Wednesday, April 26, 2023

WWE NXT 4/25/2022 - NXT Spring Breakin' 2023

WWE NXT 4/25/2022 - NXT Spring Breakin' 2023

Last week's show is here: 

We got a long intro video. Everyone doubted Chase's chances of beating Bron. Javier Bernal got thrown into a fountain by Babatunde. Lola Vice, who hasn't been on TV yet, got a line or two in and some blonde guy who I don't think we have seen period was on there.

Trunk Match - Pretty Deadly vs Tony D'Angelo and Stacks 

They start fighting before they even get in the ring. Stacks takes a flying euro from Kit. Tony and Stacks hit shots on PD at the same time then pound on them. Tony hiptosses Stacks into PD in the corner. Stacks dropkicks a trash can lid into Elton's face and Tony hits Kit with the lid. Tony runs a wheelbarrow into Elton's leg then Stacks hits Kit with a body board. Tony rolls Kit and then throws him into Elton and both go into a ball pit. Stacks then sentons PD with the body board.

We go to break and return. PD tease punting a football into Stacks but just kick him then Tony double lariats PD on the floor. PD takes chair shots

Stack is hiptossed into Kit in the corner but ends up just nailing a chair. Stacks gets put in the tree of woe and is attacked then Tony is double suplexed on a trash can. Stacks takes a spilled milk on the floor then PD carries him into the trunk and closes it. Tony D then comes in and Elton is sprayed with a fire extinguisher. Kit is hit with a crowbar then Elton is slammed onto a table. Elton is then put in the trunk and Stacks and Tony D win.

I was disappointed by this one. The finish was very anti-climatic. I thought they had some chances to do something different with the car, but the car had no real role in this - likely because they didn't want to destroy it. It was just an almost silly WWE style hardcore match and arguably, the angles leading up to this were more vicious.

The car then takes off with PD in the trunk.

Tiffany Stratton arrives. She said she takes the top of the women's division tonight. She said Indi's underdog story ends tonight and said she's tired of hearing about Roxanne Perez. She says tonight is Tiffy Time.

Duke goes up to Andre Chase in the back. He says its time for action and Chase is collecting his thoughts. Duke says it could get ugly. Duke says he is a symbol of hope and needs to stand up for the university and Chase says he is giving Bron an Andre Chase sized @ss whooping.

Andre Chase vs Bron Breakker

Chase rushes Bron at the bell and pounds on him in the corner. Bron hits corner spears then hits a big corner spear. Chase takes an exploder suplex then Chase running dropkickshim in the back. Chase russian legsweeps him and gets his Chase U stomps blocked. Bron lariats him then hits a powerslam. Bron then puts him in the Steiner recliner and wins it.

This was what everyone expected with Chase getting a whooping in quick fashion.

We get a video on Carmelo Hayes.

McKenzie is in the back and Dijak jumps Ilja Dragunov. Ilja's head is banged off a ladder then he is thrown into ladders. Dijak bangs his head off the floor then slams a roll-away garage door on him as security comes to break it up. 

Cora Jade vs Lyra Valkyria

Lyra gets some shots off to start then hiptosses her. Lyra crossbodies her for 2 and we go to PiP break. We return and see Lyra trying to springboard during the break but being kicked while doing so. Lyra armdrags her then hits some kicks and northern lights suplexes her. Cora knees her then is thrown over the top. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes then missile dropkicks her. Lyra fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Lyra tries a handspring but doesn't enough off of it and then just stops and forearms her. Cora goes outside and pulls her arm over the middle rope then grabs a stick. The ref pulls the stick away and Lyra dives at her with a missed kick. Cora then ddt's her and wins it.

The match completely fell apart at the end with both girls missing stuff.

We see Stacks and Tony D driving the car with PD still in the trunk. Stacks asks if they hear something and Tony says, "I don't think so. Tony asks him to check it out then Stacks starts hitting them and they keep driving along. Tony says, "Pretty Deadly?, My @ss".

