Sunday, April 2, 2023

Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor 3/31/2023

Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor 3/31/2023


Tracy Williams vs Jeff Cobb

Cobb blocks a headlock takeover and hits a tour of the islands backdrop. Cobb hits a big slam then a short arm lariat. Cobb goes for the standing moonsault but Tracy moves and armbars him. Jeff hits a deadlift saito suplex. Tracy is on the top rope, Jeff yanks him down and Tracy catches him with a ddt on the way down. Tracy gets a pin attempt in then Cobb germans him. Cobb hits a big lariat then does a tour of the islands slam to win it.

It was short and not super special, but also not bad or anything. Tracy was perfectly fine as Cobb's rag doll here.

Willie Mack vs Konosuke Takeshita

They shoulder battle to start and KT flying lariats him. They go outside and Mack lariats him. Mack armdrags KT then hurricanrana's him. KT then hurricanrana's him off the 2nd rope and does a tope con hilo. Mack then tope con hilo's him but KT doesn't catch him and Mack basically powerbombs himself. Mack chinlocks him then hits a jumping clothesline. KT running step up enzugiri's him then hits a samoan drop. Mack standing moonsaults KT for 2.

KT hits a big forearm then takes a dropkick from Mack. KT hits a big lariat then Mack pounces and cutters him. KT no sells it and hits a jumping knee then stunners him. Mack then shrugs it off and hits a shining wizard. Mack cannonballs him in the corner then misses a frog splash. KT blue thunders him then hits a running knee for the win.

I didn't really care for the no selling here and thought they bordered on doing too much but it was okay enough otherwise.

Willow Nightingale vs Miranda Alize

Alize gets face planted early then suplexed. Willow then fisherman suplexes her and hits a big slam. Willow then splashes her as she is seated. Willow tries to dive on her but gets forearm'd then Alize does a short hurricanrana off the bottom rope.

Willow hits some chops and Alize running face kicks her. Alize then basement dropkicked her in the corner. Alize hits a double underhook suplex for 2. Willow hits a hip attack in the corner then spinebusters Alize for 2. Alize neckbreakers her for 2. Alize hits a short ddt then takes a superkick. Willow then hits a death valley driver for 2.

Willow misses a cannonball in the corner then Alize cutters her. Willow pounces her then hits a stiff doctor bomb for the win.

I felt like Alize got too much offense in here for how she's been used. The match realy wasn't anything special.

Slim J vs Stu Grayson

Stu hits running forearms then pounds on him in the corner. Stu hits a nice overhead belly to belly. J hits some headsicssor takeovers then Stu hurricanrana's him. Stu leg sweeps him on the apron then does an unusual slingshot with a back of the head headbutt on the apron on J. Sterling and Uno get on the apron and argue then J does a nice corkscrw kick from the top. Sterling chokes Stu then J does his springboard into a reverse ddt for 2.

Stu hulks up and no sells punches then hits a lariat. Stu hits a spinning uranage then does a springboard corkscrew moonsault for 2. Stu gorilla presses J but J jumps on his back with a sleeper. Stu then pop up slams J for 2. J does a great standing sliced bread for 2 then misses a top rope moonsault.

Sterling gets on the apron and Uno pulls him off. Uno ends up lariating Sterling and Uno then Stu pump kicks J. Stu hits a back breaker and grabs the win.

J was a highlight as usual but it wasn't anything too special here. The interference and shenanigans really wasn't needed.

Vincent's music hits after and he comes out with Dutch. They stare down the Dark Order from the ramp. Riccaboni tells us that we could get an update on Vincent if we purchase the PPV. I'm sure the 0 people who purchase this for that will be disappointed.

Main PPV:

AAA Mega Championship - El Hijo del Vikingo vs Komander

Vik has a nice glittery shockmaster mask on. Vik jumps up and Komander slides and pulls him down. Komander hooks his legs and stretches him then Vik surfboards him. Komander gets out of it then they do headstands slap each other. They then try to dropkick each other at the same time and Kommander kips down out of a flying move. Vik does a nice corkscrew tope con hilo on the outside and catches him bu nothing else comes out of it. Komander then springboard dropkicks him and hits a tope con hilo. Komander then does a 450 off the stage onto Vik.

Komander walks the top rope and catches himself on a ssp. Vik then does his top rope imploding 450 hurricanrana. Vik meteora's him through the ropes and tries to ssp him off the apron, but Komander gets his knees up. Komander walks the top rope into an sssp but Vik gets his feet up. Vik hurricanrana's him for 2 then does a swinging side slam. Vik gets on the post then jumps off the top rope but ends up getting powerbombed.

