Wednesday, May 10, 2023

CMLL 3/24/2023

CMLL 3/24/2023

Halcon Suriano Jr. & Hombre Bala Jr. vs. Difunto & Inquisidor

Bala and Difunto try for submissions then Bala goes forward and dropkicks him form behind. Difuno ties up hits legs and does a nice double underhook submission but lets go before they face off. Halcon and Inq go at it and Halcon STF's him. Halcon does a shoulder throw then Inq hits a hiptoss. Halcon armdrags him and fujiwara armbars him. Halcon hits an armdrag then Bala top rope crossbodies Difunto. He hits a springboard headscissors then Inq dropkicks his own partner. Bala  does a pendulum double knee in the corner then walk up the buckles armdrags Inq. Bala dives at Difunto and headbutts him against the bottom rope.

Halcon does some flips and then hits armdrags on Inq. Halcon does a top rope cutter on Difunto. Inq tries to elbow drop Halcon, misses then Bala does a top rope splash on both opponents. The heels hit stereo spinebusters for 2 then do stereo roll-ups for 2. Difunto sends Halcon into the rails outside then, Bala superkicks Difunto. Bala is stuck over the top rope and Difunto top rope double stomps him. Inq dropkicks Halcon as he hangs from the top then Difunto facekicks Bala. Halcon is popped up by Bala into a hurricanrana on Difunto on the ramp. Bala then split-legged moonsaults Inq for 2. Halcon does moonsaults of the buckles to beat Difunto and Bala cradle shocks Inq to win.

It started off okay but the finish was bad with them not being able to time it right and the match went longer than it needed to.

 Audaz, Flyer & Fuego vs. Los Cancerberos del Infierno (Cancerbero, Luciferno & Virus)

1st Fall - Fuego takes over Cancer and they exchange holds. Cancer armdrags him twice then Fuego gets one in. Flyer and Luci do some mat wrestling then CS rolls Virus into a pin attempt. CS goes up and over and then does headflips out of the corner then he armdrags Virus. Luci and Flyer get in and Flyer headscissors him. Fuego springboard crossbodies Luci then takes lariats and a kick from Virus. CS is sat on the apron then Virus baseball slides him down to the floor. Luci shotgun dropkicks Flyer and pins him. Fuego takes corner lariats from all opponents then his head is dropkicked as he hangs upside down on the ropes. Cancer then pins Fuego to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mije beats up Ke Monito in a mascot fight then Flyer is beaten up in the corner. Fuego is spinebustered into an elbow drop and basement dropkick. CS takes corner lariats then Luci dropkicks him in the crotch. Fuego takes a triple boot then Flyer top rope armdrags Cancer. Luci and Cancer accidentally hit their own pqartner then Flyer headscissors Cancer. Flyer asai moonsaults Cancer outside then Fuego pins Luci. CS does a cool move and pins Virus.

3rd Fall - Virus hits a stiff lariat on Flyer then Flyer armdrags him out. Flyer tilt-a-whirl armdrags Cancer out too. Fuego teases Luci by trying to shake his hand then pulling his own hand away. Flyer hits a headscissors on Luci then back rolls into an armdrag on Cancer. Fuego bridges out of a lariat then does a nice armdrag over the shoulders of Virus. CS flips over Luci's back then headscissors him from the 2nd rope. CS handspring reverse topes Virus then 619's him. CS springboard twisting crossbodies Cancer then tilt-a-whirl slams him. Flyer plls down Virus by the hair and springboard splashes him then Fuego hits a springboard splash on all 3 heels at the same time. CS top rope hurricanrana's Cancer then corkscrew dives him outside. Virus rolls up Fuego then Luci beats Flyer with a shoulder breaker to win it.

The third fall was good but the first fall dragged a little.

Mexican National Welterweight Title Match - Magia Blanca (c) vs. Rey Cometa

Magia has cool light blue body paint covering him. Rey slaps on a headlock and they trade full nelsons. Rey headlock takeovers him then Magia headscissors him. Rey handstand spinning headscissors him twice then both land on their feet on monkey flip attempts. They then stand off.

Rey topes Magia into the rails. Rey is popped up and lands on his chest then is lariated over the top. Rey is thrown into the rails outside then is put in the tree of woe where Magia stomps him. Magia tries to run at him while he hangs and ends up rolling out. Rey top rope crossbodies Magia outside.

Magia deadlift 2nd rope superplexes Rey for 2. Magia rotation headscissors Rey out then 2nd rope tornillos him outside. Rey goes for a springboard crossbody but is dropkicked in the air. Magia walks up the buckles and tornillos him inside. Rey enzugiris him from the apron then hits a 450 for 2. They go up top and Rey 2nd rope hurricanranas him. Rey handsprings and is caught in a spinning rack powerbomb for the Magia win.

It went longer ti needed to and the pace really slowed down in the 2nd half. It was okay otherwise though.

