Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/5/2018 Departure 2018

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/5/2018 Departure 2018

I really just watched this one to see the Chinese guys. I missed two matches.

RATEL'S (Daisuke Harada & Tadasuke) & Sun Yi Lin vs Junta Miyawaki & Seiya Morohashi & Yoshinari Ogawa

The one lone highlight I could pull together on Sun Yi Lin

Ogawa takes down Lin and drops some knees on him. Lin is beaten up in the corner then he shoulders over Seiya. Tadasuke gets in and takes a german into a top rope dropkick for 2. Junta takes a hiptoss into a knee then Lin suplexes Junta. Tada cradle shocks and lariats Junta for the win.

We only got a few minutes of this 8:29 minute match. I really only watched this to see Lin and we only got to see him do a few moves. There was nothing to this.

Cody Hall, Maybach Taniguchi & Mitsuya Nagai vs. Chang Jian Feng, Lin Dong Xuan & Masao Inoue

Everyone fights and goes outside to start. Nagai throws someone into chairs outside and we cut ahead. Cody paintbrush slaps Feng then Nagai hits forearms on Feng. He misses one then takes an STO.

Inoue gets in and hits corner lariats on Nagai then cobra clutch russian legsweeps him. Inoue winds up for a big lariat on Nagai. Nagai knees Inoue in the gut then Maybach backdrops Inoue. Feng hits a corner dropkick on Maybach then top rope splashes him. Inoue goes to steal the pin on Maybach, but its only for 2. Maybach top rope splashes Inoue for 2 then Cody takes a double dropkick from the Chinese. Cody double chokeslams both.

Maybach chokeslams Inoue for 2 then grabs him by the chest and drops him backwards to win it.

We maybe got half of this 11:18 affair. It was really too short to say much of anything here. The Chinese guys didn't get to show much at all except some basic offense.

Hi69, Minoru Tanaka & Ricky Marvin vs. El Hijo del Pantera, Ikuto Hidaka & Takuya Sugawara

Pantera walks the middle rope then does a flip. Pantera hurricanrana's Marvin then walks up the buckles with his arms and flips into an armdrag. Hidaka and 69 go at it. 69 hits mongolian chops. Tanka gets in and headflips then does a nice dropkick on Hidaka. Sugawara and Tanaka trade forearms then Suga enzugiri's him. Tanaka hits a 2nd rope dropkick. 69 spinebusters Suga then asai moonsaults him for 2. 69 knees him in the face for 2

Suga and 69 trade forearms. Suga low blows him then ddt's him. Hidaka handspring cartwheel kicks 69 in the corner then dragon screws him in the corner. Hidaka takes corner moves and a double knee drop and a running knee for 2. Tanaka 2nd rope double stomps Hidaka then 69 ligerbombs Hidaka for 2. 69 goes up top and Pantera headstands off the 2nd rope to hurricanrana him. Hidaka and 69 trade spin kicks then both go down.

Marvin goes up top and walks th top rope into a dropkick on Pantera. Marvin then springboard crossbodies Hidaka. Suga and Marvin trade forearms then Marvin takes a sandwich kick from Hidaka and Suga. Pantera criss-crosses Marvin into a knee dropkick then springboard swantons him. Suga sliding kicks Marvin while Hidaka hits Marvin with a reverse ddt. Marvin hits la magistral on Hidaka, Hidaka reverses it then takes a buzzsaw kick from Tanaka. Marvin running ligerbombs Hidaka for 2. Everyone comes in to get some offense then Pantera walks up the buckles and springboard swantons opponents outside. Marvin lariats Hidaka then Hidaka rolls him up and wins it.

It was a fast paced 6 man with everyone getting a little time to show off here. Nothing wrong with this one and it was what you would want - some flips and stuff without people overdoing it.

Akitoshi Saito, Masato Tanaka, Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura vs. Go Shiozaki, Katsuhiko Nakajima, Kenou & Masa Kitamiya

Sugi and Go lock up. Go hits the first chop then Sugi kicks him in the back. Go then chops him in the back and they repeat the sequence. Sugi hits more shots and Tanaka/Ken get in. The two trade forearms at a fast pace and end up doing a standoff after a headlock takeover.

