Monday, April 17, 2023

GLEAT G PROWRESTLING Ver. 49 ~ Invader 4/12/2023

GLEAT G PROWRESTLING Ver. 49 ~ Invader 4/12/2023

I think I've only done one other GLEAT show. I'm just not that interested in their general roster. This one had a bunch of different people on it and I always like seeing something different.

Black Generation (Action Jackson, Elemental, Emperador Azteca & Yutani) vs. 60 Seconds (Jun Tonsho, Keiichi Sato, Oji Shiiba & Tetsuya Izuchi)

I'm not familiar at all with 60 Seconds, just to let you know. Expect some mess-ups there.

Izuchi and Action start us off with shoulderblocks. Action wins that battle then Izuchi hits satellite headscissors. Action rolls him up for 2 then is rolled up. They end up having a stand off. Elemental gets in with Oji. Oji springboard armdrags him then goes up and over, backflips and step up enzugiri's him. Oji fights a 1v4 then takes a double slam and a 4 person basement dropkick.

Elemental takes sliding dropkicks and a sandwich PK. Oji step up enzugiri's Elemental then Elemental suplexes him. Azteca gets in and hits clotheslines and a superkick on Oji for 2. Azteca bangs both of Ohi's knees in the mat then Yutani gets in. Yutani slams Oji then slingshots into a small back kick. Oji chest slaps him and has his eyes raked.

Oji does a nice tilt-a-whirl headscissors and a dropkick on Elemental. Tonsho dropkicks Action then ddt's Azteca. Elemental takes a ddt and a brainbuster. Tonsho is popped up and Azteca spinkicks him in the face. Azteca takes corner moves then is lifted for a double bulldog then a top rope Sato splash.

Elemental alley oops Sato into an Action top rope dropkick. Sato is put in under the top rope and dropkicked. Yutai fosbury flops his opponents outside then Action uses the 2nd rope connector to flip on his opponents. Elemental walks up the ropes and does a blind corkscrew. Azteca hits a nasty reverse torture rack into a twisting driver and wins it.

This was too short for how many people they had. It's a real shame too. They only had 9 minutes and two people maybe got one move in at maximum. This was fast paced and I did like what we got.

Issei Onitsuka & Soma Watanabe vs. Black Generation International (Hartley Jackson & Kotaro Suzuki)

Issei and Kotaro go outside. Soma and Issei double team Jackson then Jackson is pulled out. Soma does a nice tope con hilo on both opponents. Issei tries to backdrop Jackson but can't then he top rope crossbodies him. He gets caught and is slammed. Jackson pounds on Issei then Kotaro tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Issei. He then stretches his neck and leg at the same time.

Hartley chops Issei and suplexes him for 2. Issei and Kotaro trade shots then Issei uranages him. Soma hurricanrana's Kotaro and knocks Jackson off the apron. Issei spears Kotaru then Soma top rope dropkicks Kotaro. Issie top rope elbows Kotaro for 2. Issei rolls up Kotaro then Kotaro handspring elbows him. Jackson splashes Issei in the corners then hits a big lariat.

Jackson slams Issei then misses a senton and is rolled up. Soma dropkicks Jackson into an Issei backdrop. Issei goes for a hurricanrana but has it blocked and is sit out powerbombed. Jackson then piledrives Issei for the win.

This wasn't super special and mostly revolved around Issei getting destroyed by Jackson.

BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal, KAZMA SAKAMOTO, Quiet Storm & Ryuichi Kawakami) vs. Coelacanths (Kaz Hayashi & Minoru Tanaka), El Lindaman & Violento Jack

Kaz's team are attacked at the start and people go outside to fight. Kawakami grabs Tanaka and chops him in the stands. Tanaka falls into a seat. Back in the ring and Kawakami is stomped by 4 guys. Tanaka spin kicks him in the gut and is grabbed by Kazma on the ropes. Tanaka takes running lariats then a variety of legdrops and splashes from his opponents. Kazma gets on GDM's back and both splash Tanaka. GDM stands on Tanaka then Kazma gets on his back.

GDM holds Tanaka for a Kawakami chop. Tanaka 2nd rope dropkicks Kawakami and tags out to Jack. Jack back enzugiri's Kazma then Kaz and Jack avoid a double team. Jack goes up top and hits a swanton on Kazma for 2. Kazma kicks him in the knee then superkicks him. GDM gets in then he hits a nice headscissors on Jack. GDM takes a superkick then rolls Jack into a knee. Jack spinebusters and elbow drops GDM then Linda top rope dropkicks GDM. Linda hits a nice delayed german on GDM. Everyone gets in the ring then GDM top rope crossbodies all of his opponents at once.

Kawakami throws Linda into the buckles then does a twisting brainbuster for 2. Linda takes a 4 person body block then Kawakami lariats him for 2. Kaz handsprings into a back enzugiri on Storm then GDM double lariats Kazma and Jack.  GDM then tope con hilos three guys at once outside. Kawakami backdrops Linda for 2 then Linda deadlift germans Kawakami. Linda hits another big german and picks up the win.

