Sunday, April 2, 2023

WWE Wrestlemania 39 Night 2 4/2/2023

WWE Wrestlemania 39 Night 2 4/2/2023

Brock Lesnar vs Omos

Brock tries to take down Omos and is thrown. Brock flies at him with shoulders and Omor doesn't go anywhere then Omos headbutts him. Omos slams him then double axe handles his back. Omos hits a big slam then bearhugs him. Omos hits another slam. Brock runs into a chokeslam for 2. Omos runs into the post then gets german suplexed three times. Brock goes for the F-5 but his back gives out then he tries again and hits it to win.

This was fine just very short and limited. It was kind of a waste of a Brock WM match, of which he maybe doesn't have a lot left.

Wrestlemania Showcase Match - Ronda Rousey and Shayna Basler vs Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville vs Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez vs Shotzi and Natalaya

Liv hurricanrana's Natalya then Nat hurricarana's Raquel. Chelsea Green argues with Nat over being tagged then Green dropkicks Raquel but she no sells it. Sonya is caught by Raquel and Green pulls Raquel hair but Raquel falls back and turns it into a fallaway slam. Shotzi botches some king od roll-up then Shayna gets a triple powerbomb.  Green's team clears off everyone then Shotzi top rope crossbodies Green and Sonya.

Shotzi suicide dives on Shayna and Sonya. Green goes up top and crossbodies a couple of girls to get away from Raquel. Liv is picked by Raquel and thrown on everyone outside. Raquel fallaway slams Shotzi then vader bomb corkscrew elbows her. Raquel piks up Shotzi for a chokeslam but gets clipped then has the same thing happen when picking up Green. Sonya running knees Raquel then Green running facekicks Raquel out. Shotzi hits a double sliced bread #2 then Sonya is lifted for a Shotzi and Natalaya Hart attack move.

Natalya slams Green onto Sonya then sharpshooters both. Live hits kicks on Shotzi then is tiger suplexed. Liv codebreakers Shotzi then hits oblivion on the ropes. Shayna loses her shoe somehow then Ronda armbars Shotzi to win it.

This was a get everyone on the card match and wasn't that special. There weren't a lot of screw-ups and it was mostly just people hitting various spots and moving on to the next one.

Bobby Lashley came out with his Andre the Giant Battle Royale trophy but didn't do anything else.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Gunther (c) vs Drew McIntyre vs Sheamus

Drew shotgun dropkicks Gunther to start then brawls with Sheamus. Sheamus lariats him and hits euros then Drew hits chops. Drew lariats him then Sheamus hits an irish curse backbreaker. Gunther gets back in and chops both guys. Drew is pulled into the post by Gunther then Gunther hits more hard chops on Sheamus. Sheamus comes back with punches then gets backbeakered and put in the boston crab.

Drew slaps Gunther then they trade shots. Drew chop flurries him then Sheamus knocks down both with euros. Gunther double throat thrusts both then Drew and Sheamus team up to chop and club Gunther. Sheamus chest clubs Drew then Drew ends up falling before he gets to 30 clubs. Gunther face kicks Sheamus then release germans him. Gunther then running lariats him for 2.

Gunther lariats Sheamus for 2 then Drew top rope clubs Gunther. Drew neckbreakers Gunther then Drew belly to belly suplexes Sheamus. Gunther shotgun dropkicks Drew then powerbombs him for 2. Sheamus hits an air raid crash off the 2nd rope on Gunther then hits a razor's edge for 2.

Gunther gets put in the texas cloverleaf but there's no DQ's or ropebreaks then Drew chinlocks Sheamus while he has it on. Sheamus pumping knees Drew and pumping kicks Gunther. Sheamus pumping kicks Gunther for 2 as Drew pulls him out. Drew and Sheamus stare down outside then brawl. Sheamus gets knocked off the apron then Drew tope con hilo's him. Drew runs at Sheamus but takes a brogue kick for 2. Drew headbutts Sheamus then Drew flying kicks Sheamus for 2.

Drew and Sheamus fight on their knees then hockey fight. Drew hits short arm lariats then Sheamus pump kicks him. Sheamus goes for the pin but Gunther top rope splashes him then powerbombs him onto Drew. Gunther then powerbombs Drew and grabs the win.

Great match here. Just 15+ minutes of big guys beating the crap out of each other. The crowd loved it and Titus O'Neil on commentary loved it and really helped put it over. This was so much fun and exactly the type of wrestling I like.

Raw Women's Title - Bianca Belair (c) vs Asuka

BB starts off with dropkicks and corner spears.  BB hits a suplex then Asuka bulldogs her. BB spinebusters her for 2 then BB tries a handspring into a moonsault but is caught with a triangle. BB ends up doing a handstand on the apron when pushed up by Asuka then BB ends up doing a gutwrench powerbomb on the floor on her.

BB spears the post hard then Asuka rolls her into an ankle lock. BB deadlifts her into a backdrop. BB goes for a handspring and gets caught with an ankle lock then Asuka 2nd rope dropkicks her. Asuka kicks her on the apron then Asuka dropkicks her into the post. BB 2nd rope deadlift suplexes her from outside the ring to inside for 2.

Asuka head kicks her for 2 then BB rolls her up for 2. BB blockbusters her then does a handspring into a moonsault for 2. BB hits a nice shoulder tackle then they fight up top. BB gets pulled down by the hair then pulled into a codebreaker. Asuka gets thrown into the buckle face first from the double chickenwing position. Asuka goes for the mis but gets nothing then BB rolls through a rack. Asuka then rolling armbars her then BB hits a KOD and wins it.

I thought this was a good effort by both girls and ended up being a decent match.  The powerbomb on the floor really should have been the finish as that was nasty. They had some nice sports here.