Komander goes up top and gets pushed off then Vik gets on the post and jumps down to the 2nd rope and does an imploding dive from there. Vik does his outside to inside 630 phoenix splash for 2. They fight on the apron and Komander does a toyota roll into a canadian destroyer on the apron. Komander then gets on the top roperuns it an djumps off the other rope into a corkscrew dive. 

Komander goes up top, walks the top rope and does his ssp for 2. Komander walks the top rope and get crotched then Vik gets on the buckle, Komander walks the rope over to him and takes a top rope canadian destroyer. Vik then does his run up the ropes 630 on Komander onto the table, which does not break. Vik misses a 630 from the top then Komander does a top rope corkscrew imploding 450. Vik does a top rope swinging slam. Komander running meteora's him in the corner then Vik does a 630 for the win.

Like the Omega match and the three way with Vik/Kommander/BT this week, it was a total spotfest. 10 on the athleticism and creativity, 0 on the storytelling and 0. Nothing but cool moves with no selling and no connection between them.

ROH Trios Titles - The Embassy vs AR Fox, Metallik and Blake Christian

Missed a little of htis then AR does a rolling cutter and a springboard cutter. AR pulls himself up over the ropes into a cutter then Toa hits the post on a missed splash. AR then tope con hilos Kaun and Cage. AR top rope swantons Cage for 2. AR dives into cage and gets caught then Cage F-5's him. Blake does a springboard forearm on Toa then spears Kaun on the apron. Blake then fosbury flops on Toa outside.

Metal gets up top and splashes Toa for 1. Metal takes a Kaun backbreaker as everyone gets in. Kaun backbreakers Blake on the buckles then sentons Blake on the apron. Cage gets on the 2nd rope and takes a code ref, Blake springboard 450's and Metal springboard elbows Cage for 2. Metal walks the ropes for a springboard hurricanrana but gets powerbombed. Blake catches Cage in mid-air and death valley drivers him in a silly spot then Kaun gorilla press double knees someone.

Toa pounces AR then catches Metal off a springboard but is caught in a tornado ddt. Blake uses Kaun to hit a canadian destroyer on cage. Toa lariats Blake from behind then Blake takes a sandwich lariat and is slammed chest first on the mat. Metal springboards on Toa but the camera's miss it then Metal almost botches a toyota roll on Cage. Metal take a Cage lariat then Cage drillclws Metal for the win.

They didn't have enough time here and just really rushed. They were going a 100MPH and Cage winning was a shock since it was rumored he was leaving. Everyone expected the Embassy to lose here.

ROH Women's Title - Athena vs Yuka Sakazaki

This is Yuka's second match of the day. Athena has a doll for entrance and stomps it. Athena has unusual glitter paint on her face that kind looks like someone threw up bubble gum. They have a new ROH women's title.

Athena hits an armdrag then Yuka armdrags her. They lariat each other at the same time then kip up and stare down. Yuka hits dropkicks and a hurricanrana. Athena tries to jump the rail then Yuka attacks her. Yuka misses a top rope dropkick then Athena pounds on her. Athena bangs Yuka's head off the mat and does some off dancing.

Yuka goes up top, cartwheels and Athena blocks her flying hurricanrana with a powerbomb. Athena then lifts her for 2nd and 3rd powerbombs for a 2 count. Athena spins her into a double knee for 2. Athena baseball slides her out then wheelbarrow germans her on the floor. Athena tries to dropkick her against the rails but misses then Yuka hits a northern lights bomb on the floor. Yuka throws her into the rails then dives on hber off the stage. Yuka does a springboard splash for 2 then hits a forearm combo. Athen spinning forearms her for 2. 

Athena goes up top and gets superplexed. Yuka then spins her into a drop for 2. They both go up top and Athena cutters her from the 2nd rope while she is standing on the ropes.

They did entirely too much here and the selling was questionable. 

ROH TV Title - Samoa Joe (c) vs Mark Briscoe

Joes goes outside to stall to start. Mark hits some forearms and chops then facekicks Joe. Mark goes to springboard and gets chopped then they exchange chops. Mark uppercut chops him in the throat then side finlay rolls him. Mark goes up top and Joe leaves the ring.