They trade more forearms. Marufuji and KN get in. Maru hook kicks him after some reversals then Masa hiptosses Maru over the top rope. Go throws Sugi into the post then KN hits a stiff superkick on Maru to drop him. KN kicks Maru in the back then Masa gets in. Go gets in and trades chops with Maru  then ridge chops him for 2. Most of the wrestlers fight on the floor then we cut ahead and everyone is back up on the apron and in the ring.

Maru makes a comeback on Masa then Masa spears the post when Maru moves. Tanaka running lariats Masa then Tanaka ddt's Masa. Tanaka hits a stiff lariat on Masa then Masa samoan drops him. KN gets in and footslaps Tanaka. He enzugiri's him then kicks him in the chest. KN hits a bunch of stiff kicks on Tanaka in the corner then the two trade forearms. KN ducks a sliding D then Tanaka ducks a huge kick. Tanaka lariats him for 2.

They trade shots, KN germans him then Tanaka no sells it just to hit a sliding D. Go and Sugi get in and Go hits machine gun chops. Sugi then forearm flurries him. Sugi running knees him in the corner then Sugi 2nd rope superplexes him. Go hits a nice dropkick on Sugi then hits a go flasher for 2. Sugi and Go trade shots then Go lariats him. Go hits chops then Sugi olympic slams him.

We finally see Saito and he chokeslams Ken. He then lariats him for 2. Ken spin kicks him in the head then Saito takes a double bulldog. Ken does a nice jackhammer on Saito then running PK's him for 2. Saito does a sweet spinning heel kick on Ken then powerbombs him hard for 2. Ken high kicks Saito hard then running PK's him. Ken hits a top rope double stomp on Saito and pins him by standing on his chest.

Go and Sugi continue fighting after.

This was a good 8-man. They kept the action moving and there were lots of stiff shots. The Go/Sugi stuff was good and Tanaka/Nakajima had good exchanges too.

Global Junior Heavyweight Tag League 2018 Final Match - Back Breakers (Hajime Ohara & Hitoshi Kumano) vs. RATEL'S (HAYATA & YO-HEY)

Not much happens early. Kumano armlocks Hayata then they do a headlock and a headscissors before doing a stand off. Kumano shoulders over Hayata. Yo and Ohara go at it. Ohara does a cattle mutilation variation and rolls him up. Yo headscissors Ohara out then Ohara is stomped on. Yo crossfaces Ohara then Ohara takes a double spinebuster and a double gamengiri. Ohara has his head banged off the apron outside by Yo.

Hayata ddt's Ohara then tornado ddt's him for 2. Ohara tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Hayata then Kumano hits a stiff uranage on Yo. Kumano hits a stiff lariat on Hayata for 2 then Hayata handspring back elbws Kumano. Hayata does a neat 2nd turnbuckle corkscrew moonsault on Kumano. Hayata goes for a tornado ddt but is caught and deadlift suplexed. Kumano backbreakers him. Kumano throws Hayata onto Yo then double lariats both opponents. Kumano backbreakers Hayata for 2 then Yo top rope dropkicks Kumano.

Yo hits a jumping back high kick on Kumano. Kumano racks Yo and turns it into a german in a cool move. Ohara John Woo's Yo in the corner then dropkicks him. Ohara spins Yo into a backbreaker then pumphandle backbreakers him for 2. Yo meteora's Ohara. Ohara backbreakers Yo for 2 Ohara is whipped into the corner and runs into Hayata's boot.  Yo takes corner moves then takes a couple of backbreakers. Ohara running elbow drops Yo's back for 2.

Yo tries pin attempts on Ohara then takes a spinning torture rack back breaker for 2. Ohara twisting backbreakers Yo then puts him in a tequila sunrise buy Hayata breaks it up. Ohara does a gori special backbreaker on Yo for 2. Yo hits slaps and superkicks on Ohara then Ohara does a nasty tilt-a-whirl driver for 2. Ohara takes a double powerbomb for 2 then Hayata tope con hilos Kumano outside and Yo top rope meteora's Ohara. Yo does a nice top rope tornillo on Ohara and wins it.

It was longer than it needed to be and the backbreakers got a little silly after a while, but it was a decent main. The crowd was into it, they busted out the big moves and Kumano looked real good here.

Overall thoughts: The top three matches delivered so this ended up being a good show. I really liked the semi-main more than I expected.

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