WWE NXT Title - Carmelo Hayes (c) vs Grayson Waller

GW comes out with a girl in gold holding his golden shoe.

GW takes him down then Melo hits a nice dropkick. Melo rolls him int oan armdrag off a hiptoss attempt. Melo then hits a springboard lariat and suplexes him. Melo uses the middle rope to suplex GW then GW messes with the ropes as Melo climbs them. GW throws a chair in wildly and Melo makes a great catch. GW hits Trick with the chair then slides out and lariats Melo.

We go to break and return with Melo hitting upkicks. Melo enzuguri's him while he's on the 2nd rope then blind springboard lariats him as he hangs. Melo takes a forearm, superkicks him then both lariat each other at the same time.

Melo hits chops and legsweeps him. Melo then does a nice blind springboard ddt. Melo tris to use the ropes for a suplex but is hit then GW jumping kicks him and sitout spinebusters him for 2. Melo springboards and is caught with a stunner. Melo then rolls out. Melo is put on a table and GW top rope froggy bows him through the table. Melo barely hits a superkick then Melo goes up top and does a top rope legdrop to the back of the neck and wins it.

It was an entertaining match as expected and the two matched up well. I thought for sure we were going to get Waller winning the title as he has lost a lot of these. Melo's blind springboard ddt was great and the top rope legdrop over the back of the neck was nice.

Melo challenges Bron after and says, "let's talk about it". Bron then spears Trick and slams down Melo. Bron puts Trick in the Steiner recliner then spears him through the side of the stage.

Roxanne Perez did a promo. She said she was kind of into disney and barbie like her friends but was star struck when she saw WWE. She said she watched Bayley, AJ Lee, Lita and the Bella Twins (what do they have in common?). She said that's who she wanted to be amd said the bows in her hair are for the fans.

We see a video on the history of Jensen, Briggs, Fallon and Kiana James.

Joe Gacy goes up to Mark Coffey. He says he wants a tag title match. He said he thinks Mark wants to punch him and says he can next week in a 1v1 match where if Joe wins, they get a title shot and if Joe doesn't win, The Dyad can't challenge Gallus for the tag titles.

Brooks Jensen and Kiana James vs Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley

Jensen is wearing a button down shirt and small red tights. Jensen hits shots early then piefaces him. Briggs shoulders him over then catches him with a manhattan drop. Jensen hits a corner lariat then is back body dropped over the top. KJ and Fallon go at it. Fallon misses a legdrop and they stare down. KJ knees her in the gut then hits corner spears.

Fallon lariats her and argues with Jensen then Briggs baseball slides Jensen from the side. Jensen hits Briggs from behind. Jensen catches KJ from the apron then pushes her feet into Fallon. Briggs then shoulders Jensen off the apron and Fallon does the same to KJ.

We go to PiP break and return. Briggs and Jensen trade forearms then they running kick and lariat each other. The girls both get tagged in and Gallon hits various strikes on KJ with a nice enzugiri. Fallon spinning facebusters her then Briggs slap flurries Jensen. Briggs side slams him into a splash. Briggs motions to finish him then Kiana yells at him from the apron. Kiana is speared into the steps then Jensen spinning heel kicks Briggs. Jensen hits a stiff lariat to the back of Briggs' head then twisting brainbusters him for 2.

KJ uses her bag on Fallon then gives it to Jensen. Jensen goes to nail Briggs but misses and knocks KJ off the ropes. KJ yells at him then Briggs hits a big lariat and wins it.

Jensen apologizes to KJ after and says, "at least we are still together". KJ goes to slap him and says, "I thought you loved me". KJ then says, "I never loved you". Briggs then puts his arm on Jensen and Jensen cries on him.

They did a good job with the match. I'm not real sure why they had Jensen turn on his buddies just to rejoin them though. I think they could have done this match without that, but it was a nice moment to see Briggs and Jensen back together. I don't think either one is strong enough on their own to be a singles act right now. 