Mark runs at Joe on the floor and gets belly to belly suplexed. Joe hits some punches then hits a stiff back elbow. Mark gets knocked out of the ring and Joe flying tope forearms him. Mark dropkicks him through the ropes then runs up a chair and tope con hilo's him. A table is et up outside and Mark tries to blockbuster Joe through it bust mostly goes through himself. Mark hits a top rope chop on Joe and Joe comes back with strikes.

Mark 2nd rope forearms him. Mark wants to tag his brother but can't then uranage's Joe. Joe hits a powerslam for 2 then powerbombs him into an stf. Joe's nose gets busted open and Mark takes an ugly backdrop on his neck that he doesn't sell. Joe then flips him with a lariat for 2. Mark goes up top and hits a froggy bow for 2. Mark gets put in a sleeper then is suplexed. Joe then puts him in a grounded choke and wins it.

I thought they over did it some here and thought it went a little long. Mark trying to make a comeback and win for his brother was nice and thye worked well together.  

Mark hugged his family after and was disappointed.

Daniel Garcia vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

DG double throat thrusts him early then grabs him by the hair. They fight outside then Tana is tripped into the steps. DG then bangs Tana's leg off the ground and mocks him. DG boots the knee and pushes both knees into the mat. DG butt drops the knee then does Nakamura's foot choke motion in the corner and another pose of his. Tana fights back and hits a flying forearm.

Tana slams him then flipping sentons him off the 2nd rope for 2. DG dropkicks the knee then does a legdrop or something while Tana is bent over. They trade forearms and kick each other in the leg. Tana dragon screws him and texas cloverleafs him. DG germans him then does a flying knee for 2.

Tana hits a twisting neckbreaker then slingblades him for 2. Tana hits a high fly flow and wins it.

DG's offense made sense but it wasn't particularly great or interesting and we all knew Garcia was not winning this. 

ROH World Tag Team Title Reach For The Sky Ladder Match

TF (Top Flight) has a ladder thrown at them early. The heels play king of the hill with the ring then Kingdom attacks LFI. TF double jump over a ladder then dropkick the ladder as Kingdom hold it. Dral corkscrew kicks Dante then Darius is german'd and springboard codebreakered. Rush dropkicks a ladder into TF. Aussie Open trade forearms with LFI then stereo kick both. Mark catches Dral and throws him into a knee. Rush is then thrown up into a cutter. Rush gets hit with a ladder then Fenix does a rollinbg elbow into Kyle Fletcher. The Lucha Bros sandwich superkick Mark Davis then roll onto them as they have a ladder sandwiched between them.

Fenix runs the top rope into a kick on Davis and Penta hits a tope con hilo outside. Mark then rolls out seemingly to get advice on the next spot from Penta. LFI do topes to the outside then Darius takes a doomsday device on the floor with Taven jumping over the top rope to hit him. Penta is thrown into a post. Kindom and aussie open fight on the stage then Kingdom take a piledriver and a tombstone at the same time. Aussie Open sandwich opponents with ladders.

Mike Bennett is bleeding and Mark is thrown into the ladder while Kyle is on it. Rush canadian destroyers Penta then Dral poisonrana's Fenix. Rush and Mike Bennett climb a ladder together then both come down and push each other. They trade forearms then Taven springboard kicks Rush. Taven then takes a bellt to belly onto a ladder. Dairus ddt's Dral by coming off of Dante then Dante jumps off Darius' back to dropkick a chair into Rush's face. TF are thrown into the ladder head first by Aussie Open. Penta takes a double hiptoss into a ladder by AO (Aussie Open). 

AO set up a ladder bridge and Kyle is dropkicked as he is on it. Darius spanish flies Taven off the bridged ladder. Dante code red's Mike Bennett off the ladder then Dante takes a double team driver from AO. Dairus takes a messy looking alabama slam onto a bridged ladder then Dral tornado ddt's Mark. Drag goes off the top with a hurricanrana and sends kely onto the floor into the announcer's table. Dral is powerbombed onto a bridged ladder then Taven jumps off the top onto Dral with a splash that breaks the ladder. 

Mark then gets belly to belly suplexed onto a bridged ladder off the apron by rush. Jose and Alex get into it on the apron as the Lucha Bros set up a ladder with a ladder bridge. Fenix and Dante fight on the ladder then Penta and Dante fight on it. Penta and Dante are on the bridged ladder and Penta canadian destroyers Dante through 2 stacks of 2 tables. Dante lands wrong and his foot turns backwards in a gruesome injury.

Taven is pushed off a ladder onto the bridged ladder and Fenix grabs the titles to win the match.

