Sunday, May 14, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 5/14/2023 Best of the Super Junior 30 Day 3

New Japan Pro Wrestling 5/14/2023 Best of the Super Junior 30 Day 3

Here's what I saw:

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block A Match - KUSHIDA vs. Titan

Titan bridges and headflips out of an armlock. Kush surfboards him. Titan walks up the buckles and does rope tricks into an armdrag but Kush isn't hit with it. Titan rolls out and Kush moves out of the way. Titan chases Kush around.

Kush gets a cobra twist on. Titan goes for a handspring on the ropes and has his arm kicked. Titan limbos out of a lariat then kicks him. Titan does a springboard crossbody then tornado ddt's him. Titan then tope con hilos him and hits a springboard double stomp for the win.

It really wasn't that interesting with them doing some goofing off outside early and the finish really coming out of nowhere.

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block B Match - YOH vs. Dan Moloney

They evade each other and Yoh makes Dan chase him around the ring. Yuto gets in the way so Dan chops him then Yoh cannonballs him off the apron. Yoh hits mongolian chops then Dan dropkicks and suplexes him for 2. Dan backdrops him and they trade chops.

Yoh comes back with strikes then does machine gun chops. Yoh then goes for Koji's bakayaro elbow but Dan stops it. Yoh dropkicks him then his a falcon arrow for 2. Yoh hurricanrana's him then Dan spears him. Dan hits an over the shoulder piledriver and wins it.

It was short and odd with Yoh goofing around by doing other people's moves.

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block A Match - TJP vs. Mike Bailey

TJP headstand headscissors him then TJP handstands out of a headscissors. TJP bow and arrows him. TJP ducks a kick then Mike footslaps him in the head. Mike hits his alternating kicks then they go outside where Mike's back is pushed into the apron.

TJP slingshot swantons Mike for 2. TJP hits facewash kicks then Mike 2nd rope dropkicks him. Mike hits kicks then running ssp's him for 2. Mike gets his foot stomped on, TJP slides out and takes a top rope moonsault. Mike misses an ultimate weapon attempt then TJP regal stretches him. TJP dodges a superkick then superkicks him. TJP then backdrops him. Mike does his standing moonsault double knee. TJP tornado ddt's him then springboard diving ddt's him for 2.  Mike gets dropped from the top then he spin kicks TJP. Mike then does a single leg electric chair driver and wins it.

It wasn't super special or anything and certianly was not their best work. It was okay enough though. 

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block B Match - El Desperado vs. Master Wato

Wato side headlocks him then Despy shoulders him over. Despy's leg gives out and they trade forearms on the floor. Back in and Wato bulldogs him. Wato headscissors him. Despy suplexes him for 2 then Despy does something like a stretch muffler on his knee.

Wato leg lariats him then Wato tope con hilos him. Wato springboard ueros him. Wato hits a code red for 2. Despy's knee gives out again then Wato hits a TTD. Wato misses a spiral tap then Despy spears and pumphandle bombs him. Wato rolls him up for 2 then buzsaw kicks him. Despy then hits an angels wings and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of this one. The crowd wasn't much into it and the knee work on the injured knee was on and off here.

Best Of The Super Junior 30 Block A Match - Hiromu Takahashi vs. Lio Rush

They run at each other and stop before the crash. Lio avoids HT and makes him chase him. Lio then headflips and enzugiris him. HT shotgun dropkicks him then HT is suplexed on the floor. Lio runs around the ring then is belly to belly suplexed onto a pulled out chair. HT corner lariats him then basement dropkicks him.

HT tries to poisonrana him over the top rope but Lio just flips him then tope's him outside. Lio then topes him two more times. Lio hits a jumping knee then does a spinning F-5 for 2. Lio then takes a death valley driver into the buckles. HT superkicks him on the apron then death valley drivers him on the apron. HT then hits a dynamite plunger for 2. Lio comes back with a superkick.

Lio does an inverted 2nd rope frogsplash then HT gets his knees up on his 2nd frogsplash. HT superkicks him then Lio pele kicks him. They each do spinning elbows then Lio standing spanishes flies him. Lio hits a cutter and goes for a top rope frogsplash but is caught with a cutter. Lio poisonrana's him then hits a rush hour cutter. Lio top rope frogsplashes his back. Lio top rope frogsplashes him and wins it.

I hated this. It was just indy stuff here with people doing big moves and none of it meaning anything. There was very little selling here too. 

Overall thoughts: I didn't like what I saw. The crowd either couldn't or wouldn't cheer much and it was just not anyone's best efforts with lots of screwing around.

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