Friday, April 14, 2023

IWA Puerto Rico Zona Caliente 4/5/2023

IWA Puerto Rico Zona Caliente 4/5/2023

This show can be seen here:

Fernando Tonos comes out to talk with his crew. He said someone disrespected him and he wants to talk to him. He then calls out a boxer in the crowd, named Rene "El Chulo" Santiago. He says he's been the WBO Latino champ on two occasions. Tonos says he doesn't care if he's Rene the jumping lizard or if he's a mosquitoweight. He says he feels sorry for him and tells him he messed with one of his men. He calls him a dwarf and tells him not to interrupt him. Tonos says he was a boxer and was the strawweight world champ. Santiago laughs. Tonos says he was the fastest man in the world.

Santiago says this was a surprise to him and all the fans. He said he wishes he was 100 years old like him, so he doesn't get charged for elder abuse when he knocks him out. Santiago says Tonos is the most corrupt man then Tonos' crew nails Santiago from behind. Tonos says he is going to show him and says he is challenging him to a boxing match. He says he wants him to see what its like to challenge Fernando Tonos, the Strawweight champion. He says he will proclaim himself the world champion and will take him away.

This was a fantastic angle. Tonos was just awesome here bragging about himself then being nasty to him and Santiago held up his end as well. 

IWA World Title - John Hawking (c) vs Khriz Diaz vs "El Atletica" Manu

Manu and Diaz argue then John bangs their heads together. John takes a 1v2 then throws Manu over the top. Jonn throws Diaz into Manu then dropkicks him. John hiptosses and totally misses an armdrag on Manu. John then flying shoulders him. Manu backdrops John then Manu hits a stiff german on John. John takes two more germans from the heels then is chopped by both in the corner.

John hits chops on Diaz then Manu gets him from behind. John continues to take a 1v2 and tries to fight them off with punches. John flying clotheslines both then clotheslines them seperately. John hits a back body drop and then a michinoku driver on Diaz. Diaz springboard back cutters John then Manu backdrops John. Diaz is forced to break the count and the heels finally start arguing and pushing each other.

Diaz goes for the pin and Manu pulls him off. Manu and Diaz trade punches then both hit flying forearms in the corner. Diaz spears Manu  and John puts the full nelson on Diaz but is low blowed. Diaz cradle shocks John then Miguel Perez comes in and beats up Diaz. The two trade punches outside and fight into the back. John spears Manu for 2 then Manu flying forearms him. Manu hits a blue thunder bomb for 2, though the heel commentator said he had a 4 count on that. Manu puts john in his camel clutch then Tonos hands Manu the title belt while the ref is distracted. Azazel comes out and springboard cutters Manu then John hits a TKO and wins it.

This was really fun and was a good example of how to do a three way. The heels beat up on the face then eventually got into it then Miguel Perez fought with one of them to the back. Then the face and heel went at it until the face won. This was no spotfest like a lot of three way matches are. 

Azazel gets on the mic after. He said this started extreme and it ends extreme as they should meet in an extreme rules match at Jucio Final. Azazel then goes after Manu, chasing him to the back.

"The Scorpion" Mike Mendoza comes out after. We cut ahead. Mike said he has arrived in the IWA. He said John's friend opened the door for me, but he's breaking through the door. Mike says he wants John's title. John gets in a fighting pose and is ready now. Mike says he likes his heart and desire and says he doesn't want an excuse of Mike beating him when he's tired. He said they should meet at Jucio Final for the title.

John gets on the mic. He said he loves the idea and said this is what the people want to see. John gets all hyped up and says he accepts the challenge. He said this is why he has opened the door and had an open challenge so people like Mike could make a challenge. Mike says he hopes he is ready for what is to come. John offers a handshake. Mike accepts then hits a go to sleep. Mike then grabs the belt and poses. Look, I don't know who Mike is to be honest, but they put him over here and made him seem like someone. John was real good here as usual as the fiery face.

Harry Williams and Niche are interviewed. They say they are a new team and will face the tag champs, The Faces of Destiny. Niche says he doesn't know Harry but says he gave him a good fight. He said they both lost an opportunity when the Faces of Destiny interrupted their match. Niche says they are a dangerous pair and wants to know if he's safe when he turns his back. Garry said he grew up seeing Niche and is looking for gold. He said the two cost him gold. Harry then asks him the same question - can be trust him when Niche has his back? Niche says he doesn't betray and tells him to calm down. Niche says we will see what they are capable of at Jucio Final. They said they will take their machetes, go through La Brea and have them trembling when they arrive. He says they will become the new tag champs. Harry says the Faces of Destiny have a problem. This was a good promo. They explained the story well and did a nice job hyping this up.

Wizard Analiza (Wizard Analyzes)

The Wizard did a promo with Manu. Manu's mad about Azazel interfering in his match. Manu said he was robbed of a chance to make history. He said he would end him once and for all.

Mr. Big vs Manny Ferno

Big tries to rush Ferno from behind but has powder thrown in his face. Big gets banged off the apron then hit with an object from a fan. They go around ringside and Ferno low blows him then hits him with a broom. They then go into the stands, the hallway then back into the stands. Big is hit with a water bottle and a bunch of other people get sprayed with the water. Ferno hits him with a trash can and a chair. 

Ferno hits Big with an airhorn then chairs him. They head back to the ring and Ferno gets stuck up top. Big then grabs him and hits a samoan drop for 2. Ferno is thrown to the floor and Big's crew of Tonos and another guy whose name I don't know, stomp Ferno. Ferno fights back and sends the nameless one into the seats. The nameless one falls and knocks over a fan then Big slips and falls too.  

Big chairs Ferno then bangs his head off the apron. Big chokes Ferno then Tonos chokes Ferno too. Big chinlocks Ferno then lariats him during his comeback attempt. Big hits clubs and chops then Ferno comes back with chops. Ferno puts Big's shirt over his head and Ferno bites him. Ferno 2nd rope crossbodies him then hits flying forearms.

Ferno low blows him and pulls out brass knucks. Ferno hits a big spear for 2 then neckbreakers him. Ferno knocks off one of Big's guys from the apron the rolls up Big for 2. Big then hits a black hole slam for 2. Big hits a chokeslam for 2 then grabs a chair. The ref takes the chair and Big argues with him. Big grabs Ferno and is rolled up for the Manny Ferno win.

Good little match here. Ferno threw powder in Big's eyes then had the advantage as they brawled around. Big regained control with help from his friends then got caught cheating and was pinned due to it.

Ferno looks around for the masked man, La Gran Amenaza after. Gran comes out and they cut ahead. Ferno said he invited him here, but he needs to take his mask off. Gran says no.  He said he is here for a challenge that Ferno is too afraid to accept. Ferno said he's the one who is afraid, as he hides behind a mask. Gran says an event/match was cancelled because Ferno was too afraid to fight him then says he will never be better than him. Ferno says otherwise and tells him to take the mask off. Ferno says he is Pedro Portillo III.

Gran then kicks him and hits him with the belt. Gran grabs knucks but can't get a shot off then they get on the mat, roll around and punch each other. The refs try to stop it and can't. Gran heads off to the entrance and Ferno said they will fight at Jucio Final.

They go to break then we see Savio Vega possibly with the former women's champ, Gensys, who seems to possibly have cancer or something of that nature and does not look well. Savio and Gensys say something but they play music over it and mute the audio. The show ends with Savio muted and music playing. 

Overall thoughts: We had two matches here. Both got enough time and they were good. Tonos' promo on Santiago was good stuff. It was a good show overall.

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