This was a total spotfest which ended up being a dangerous one as Dante completely destroyed his ankle. The AEW crew do stupid stuff weekly and sadly, Dante was the unlucky one who got injured. Some great spots I guess, but totally not worth the injuries and you could not pay me to ever do one of these. The Lucha Bros winning this was seriously out of nowhere as they weren't a big part of ROH TV and other teams winning this would have made more sense.

Mark Briscoe comes out after with the original ROH Tag Titles and pounds his chest. FTR then come out on the stage and they hug the Lucha Bros with Mark.

ROH Pure Rules Title - Wheeler Yuta vs Katsuyori Shibata

Mox was with Yuta. Shibata mounts Yuta early then facelocks him. Shibata hits forearms and avoids a dropkick while Yuta avoids his PK. They continue to wrestle on the mat and Shibata figure fours him. Yuta uses his first ropebreak. Shibata hits elbows on his chest then headscissors him.

Yuta stomps ons his elbow as the hand is on the mat. Yuta keylocks him then hits chops. Shibata no sells the chops and forearms him. shibata kicks him in the corner then hits forearms. Yuta running back elbows him then hits a low blow and punches him. Yuta gets a warning for using a closed fist then Yuta forearm flurries him and slaps his back.

Yuta suplexes him then hits chops. Shibata forearms him then hits stomps in the corner. Shibata dropkicks him in the corner then suplexes him for 2. Shibata backdrops him then hits a bunch of kicks. Yuta spits him and they trade shots before Yuta hits a dropkick. Yuta rolls him then Shibata knocks him silly with a slap. Shibata puts him in a sleeper then running PK' him to win.

This really wasn't too interesting or special. They really did not make the most of their time or do much at all. Obviously, Shibata is limited in what he can do because of injuries.

ROH Title - Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs Eddie Kingston

Eddie flips him off then runs at him and hits chops and slaps. Eddie takes some shots and falls out then grabs a chair. The ref gets the chair out then CC backdrops him. Eddie gets right back up and leg sweeps him after slaps. Eddie tries to tope CC but takes a euro uppercut.

CC slides over him as he lays over the middle rope and Eddie flips him off again. CC forearm flurries him then pulls him to the outside from the ring and suplexes him on the floor. CC double stomps Eddie when they are back in then top rope headbutts him for 2. They slap each other then CC giant swings him. Eddie is put on the top rope and they slap each other then CC dropkicks him as he sits up there. They fight up top with forearms and palm thrusts then CC superplexes him for 2.

CC double stomps Eddie for 2 and Eddie enzugiri's him. Eddie lariats him over the top and topes him. They chop each other outside and CC takes an exploder on the floor. Eddie bulldogs him from the 2nd rope. They get on their knees and slap each other. CC blocks a saito suplex and hits elbows to the face of Eddie. Eddie catches him with a standing stretch plum and CC hits the ropes.

Eddie backdrops him for 2 then CC germans him.They trade shots and Eddie hits backdrops. Eddie kind of misses a facekick and takes a CC lariat. Eddie uraken's him for 2. They fight on the apron and CC gutwrenches him off the apron to the floor.

CC swings a rail into Eddie then CC running euro's him for 2. CC slaps him  then takes a weak uraken. Eddie hits another one then hits a neutralizer for 1. Eddie then takes a euro for 2. They slap each other more then CC euros him in the back of the neck. Eddie counters CC ricola bomb with a hurricanrana then CC rolls him back and wins it.

I thought Eddie and CC did a good job of showing their dislike for each other, but they did do too much here with multiple floor moves and it went too long. These two aren't a natural fit in-ring wise and I just felt it could have been better.

Wheeler Yuta comes down to celebrate with CC after. Eddie gets backed into a corner then Katsuyori Shibata slowly and calmly comes down to help Eddie.  Both Shibata and CC hold up their titles. as they argue in the ring. Eddie gets on the mic after and starts swearing after not being able to get the mic to work. Eddie puts over Shibata and Tana and says he doesn't care about going over the PPV time limit on the mic. Eddie says he isn't going anywhere and is going to beat CC's @ss.

Overall thoughts: It was an unusual show that was disjointed from the weekly TV show. There were lots of people on here who won't be on much of ROH TV going forward. The Dante Martin injury really overshadowed anything else here. I though the main had some good and bad points to it. I didn't like the Pure title match at all. You can't really say much about the ladder match minus the injury and Komander/Vikingo was the same 10 spots they've been doing.

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