Friday, April 14, 2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 4/1/2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 4/1/2023

They had a 77th Birthday Party for Invader #1. A bunch of babyface wrestlers are in the ring and they have a table with a cake. They sing Happy Birthday to him then the heels all come out and surround the ring. Pupe Jackson dives on Mr. Big and a massive 30+ wrestler brawl breaks out. Romeo then puts Invader #1's head in the cake and cobra clutches him. The heel announcer Wizard erupts in laughter over this as Invader gets choked out by Romeo.

Savio Vega makes the save with a baseball bat for Invader. The faces then all try to help out Invader, who has cake all over his mask. Invader gets up and sees Savio, then tries to strangle him. The heel announcer then starts laughing again as Savio and Invader go at it. The faces move Invader off then Invader flips the table in anger. Savio walks off. Invader gives off this nasty disgusted look and is disoriented.

This was a great angle.

The Faces of Destiny (Jay Blake and Nick Mercer) vs Los Super Classics (Hijo del Enigma and Edrax)

Mercer and Enigma lock up. Enigma is pushed then hits chops. Mercer takes kicks from both and is lariated. Jay Blake then comes in and is kicked and double hiptossed. Blake takes a step up enzugiri into a german suplex. Los Super Classics then hit stereo topes outside then Edrax double axe handles Mercer's arm.

Mercer lariats Enigma and winds up like he's going to do a big chop but then does a small one. Mercer michinoku drivers him for 2. Enigma is thrown up and is kicked in the back on his way down. Blake lariats Enigma then flying back elbows him. Mercer beats up on Enigma in the corner then misses a splash.

Enigma takes some bad double kicks then Blake hits a backdrop into a chokeslam on him. Enigma ducks lariats and then they totally botch his swinging ddt. Edrax gets the hot tag in and pounds on Mercer. Edrax spinebusters Mercer then rolls Enigma into a dropkick.

Mercer sits on the top rope and Edrax enzugiri's him then Enigma hurricanrana's him off the top. Edrax hits a frogsplash for 2. Blake hits a big boot on Edrax then Enigma top rope crossbodies him for 2. Enigma is thrown out then Edrax takes a superkick into a falcon arrow for 2. Enigma is thrown hard head first into the 2nd rope then Edrax gets low blowed and pinned. The Faces of Destiny win.

The match structure was good with the heels getting to beat down the faces and the faces making a comeback before their defeat, but they had a lot of bad looking moves here and that brought things down.

The FoD's beat down their opponents after. Nathaly Perez tries to help them and Khriz Diaz slams her down by her hair. Miguel Perez and Niche then come make the save. Perez saves his daughter and argues with Diaz from the ring.

Miguel Perez gets on the mic after. He said if Diaz has his pants in place, they should fight at Jucio Final. Perez says he was told that his time has passed but if he Diaz wants it he doesn't give care about that.

I think Apolo does a promo on Mr. Big. He said Big ran away from them when they fought and then attacked him like a coward. He said he used the rope of the legend Bison Smith and made a mistake. He said they would be meeting in a bullrope match where you have to touch all four corners. He said he will take him to the bottom of the abyss at Jucio Final. 

Winner gets a title shot at any title - Harry Williams vs "El Fugitivo" Niche

Harry shoulders him over early then Niche kips up and does a standing corkscrew splash on him. Harry hits an STO then a senton. They trade armdrags then niche flips out of a hiptoss and dropkicks him. Harry catches him and trips him on a leapfrog then hits a dropkick. Harry then hits a suplex for 2.

Harry slams him and drops an elbow for 2. Harry hits a nice lariat then Niche step up enzugiri's him. They trade shots and Niche hits lariats. Harry goes for a kick but takes an enzugiri from Niche. Niche spinning heel kicks him in the corner then does a nice lariat from the top for 2. Harry does a pop-up spinebuster on him for 2. Harry is on the apron and Niche springboards off the 2nd rope inside and cutters him onto the apron and floor. Niche then plancha's him outside.

Niche is pulled out to the floor then Harry topes him. Harry then suplexes him on the floor. Harry only gets a 2 count of it then Niche lariats him in the corner. Niche comes off the 2nd rope, twists in the air and tornado ddt's him. They trade punches and superkicks then front kick each other at the same time. Harry hits an exploder for 2.