Miz and Snoop Dogg were in the ring and sai there were 81, 395 fans there today and 161, 892 fans total. Miz complained about Snoop Dogg's actions on the night before and Snoop said, "my bad". Miz said he doesn't try to show him how to rap and says this is his city, his ring and his Wrestlemania. Snoop said this is our city, ring and Wrestlemania. Snoop then brought out Shane McMahon. Shane said the reception meant a lot to him. Snoop asked for a ref and asked for Shane to take care of him.

Shane McMahon vs The Miz

Shane hit punches then hurt himself on a leapfrog.  People checked on Shane then Snoop knocked out Miz. Snoop asked him if he was going to knock his homeboy out like that then Snoop knocked out Miz. Snoop then did a people's elbow and pinned a match he wasn't even in. Well, props to Snoop for adjusting on the fly here but this really was a disaster.

Hell in a Cell - Finn Balor vs Edge

They tried to cut the lights out for Edge, but it's LA and it's still sunny, so that didn't work. Edge had a cool entrance with wings and a silver Terminator-esque mask, coming up through fire.

They traded shots and circled each other before going to get plunder. Edge had a bright red chair and Finn had a purple kendo stick. Finn hit him with the stick then lariated him over the top. Edge's face was pressed into the cage. Edge then hit him with a purple kendo stick and threw him into the cage. Edge trapped him behind sticks in the corner of the cage then dropkicked him off the apron.

Edge got a purple table set up against the cage then Finn did a bunch of palm strikes. Finn then threw him into the steps. Edge hit a flapjack into the ring then did an impaler ddt then ran into a sling blade. Finn then shotgun dropkicked Edge through the pruple table. Finn threw chairs at Edge's head then Edge hit a boot. Edge hit a killswitch.

Finn rolled him up for 2 then Edge pulled his head back into the mat. Edge got a ladder and threw it at Finn's head. A doctor worked on Finn's cut while Edge brought weapons in the ring. Finn double stomped Edge then did an elbow slice on him. Edge ran into the ladder when Finn moved then they alriated each other. Finn hit another sling blade then shotgun dropkicked him.

Finn did a double stomp off the top for 2. Finn climbed up a ladder and got hit with a kendo stick and there wa a move off the top of the ladder that I missed. Finn hit kendo stick shots then chaired him while he was on a table. Finn climbed the cell and double stomped the table when Edge moved. Edge then speared him for 2.

Edge hit Finn with the kendo stick then the red chair. Edge did a conchairto and won the match.

The doctor coming in during hell in a cell was a bad look but I thought it was a decent match otherwise. It was mostly just a hardcore match with a lot of weapon usage.

Bianca Belair was interviewed. she said it meant everything to her to defend her title.

WWE Undisputed Title - Roman Reigns (c) vs Cody Rhodes

Cody gave his belt to -1 of AEW fame. Roman had a bunch of piano players for his entrance. Roman asked for everyone to acknowledge him befoe the match.

Roman gets side headlocked then taken down. Roman goes to stall outside then gets back in and back elbows Cody. Roman hits a bunch of clotheslines in the corner then Cody hits a nice dropkick. Cody springboards and is caught with a power bomb. Roman suplexes him then Cody throws him out. Cody tries to kick him off the apron but ends up eating apron when Roman swings his leg down.

Cody then gets thrown onto the ramp and then slammed onto it. Cody then slams him on the ramp. Roman has his head banged off the apron. Solo Sikoa goes under the ring and hits Cody with a chair, which the ref doesn't see. Roman then does a drive by on the apron. Solo trips Cody then Roman lariats him for 2.

Cody is thrown out and Roman clears a table off. Roman gets back body dropped through a table. Cody drops down and punches Roman on the inside then powerslams him. Cody hits a Cody Cutter for 2 then tope's him into the rail. Solo hits Cody with a weightlifting belt and gets ejected for it.

Roman and th eref fight over the belt then Cody superkicks him and hits a crossroads for 2. Roman chinbreakers Cody then pounds on him. Cody is thrown over the top and tries to skin the cat but Roman catches him  and hits a uranage for 2. Roman goes for a superman punch and takes a pedigree for 2. Cody goes for a springboard then takes a superman punch for 2. Cody hits a sunset flip out of a spear attempt then figure fours him.

They trade punches with Cody on the apron then Roman spears him for 2. Roman hits mounted punches then guillotines him. Roman grounds him with it. Cody breaks the hold and pounds on him then accidentally pump kicks the ref. Roman superman punches him and Cody bounces off the opres and runs into him. Both men are down along with the ref.

The Uso's come down and kick Cody then hit a 3D. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens come out to help and run off the Uso's. Roman takes an Owens stunner and a Zayn helluva kick. The Uso's then recover and they brawl into the stands. Cody gets a 2 count.

They trade punches on their knees  then trade more shots. Cody blocks a superman punch then does Dusty's punch and elbow combo. Cody hits another crossroads then holds on for another. Heyman gets on the apron then Solo Sikoa hits a samoan spike on Cody. Roman then spears cody and wins it.

Lots of shenanigans here. How the ref didn't see any of it, I don't know. I thought it was a pretty good match and one of the better ones I've seen Cody in. The crowd was really hot and it felt like Roman could lose this one. No idea where Roman goes from here with this though other than another Cody match, as he has beaten everyone else multiple times at this point.

Overall thoughts: Good show. The women's 4 way wasn't special and the Miz/Shane/Snoop segment was a disaster, but was unintentionally funny. The main was good and Gunther/Drew/Sheamus was everything we all wanted and more. Hell in a Cell wasn't revolutionary or anything, but I thought it was okay enough. Asuka/Bianca was decent as well and Brock/Omos was short but okay.

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