Wednesday, April 26, 2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 4/22/2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 4/22/2023

Last week's show is here:

IWA Tag Titles - The Faces of Destiny (Nick Mercer and Jay Blaze) vs Harry William and El Niche

All four men fight to start. Harry dives out on Nick and Blaze dives on Niche. Blaze superlexes Harry  Niche is double teamed but turns it into a headscissors and ddt. Nick then brainbusters him. Harry and Nick trade forearms then Harry samoan drops Nick. Blaze backbreakers Harry then Blaze 2nd rope belly to belly suplexes Niche. Niche hurricanrana's Nick then throws out Blaze.  Niche tornillos both opponents outside.

Niche is backdropped ober the top by Nick to the floor. Wizard laughs on commentary as the announcers say how dangerous that was. Niche is totally out of it and the FoD's come for Harry. Harry takes a 1v2 then is backdropped into a knee in the back. Blaze neckbreakers Harry then Nick kneedrops Harry for 2. Harry pushes Nick into Blaze then exploders him. Harry then legdrops Blaze in the nuts and we get an "ay ay ay" off of that from the announcers.

Harry puts Blaze into Nick and the neckbreakers Nick, which causes Blaze to take a ddt from Nick. Niche is still completely out of it and Harry takes a superkick into a falcon arrow. Blaze goes up top and Niche wakes up to catch him coming down with double knees. Niche hulks up and hits big punches on Nick then lariats. Nick begs off then Niche hits an F-5 into a gutbuster. Niche then top rope skytwister presses Nick but Blaze breaks the pin up.

Niche hits a panama sunrise on Nick, but then Blaze hits a canadian destroyer on him then Harry canadian destroyers him. Blaze is lariated over the top and Harry nails Nick with brass knucks. Niche then hits another skytwister press and wins it.

Fans come in to celebrate with Niche and Harry but a ref comes down and says Harry used brass knucks. The refs want the title belts back and Niche is confused over what happened. Niche looks for the knucks on Harry and finds them. The refs then overturn the decision and the FoD's remain champions. Niche and Harry argue some after as Harry tries to plead his case. Wizard gets a kick out of this on commentary then Niche and Harry hug. Harry belly to belly suplexes him and pulls off his shoulder brace. Harry then beats up Niche and the refs pull him off.

Good match here. Niche's comeback was very good and Harry cheating leading to the post-match angle was good storytelling.

We see clips of the masked man's promo on Manny Ferno from last week.

The Faces of Destiny do a promo. Blaze said they are victorious again and said fate took care of them. Nick said they have carried the division for 2 years and will keep doing so. Nick said life without them is death.

IWA Puerto Rican Title - Khriz Diaz vs Miguel Perez

Perez is thrown a kendo stick from someone during his entrance. Perez hits punches then takes some and Diaz is hiptossed. Wizard questions why Perez would let his daughter try to hit Diaz. Diaz lariats him then hits some stomps and mounted punches. Diaz rakes his eyes on the ropes then suplexes him.

Diaz chokes Perez with tape then knees him in the gut and chokes him more. Diaz misses a corner splash then takes a spinning heel kick. Perez hits lariats then rolls on him. Perez misses a senton, barely gets over on a leapfrog and is speared for 2. Diaz grabs the title belt and fights Jordi the ref for it. Diaz pushes and grabs him then slaps him down. Jordi slaps him back and 2nd rope forearms him. Perez then hits Diaz with a kendo stick and cutters him for the win!

This was a fun little match. The heel cheated, the face got his comeback then the heel messed with the ref and paid for it. It wouldn't be believable for Perez to really beat Diaz, but it is in this manner. 

Niche is interviewed. He's frustrated and doesn't get why Harry cheated. He said that is not how champs are made. He then said Harry betrayed him and asked why he is always betrayed. Niche tells him on 4/29 that he is challenging him. He says Harry isn't the first to betray him but he will go after him. 


Miguel Perez is interviewed. Perez is told that Diaz was a rematch as the way Perez won was not fair. Perez said he has the title and sais Diaz was not a good champ. He said Diaz did not try to beat him clean, just with cheating. He said Diaz thought he couldn't beat him fairly. Perez said he did what he had to do and Diaz caused what happened. Perez said he needs to make merits to get a title shot He said he is the champion Miguel Perez and says his trademark line of, "Me importa un carajo" which means, "I don't give a f***k".

Special Referee - Invader #1: Romeo vs TNT

Invader #1 throws out Romeo's buddies to start. Romeo hits TNT from behind and low blows him. Romeo pounds on TNT outside and bangs his head off the steps. TNT is busted open as Romeo hits him with a kendo stick. Romeo chokes him with the stick then bangs his head off the steps. Romeo hits him with part of a bat then TNT hits punches. TNT hits him with a piece of wood then chokes him with it.  

Romeo hits punches then chokes him over the middle rope. TNT spinning heel kicks Romeo and they go back out. TNT kicks him in the head then hits him with a spanish stop sign that says, "Pare". The announcer said that it said stop, but it didn't stop him. Romeo's bleeding and TNT whacks him with the sign. TNT hits some punches to the cut and grabs a photo of Victor the Bodyguard, as the show is dedicated to him. TNT then hits Romeo with the photo and breaks it.

