope moonsaults him on the outside then code reds him on the inside. Rey hits another superkick then CC hits an alphamare waterslide for 2. CC elbow flurries him then hits a ricola bomb for the win.

I thought they did way too much here and I thought the first half of this was pretty sloppy.

Miro is in the back. We see him go into Tony Khan's office.

MJF talks about the four pillars and said the gap between him and the other three has only gotten bigger since the start. He said he is begging them to step up to the plate and accomplish some of the things he accomplished.

FTR comes out to talk. They ask Mark Briscoe to come out. Jay Lethal's crew comes out instead. Sonjay said they are waiting for them to accept their challenge. FTR accusing them of trying to use Mark. Mark Briscoe then comes out. He said they need to relax and said he would be the special in their match.

Chris Jericho is interviewed. He said he wasn't prepared for a fight when Cole came after him. He said he is a coward and got a legal counsel. He said Cole is banned from any arena he is in. Roderick Strong comes up to him and challenges him to a falls count anywhere match. Jericho agrees and says he has a whole army behind him, so be careful what you wish for. Strong then said he also got legal counsel and the JAS is banned from the arena.

Renee is at Tony Khan's office waiting for Miro then Thunder Rosa walks in.

Sammy Guevara does a promo. He said he is the black sheep of the 4 pillars and is the one who doesn't belong. Jericho said Sammy was brought here to be a star. Sammy said he knows he belongs at the top of this country. Jericho said it's time for his potential to be realized. Sammy said if you listen to your heart and go for it, it can come true.

Tony Khan does a promo. He said it's clear AEW can produce great content every week and says to tune in next week for an important announcement. It is likely they will announce AEW Collision and a new tv deal.

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Daniel Garcia

Garcia gets the advantage and dances. They put each other in armlocks and OC does his screwing around. Garcia is put into the rails outside then OC topes him. OC top rope crossbodies him then Garcia runs him over with a shoulder. Garcia backdrops him on the apron and rail. We go to PiP break and return. Garcia dances more then superplexes him. He tries to roll him into another suplex but they mess up a cutter spot on it.

Garcia dragon screws OC and they trade forearms. Garcia puts OC's hands in his pockets and OC still does a beach break variation off of it. Garcia then hits weak kicks on OC to mock him. OC tries to put his hands in his pockets but Garcia kicks him then piledrivers him. OC hits a beach break for 2 then Garcia sharp shooters him. Garcia crossfaces him then OC reverses it and pins him.

This was the usual OC goofing around in a title match and I have the same complaints about it as I usually do. Garcia wasn't much better as he was screwing around too in a nimportant title match.

The Outcasts do a promo and says Shida went back to Japan. Britt said Shida is here in spirt, but in person. Britt said they would accept a challenge for a trios match with The Outcasts once she is back.

Christian Cage and Luchasaurus are interviewed. We are otld Wardlow and Arn aren't here. Christian says Detroit is the worst city in the country. He said Arn's son Brock Anderson is signed to AEW then says that Arn threw Brock aside to help out Wardlow. He said Arn was the lesser man of his team with Tully. He asked what Wardlow will do when he realizes his legend is not as smart, as good or as cunning as him. He said he will spit in Wardlow's face next week and make him realize that his days as a TNT champ are over.

Darby Alin did a promo at his house. We see his dad and his skate park.  Darby said he knows where he is going and how to get there and he is going to be the world champ at Double or Nothing.

No Holds Barred - Julia Hart vs Anna Jay

Julia is hit with a chair during her entrance. Julia throws her into the rails then Julia hits her with a kendo stick. Anna uses the kendo stick on her. We go to PiP break. Anna gets her head banged off the timekeepers table then Julia chokes her with a kendo stick. Anna is then ddt'd on the floor. Julia hits chops then Anna eye pokes her.