Dragon Lee did a promo. It was hard to understand him but he talked about the Heritage Cup and Noam Dar.

Scrypts talks to Axiom on a video. He says everyone will learn for sure, which one believes himself in more.

We see the same video of Oba Femi throwing stuff from last week and they said he debuts next.  

Indi Hartwell talks in the mirror and said this is all she ever wanted. She said she fought and fought to get the title and said it was the result of years of dedication in the ring. She said this all could be undone in 3 seconds, but tnot tonight.

We see Sol Ruca get attacked in a video from NXT Anonymous.

Oba Femi vs Oro Mensah

This is Oro's TV debut, though he has been on LEvel Up. Oro is armlocked and upkicks him. Oro tries to kip up but Oba foot presses him down. Oro hits a euro then does a nice throw off a backdrop. Oba running euros him in the corner then picks him up by his arm. Oba shoulders him then Oro takes a big spill down to the floor from the top rope.

Oro running forearms him then Oba flip kicks him. Oro top rope ryder kicks him for 2. Oba spining forearms him then does a very nie pop-up powerbomb for the win.

Oba's finisher was nice and he did fine here in his debut. 

Gigi Dolin gets on the mic at the commentator's table. She talks about Jacy Jayne and said she won't let her run her out of NXT. Gigi said her baby brother will be sitting at ringside next week to watch her cave Jacy's face in.

Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey are interviewed. Drew said Wes is an incredible athlete, but uses his skills wrong. Drew said Wes has an inferiority complex. Charlie said Wes has been defending the belt a lot and Drew said he will break him and become the NXT N-A champ. Drew says this is a marathon and not a sprint.

Tyler Bate goes up to Wes Lee in the back. Bate says Wes needs a helping hand. Wes says Drew Gulak takes a trip to the wes-side next week. Bate said he wants to be in Wes' corner to balance things out with Dempsey at ringside next week. Bate asks him to meditate before the match next week and they are going to watch the three way.

NXT Women's Title - Indi Hartwell (c) vs Tiffany Stratton vs Roxanne Perez

They try pin attempts and we go to PiP break. Tiff armlocks RP as we return  then Rp armlocks her. Tiff has new fancy fear on then RP xartwheels into a headscissors. RP headsissors Tiff but Tiff cartwheels out. Indi double lariats both opponents then RP rolls up Indi. RP double wristlocks her opponents then bounces off the top rope and armdrags them, which gets botched. Tiff pops up RP onto Indi then RP topes both outside.

RP rolls up Indi then Tiff dropkicks Indi out. Tiff goes up top and swantons RP and Indi off the top. Tiff lariats RP  then RP top rope crossbodies her. Tiff catches her, rolls through then is rolled up. Tiff and RP go up top and RP hurricanrana's her for 2. RP rolls up Tiff then does a bad spin kick. Rp russian legsweeps her for 2. Indi comes back from the back as she was injured and breaks up the pin.

Indi spinebusters Tiff. Tiff double jump moonsaults RP then Indi steals the pin on RP and wins it.

This wasn't good at all. It was likely supposed to be some big showcase, but they had tons of botches and sloppy moments. They did the usual bit with one girl completely missing for most of the match here and the match went on forever.

We then go to the docks and it is implied that Tony D and Stacks threw Pretty Deadly into the water and drowned them. They say we won't see Pretty Deadly anymore. They say tag team gold is next for them and said if Gallus isn't careful, they may end up like Pretty Deadly. Tony said they did business for the family tonight and now it's time to celebrate. We see them drive off and see a closing shot of the water.

Overall thoughts: The main sucked. It went too long and had tons of sloppy moments. Melo/Waller was fine, but they had a better one in them. The mixed tag had tons of time but I thought they could have came to the same ending without having to turn Jensen. The opener also was not what it could have been. The show underperformed and could have been a lot better than it was.

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