El Barbaro Cavernario, Niebla Roja & Yota vs. Atlantis Jr., Soberano Jr. & Titan

1st Fall - Yota is armdragged by Atlantis then he shoulder battles with him, which he wins. Yota is superkicked then pumping knees him. Atlantis then dropkicks him. Yota pulls his fan out and fans himself then kicks Atlantis a little low and poses over him. Atlantis is beaten up in the corner 3v1. Sob top rope hurricanrana's Roka then Titan shotgun dropkicks Yota before Atlantis tope con hilos him. Titan springboard crossbodies Barb then satelittle headscissors him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis is hit from behind then 2nd rope hurricanrana's Roja. Atlantis headcissors Yota and then Barb, sending both out. Yota cartwheels out of a Sob hurricanrana then is superkicked. Sob uses Roja to headscissor Barb then armdrags Roja. Titan spin kicks Roja in the gut and flips out of the corner before hitting a leg lariat. Titan hits kicks on Yota then goes up the buckles, jumps around on the ropes with Barb's arm and springboard double stomps Yota in the gut. Titan tornado ddt's Barb and back rolls and lands on his feet outside.

Atlantis pushes Barb down, but he does the worm. Atlantis is beaten up by the heels 3v1 then is popped up into a top rope Barb dropkick. Roja pins Atlantis. Sob takes a 3v1 then takes a vertebreaker variation. The rudos get the pin.

3rd Fall - Atlantis takes a double spinebuster then double basement dropkicks. Titan is popped up into a kick in the gut. Yota giant swings Sob then the heels double dropkick him for 2. Atlantis is triple teamed . Barb runs the ropes but is headscissored over the top by Titan then Sob top rope hurricanrana's Roja. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Yota then Sob top rope dives to the outside while Atlantis topes under him. Titan runs into a tornado ddt attempt but is suplexed over by Barb. Barb springboad splashes Titan.

Barb pulls down itan by his mask then takes a pele kick as he is on the ropes. Titan tope con hilos him  then Sob top rope crossbodies Yota. Yota superkicks him  then Yota takes a sit out powerbomb and a standing moonsault for 2. Yota accidentally superkicks his own partner then Sob 2nd rope moonsaults him as he hangs from the top rope. Atlantis runs the ramp and dives on Roja and the technicos get two pins at the same time to win the fall.

This was good. The techs did their flying and the heels were decent heels here. I liked the two dives th techs did where they went under and over each other. 

Lightning Match - Volador Jr. vs. Templario

Vol armdrags him and Temp flips out. Vol headsicssors him and he rolls through it then they both get up and stand off. Vol headscissors him out and then hits an enzugiri from the apron. Vol headscissors him again then does a tope con hilo outside. Temp shoulders him over, cartwheels then backflips before hitting a headscissors. Vol goes out and Temp topes him next to the post.

Temp slides out and Vol asai moonsaults him outside. Vol jumps off top and is caught with a dropkick. Vol rolls into a code red for 2. Vol handsprings and is thrown down for 2.  Vol superkicks him then Temp superkicks him back. Vol hits two more superkicks into a backcracker for 2. Temp powerbomb backcrackers him for 2. Temp is on the 2nd rope and tries to powerbomb Vol but Vol hurricanrana's him and wins it at 7:41.

It was a lightning match with a 10 minute timelimit so they had to work fast here. It was fun with some nice flips and dives and a quick pace. These two matched up well together and both had cool gear on with Vol having blue body and face paint while Temp had a full body + mask green costume.

CMLL World Trios Titles - Los Infernales (Euforia, Hechicero & Mephisto) (c) vs. Los Guerreros (Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero)

1st Fall - Gran and Hech start us off, trading holds on the mat. Gran armdrag him and they stand off with Gran mocking his pose. Hech does a reverse figure four on him then armdrags him. They stand off again. Ultimo and Euf go at it. Euf handstands and pulls him over then armdrags him. Ultimo monkey flps him and Euf hits another amdrag. Stuka flying shoulders Meph then takes shots at his partners. Stuka tilt-a-whirl armdrags Meph then does the same to Hech. Stuka then topes Hech into the rails. Stuka is on the 2nd rope and Euf suplexes him. Meph hits a standing la rosa driver on Stuka then Ultimo is jumped by the Infernales.

Ultimo takes a double hiptoss into a triple powerbomb then is stomped on. Ultimo evades a 3v1 with a double clothesline then does a pendulum double knee in the corner. Hech springboard lariats Ultimo. Euf is helped up to the 2nd rope and springboard splashes Ultimo. Euf powerslams Gran for 2 then takes a double basement dropkick. Gran hits corner lariats on Hech. Stuka is triple stomped then is splashed against the 2nd rope. 

The Infernales are all put on the apron and take triple baseball slides. Ultimo then flips Gran with his feet into a tope con hilo on them and Stuka moonsaults outside. Ultimo then top rope dives the Infernales. Ultimo is sat up top and suplexes Hech off the 2nd rope for 2. Hech sleepers Ultimo over the ropes and rolls him up for 2. Hech hits punches on Ultimo then takes a top rope powerbomb.

Meph is chokeslammed onto Euf then Stuka is 2nd rope suplexed by his partner onto both. Meph and Euf somehow kick out. Euf is on the 2nd rope and drops Stuka for a powerbomb but its only for 2. Mephis suplexed onto Euf then Stuka top rope splashes Meph and Euf but again, it's only for 2.

Stuka springboards into a Meph dropkick then Gran is lariated over the top. Euf and Meph hit tope con hilos outside. Euf step up kicks Ultimo then does a nice rolling legs and arm submission on Ultimo to win it.

This was a fun main event with everyone going all out. Lots of people doing dives that normally don't do them and they all took big bumps. Lots of nearfalls here and it was a good effort by all.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. The main and semi-main both delivered and the Yota tag match was good too.

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