Anna brings a chair and trash can in. Julia throws her hard face first into a chair then Julia takes a gori speical onto a stack of chairs outside. Anna hits her with a trash can then puts it over Julia's head for a spin kick. Julia superplexes her and tries to do it on chairs but misses. Julia then puts her in a submission and wins it.

It wasn't great like some of Anna's other hardcore matches, but it was fine for what it was.

Best Friends and Bandido are interviewed. OC says there's more room in his backpack for more titles. Trent says Best Amigos win the big one tonight. They get to pick the last stipulation for tonight and Chuck is supposed to pick it, but forgot to think of one. Trent says all witches are banned from ringside. OC then said he is tired.

AEW Trios Title - Open House Match - House of Black vs Bandido and Best Friends

The lights are out here for this one and we just have some stage lights. Bandido takes a knee to the gut then is knee'd in the face. Black leglocks him then Black takes a double back elbow into being dropped onto his chest. The Best Friends then double elbow him. Brody sentons Trent and we go to PiP break. We return and Trent tornado ddt's Buddy. Buddy is superkicked then Bandido tornillos him off the top. Bandido crucifix bombs him then tope con hilos Black and Brody outside. Bandido springboards and takes a pump kick off of it. Chuck hits soul foot on Buddy then takes a pumping knee. Chuck then takes a fire thunder driver and the House of Black win it.

They had a long list of special rules for this and I don't think they played any role in this. This was short and the break may have been near as long as the match itself.

Orange Cassidy is down in the back and Kyle Fletcher of Aussie Open is standing overtop of him. Okay.

We get a video on Jungle Boy. He started training when he was 10 in a ring in a guy's backyard. He said he feels he has put the work in to be champ. He said he wants to be the best wrestler in the world and rips MJF for only wrestling 4 times a year and singing showtunes.

Starks said he did what he was going to do by putting Juice in the ground. He said he's sick of the Bullet Club.

Cage Match - Jon Moxley vs Kenny Omega

Mox jumps Kenny before he gets in the ring and they brawl. Mox goes into the rails then Caludio and Yuta beat up Kenny. The Young Bucks come out to help and superkick the BCC. Claudio makes a comeback on the Bucks and throws Matt Jackson off the stage. Nick Jackson argues with Bryan Danielson at the commentary booth then he dies on the BCC off the stage.

Mox and Kenny finally get in the cage and hit forearms. Kenny knees him then does his forward Finlay roll into a 2nd rope moonsault. Kenny gets a barbed wire chair and throws it at Mox's head. Kenny chairs him in the back then pushes the chair into his back before double stomping it.

Mox gets his head banged off the buckles then bangs Kenny's head off the camera before kissing it. Kenny goes for a springboard and is pushed into the cage. Kenny bulldog's Mox's head on the chair. Mox is slammed on the chair. Mox then superplexes him on the chair.

We go to break and return and Mox has the rope connector hook in Kenny's mouth. Mox bulldog chokes him with the rope. then Kenny hits him with it. Mox knees him in the face. Mox brings out a very small pie of broken glass. Kenny pumping knees him then drops him back first on the glass. Kenny knees him in the face. They slap eavch other and Kenny pumping knees him through the cage.

Mox gets a screwdriver and Don Callis gets in. Don grabs the screw driver then Mox is hit from behind. Kenny pumping knees him then hits a one winged angel. Don Callis then hits Kenny in the head with the screwdriver then Mox picks up the win.

Don teases stabbing Kenny in the head with the screwdriver then just kisses him.

The match was good. No goofy stuff, just people bleeding and hitting each other hard. The ending was not good though. It doesn't make a lot of sense for Don to turn on Kenny. The BCC beat him up, scarring him and he just doesn't really come across as a guy they'd hang out with.

Overall thoughts: I liked the main and the women's match was okay. CC/Fenix wasn't their best match nor was it a double jeopardy match. OC did his usual screwing around and trios title match wasn't much. Miro coming back and Tony's announcement about an announcement added to this as well, but I'd still put the show in the middle as it could have been better and it could have been worse.

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