Niche enzugiri's him and drops a leg on him. Niche then does a nice cancun tornado but the Faces of Destiny come out and stomp both, causing a no contest.

They did too much here. The pair matched up well and the match was going well, but I was done after the floor suplexes...then there was still more.

The FoD's really just want to stomp Niche and ignore Harry. Harry is mad at them for costing him a title shot though and then the FoD's beat him up too. Niche comes to Harry's save and the FoD's are sent out.

Niche gets on the mic after. He said the FoD's cost him a title shot. He then said to Harry, what if we put our differences aside and challenge them for the tag titles? Harry said he wanted to start his legacy and win a title and accepts Niche's proposal. 

Wizard Analiza (Wizard Analyzes)

Wizard says he is protesting against Invader's birthday being celebrated. He said the IWA has to be better than to come up with nonsense like that. He then brings up Tonos, calling him an almost holy figure and says it's not fair that Tonos didn't get a cake too. He said they hhad a good time on Tonos' birthday. He said he congratulates Romeo for putting Invader in the cake and said he did what people were afraid to step up and do that needed done. He said Savio Vega thought he was a hero coming in but looked like a mad man. Wizard said the hyprocrisy of these two is high as they team up for convenience yet fought here. He said this is unlike La Alianza, who unite for a single purpose. Wizard said he wasn't invited to Invader's birthday and said they would have celebrated another way if he was. Wizard then blows out his candle and says Invader can blow him just like that.

Wizard was great here being such a little jerk and celebrating what happened to Invader. I loved him saying that Tonos deserved a celebration for his birthday and is a holy figure.

The Faces of Destiny do a promo. They said Harry and Niche don't deserve a shot at the gold. They said Harry just arrived and hasn't done anything. They said Niche made a mistake and is getting in deep waters. Mercer says they will give them a title fight but he must accept the stipulation - a tornado match, where Mercer says they are the masters. Mercer says the titles are too big for both of them and they said they will show them why they are the undisputed kings. They said there is no Puerto Rican team who can beat them.

Romeo vs Savio Vega

The announcers argue whose cobra clutch is better and who is the master of the cobra.

Romeo goes outside multiple times to stall at the beginning. Romeo gets on the ropes to force a break and Savio just starts hitting him anyway. Romeo's crew at ringside distracts Savio and he hits him from behind. Tonos then pulls on Savio's leg. Savio gets stomped and foot choked. Romeo puts the boots to his knee and Wizard calls it intelligence to go after his knee.

Tonos chokes Savio and gets caught by the ref, Jordi el Nino. The ref then throws Romeo's crew out, except for the one guy. Tonos pushes someone on his way out. Romeo is handed a weapon that gets taken away soon after. the ref takes away Romeo's cane then Romeo piefaces the red. Jordi the ref slaps him then Romeo chokes Jordi but Jordi rolls him up and hits a flying forearm. Savio then puts Romeo in the cobra clutch. One of Romeo's crew then comes in and kicks Jordi in the face. Savio then superkicks that guy and puts him in the cobra clutch. Romeo breaks that up then puts Savio in the cobra clutch.

The match wasn't much with the stalling and interference.

Invader #1 comes down, Romeo hits him and Invader teases the heart punch but Romeo gets out of the ring. Invader goes to help Savio and Savio green mists him on accident as Wizard laughs on commentary. Niche and John Hawking then come out to help Invader. Invader is helped to the back.

Romeo gets on the mic after and laughs at what happened. Savio says Romeo doesn't have the balls to do anything to anyone. Savio said he's been doing stuff for 30 years, before Romeo was even in the balls of the country. Savio said they are going to fight each other at Jucio Final as this has to end. Savio says it'll be the man with the Dynamite, TNT vs the man with the poison of the cobra. Savio said none of Romeo's sins even meet the gum on his shoes. He tells him to bring his disgusting poison and says he will rip the jaw off his face at Jucio Final. Savio says it's his way or the highway.

The angle with Invader and Savio was really good. Made total sense and really helped further the story of the two not getting along or trusting each other.

Overall thoughts: The tag match had a good structure but the execution wasn't there. Harry vs Niche was going well, but they just ended up doing too much. The main of Savio vs Romeo wasn't that good but the two angles with Savio and Invader were really good stuff. Wizard was also awesome here being such a little jerk in his segment and at the booth.

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