TNT flying crossbodies him for 2 . Romeo is handed skewer sticks and sticks them in TNT's head. Wizard said this is impressive and says it must be extremely painful. The face announcer says it's a wound that is marked forever. Romeo pounds on TNT's head then TNT sidekicks him. Someone comes out in Savio's old Kwang mask and gives him skewer sticks. TNT puts the sticks in Romeo's head. Romeo takes some shots and grabs his cobra cane. Invader fights for the stick with Romeo then TNT hits Romeo in the back. TNT puts Romeo in the cobra clutch.

Romeo low blows TNT and pushes him into Invader, who falls out of the ring. TNT puts Romeo in the cobra clutch then Romeo's buddy comes to help him. He gets nailed then Romeo lariats TNT. Romeo gets a fork. Invader tries to take it off of him and gets hit. Invader heart punches Romeo then TNT superkicks Romeo. TNT tells Invader to count the pin and TNT grabs the win.

This was a little slow and it went longer than it needed to, but it worked and made sense. The finish was fun.

TNT tells Invader to raise his hand after and he does. Invader then heart punches TNT and leaves him laying.

Wizard Analiza

Wizard said he is annoyed at what Invader did. He said Invader and TNT stole the match from Romeo. Wizard said he doesn't understand what happened but liked seeing TNT and Savio fight. He said he will be on the lookout.

Manny Ferno vs La Gran Amenaza

They fight during Ferno's entrance and trade punches. Manny hits him with a bat and tries to blow a noise maker at him. Manny hits him with the noise maker, a bat and a mask. Gran is thrown over a rail and is hit with something, but then he throws a drink at Manny. Gran then hits him with a tube of some sort. Manny chairs Gran and they finally get in the ring.

Gran pushes Manny into the 2nd buckle then chokes him over the 2nd rope. Manny gets his head banged off the post. Gran lariats Manny and hits some punches. Manny tries to hulk up then takes a knee to the gut. Manny takes a belly to belly into the buckles then Gran double axe handles his back and clubs it. Manny's back is drive into the apron's edge.

Manny is thrown into the buckles, he hits a foot then takes a high flatliner for 2. Gran suplexes Manny then Gran bearhugs him. Gran misses a corner charge then Manny hits punches. Manny flying forearms him then back body drops him. Gran euro uppercuts him, misses a corner move thne takes a running facekick. Gran low blows Manny then enzuguri's him. Gran superkicks him then sentons him against the bottom rope. Gran goes to hit Manny with something but the ref intercepts then Manny kicks Gran into the ref. Manny then hits Gran with something and the ref can't count the pin. Another ref comes out to count the pin, but it's only for 2.

Gran tries to use a weapon on Manny, but the ref intercepts and is hit. Manny then rolls up Gran and the other ref counts the pin.

The feed starts to cut out and we go to Gran, who is somehow also in the back. He claps his hand. Gran said that he wanted to know if he could pass the test and wanted to torment him. He said the man under the mask was not him and said this man is quite extreme. The Gran in the ring then unmasks (and it's El Cuervo) and nails Manny. The man busts Manny open and Gran takes off his mask to reveal another mask with III on it, hinting that its Pedro Portillo III. Gran says you may know his name, but on April 29, he goes face to face with the best of Puerto Rico. The fake Gran then nails Manny with something. Fake Gran then chairs Manny and hits another stiff chair shot on him.

The match was slow and a little boring. It also didn't help that we had ref bumps, cheating and weapons usage since we just saw that in the other matches. I actually thought that was a fake Gran out there since the person in the ring seemed much smaller than the other one did. I don't like El Cuervo losing in his return here.

The fake Gran, El Cuervo does a promo. He said Gran called him and told him he had a problem with a luchador. He said Manny tried to ruin his life a year ago and says he will do what is necessary on the 29th. He said to never forget about him again and told him to get ready for the 29th.

We then cut to the next week. Manny Ferno is watching Cuervo's promo on a pc and says this is a twist to the story. He then calls Savio Vega. Manny insisted the masked guy is Pedro Portillo III. He said he wants a match with Cuervo and said he will end their problems on the 29th. Manny said it doesn't matter if its Cuervo or Cuervo and Pedro. Savio says he will keep an eye on this and Manny said he has everything under control.

They then announce matches for 4/29/2023, Jucio Final: La Revancha, which is a week away. We have:

Manny Ferno vs El Cuervo with Gran Amenaza

Savio Vega vs Romeo vs Mr. Big

Khriz Diaz vs Miguel Perez in a title match

El Niche vs Harry William

Gran does a promo. He said Manny is protected and will be taken out in an ambulance on 4/29. Gran may have said he will take his mask off, but I'm not sure.

Overall thoughts: It was nice of them to show the matches in full from the show and I thought they did a good job of hyping up what they could with only one television show between the matches. The tag match was good and Perez/Diaz worked. TNT/Romeo wasn't the greatest thing ever, but made sense and continued the Savio/TNT issues. I'm sure some of the fans who found out that they weren't seeing the real El Cuervo felt like they took a bait and switch, but at least it wasn't for nothing. I did like the show overall.

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