Friday, April 14, 2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 4/8/2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 4/8/2023

This show can be seen here:

We see clips of the masked guy (La Gran Amenaza, who is likely Pedro Portillo III) and Manny Ferno arguing. An event or match got cancelled and the masked guy said it was because Manny didn't want to fight him. The masked guy hits him with the belt and they set up a match for Jucio Final (Final Judgment)

Mr. Big with Fernando Tonos vs El Fugitivo Niche

El Fugitivo Niche dives on Mr. Big

I accidentally wrote Mr. Bi. That uh puts a new spin on the gimmick. I think this show was held in the US as they run IWA Florida in the US.

The announcers say Mr. Big has the strength of ten men. He kicks Niche in the gut then takes a nice dropkick out. Niche then does a nice tornillo on him. Big then flips him with a lariat when they are back in.and tries to pin him with a foot on the chest. Big slaps on a chinlock then sideslams him for 2. Niche top rope dropkicks him into the other corner then spinning heel kicks him and goes over the top on it. Niche then flying clotheslines him off the top for 2. Big hits a big chokeslam and picks up the win.

This was short ans could have been a better match if it was longer but I liked it. The two matched up well and Niche did some good flying.

Miguel Perez is interviewed. 

Perez is mad Diaz banged his daughter off the ring and says nobody messes with her. He says he didn't have to touch her and says he isn't after the title. He said his family is more important then says he will finish him off at Jucio Final. The interview seemingly ends then Perez comes back in and starts yelling to the surprise of the announcer. Good stuff.

IWA Title - John Hawking vs Romeo with Fernando Tonos

Romeo hits an interesting back body drop/samoan drop move on John Hawking

Referee #3, Savio Vega beats up on Romeo

Romeo and John pose and battle for cheers early. John dirty breaks him in the corner with a double chest slap.  Romeo tries to hit him off the break but misses and takes shots. John hits running lariats and a dropkick. Romeo poses outside, gets grabbed and brings down John's neck over the top rope. Romeo stomps him then sits on his neck over the middle rope. Tonos gets a cheap shot in.

Romeo grabs his cobra cane, the ref takes it then Romeo low blows John. Romeo grabs the ref and knocks him out. Tonos steps on the ref outside and the ref is immediately replaced. John crossbodies Romeo for 2 then is lariated. Romeo hits a neat back body drop into a samoan drop. Romeo then kicks the other ref in the nuts.

John hulks up then shoulders and lariats him. John spinebusters him but there's no ref to make the count. A third ref, Savio Vega, comes in to try and count the pin. Romeo hits a cobra clutch slam for 2. Romeo goes for a cane shot but Savio takes the cane and hits him with it. John then does some bad TKO variation and wins it.

Romeo was a good heel here. I don't quite get why he would hit the refs since he was the challenger here, but maybe I didn't understand something. This one was rather short.

We go back to Miguel Perez's office with Nathaly Perez, Miguel and Krystal. Miguel tells them to stay calm to wait for news about their match. He says Genesis is the Women's champ and is unable to participate. Krystal asks how she can be champ if she can't defend the title?  Miguel says we need a new champion. Krystal says the new title should just go to her then she argues with Nathaly. Miguel says the two can't shut up and they need to respect management's decision. He said they will fight for the women's title and they start arguing.  Miguel tells them to shut up and be quiet. Krystal says she will sign the contract as she knows the title will be hers. She signs it, Nathaly signs it and sees that it will be a three way match. Miguel confirms that will be and says that Roxy will be the third girl in the match. They all argue and Miguel loses his patience. Miguel takes off his jacket, flips out and leaves as the argument continues.

Khriz Diaz and The Wizard

Wizard Analiza - The Wizard does a commercial for a gym, a shirt company and a pharmacy. Wizard then is with Khriz Diaz. Khriz talks about Miguel Perez. He says he's the idol of Puerto Rico and says Miguel got his daughter into this t get a title shot because he's a coward. Khriz says he only represents 10% of Puerto Ricans, as the other 90% are unhappy couponers. Khriz accepts Miguel's challenge for his title . Wizard said Miguel's a sucker for using his daughter to get a title shot. Wizard tells Miguel to dedicate his efforts to something else.

Invader is interviewed

Invader is interviewed. We see clips of Romeo ruining Invader's birthday celebration and putting his face in the cake. Invader said Romeo did it because he is a coward. He tlaks about the dangers of Romeo's cobra clutch. He said when he woke up, he saw Savio Vega and went after him. Invader said he thought Savio put the cobra clutch on him. He said he has never turned the page with Savio Vega and basically says they can never be friends.

They show clips of Manny Ferno trying to drown Invader and messing with his daughter. Invader says he doesnt like Savio teaming with Ferno. He says he is the most cowardly man. They talk about Savio gacing Romeo. Invader said Romeo has been beating up ref's lately and treating them bad, so he wants to be the special ref in that match. He dares Romeo to try and do that to him, if he has the balls. 

Invader says Savio can dress up as himself or TNT. He says he will see him at Jucio Final and dares him to lay his hands on him at the show.

Manny Ferno talks about the Masked Man

They show a promo from December 22, and it's Manny Ferno talking about the Masked Man (Pedro Portillo III). Ferno says the Masked Man said that he left the wrestling team at the university because he was benched when he felt like he was an MVP. Ferno says he feels like he's the best wrestler in Puerto Rico. He said they should compare resumes as the Masked Man is clearly below him. He talks about fighting Miguel Perez, Shane the Glamour Boy, Savio, Huracan Castillo Jr. Bron and others. He said the Masked Man can't say the same. He said he still hasn't danced the real dance. He said the Masked Man's desire to face the best won't make him the best and said even if they fight, it won't change the result of the Masked Man losing to him at Jucio Final. He says the Masked Man is good but not ready yet.

Overall thoughts: There were only two matches here and lots of promos otherwise. You could probably watch the show that follows this and not miss much. The show was fine, just not must see.

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