This was a fun tag match. Galeno del Mal was the highlight here and this guy is really starting to go places. He's so unique as the fat luchador and he's really agile for his weight. Like the opener, they didn't get the most of everyone here as it was not long enough, but I still liked it. 

Michiko Miyagi vs. Unagi Sayaka

Miyagi used to be in Stardom, so this has a little bit more to it as Unagi is with Stardom now. They hold each other and hit forearm flurries. Miyagi goes out and Unagi follows. Unagi pounds on her on the floor then is whipped into the post. Miyagi then takes a tombstone on the mat outside.

Miyagi hits a bunch of strikes as Unagi gets in then slams her. Miyagi bridges her on the top rope then twisting neckbreakers her. Unagi rolls out, Miyagi goes to get her then takes a flatliner on the floor. Unaga does some weird arm ddt move. They trade forearms on their knees then get up and Miyagi forearm flurries her. Miyagi is put on the 2nd rope and codebreakered then she facekicks Unagi. They try to facekick eac hother at the same time but Miyagi hits first.

Miyagi does a ki krusher on Unagi for 2. Miyagi tombstones her for 1. The ref is knocked over but stays awake then Unagi hits a blade runner on Miyagi. Unagi does a goliath bird eater into a driver and wins it.

I didn't like the tombstone on the floor not meaning that much but it was an interesting and decent match. They showed some hate here and Miyagi was crying after. I feel like they didn't really achieve what they were going for here and I'm not sure what that was.

They talk on the mic after and thanks to the magic of youtube translations we can understand it. Miyagi said she wants Unagi to wrestle here more and said she brought out words she hadn't said before. Unagi said she felt that Miyagi really loved wrestling. Miyagi said to let her keep her promises and then Yukari Hosokawa wouldn't let her go. Hosokawa said she has to go her own path forward and said she wanted another singles match with Unagi and Unagi agreed.

G-INFINITY Title Match - BULK Orchestra (Check Shimatani & Hayato Tamura) (c) vs. Black Generation (El Bendito & Flamita)

Flamita and Check lock up. Check clean breaks then takes a hard chest slap. Flamita headflips out of an armlock, armdrags him then is armdragged. They trade armdrags then do a dropkick and kip-up at the same time before doing a stand off. Bendito gets in and runs up the buckles and flips over Tamura. He totally messes up some rope move and tries to springboard armdrag Tamura but is thrown down. Tamura footslaps and spits on him then Flamita trips him outside. The 4 of them fight outside and Check goes into the post while Flamita and Tamura go into the stands.

Tamura is choped by Bendito and goes down on the hard floor. Tamura has his legs split then Flamita double axe handles his arm from the top. Bendito springboard single leg stomps Tamura's arm then hits a nice dropkick. Flamita slingshot splashes Tamura then Tamura gorilla press drops him. Tamura hits a nice spear on him and knocks Bend off the apron.

Check gets in and Flamita hiptosses him into a kick. Check gets his knees up on his standing moonsault then Flamita step up enzugiris him. Flamita hits a nice hangspring back elbow then Bendito walks the ropes and hits a springboard dropkick. Flamita tope con hilos both opponents then Bendito springboard blind corkscrews onto his opponents outside.

Bendito grounded armbars Check and Check hits the ropes. Check is group stomped outside then suplexed for 2. Flamita superkicks Check then does a tiger driver for 2. Flamita spinning forearms Check then Check hits a nice dropkick on him. Bendito and Tamura lariat each other then Tamura hits a neat spinning neckbreaker. Tamura corner lariats him then 2nd rope superplexes him for 2. Tamura goes up top, Bendito runs up the buckles and spanish flies him. Tamura then powerslams him for 2.

Check makes Flamita basement dropkick his own partner then dropkicks him hard. Check top rope crossbodies Bendito then is caught and slammed for 2. Check fights off a 1v2 and rolls up Bendito for 2. Check takes a double hiptoss drop then is double flapjacked into the top buckle. Bendito top rope ssp's Check for 2. Tamura hits a hard lariat on Flamita then lariats both over the top. Tamura then plancha's both.

Tamura hits a spinning lariat on Bendito then Tamura top rope powerbombs Flamita. Check top rope splashes Flamita then Flamita takes a double team falcon arrow. Bendito rolls into a cutter on Tamura then Check poisonrana's him. Tamura lariats Bendito then Bendito takes a top rope lariat + chokeslam combo. Tamura lariats Bendito then muscle busters him for the win.

People made a big deal out of El Bendito supposedly, but I didn't really see it aside from one spot. He's a tall, lanky and awkward lucha guy and had a lot of rough moments here. The match was okay, but it went longer than it needed to and wasn't that great.

G-REX Title Match - Kaito Ishida (c) vs. T-Hawk 

T shoulders him over and they dodge each others shots. T hiptosses Kaito then slaps him and rolls him into an stf variation. T hits a stiff chop on Kaito then stomps the back of his head. They trade forearms and Kaito goes down. Kaito is popped up into the apron outside, takes a chop and blocks T's dive. Kaito kicks T in the back and stomps him hard.

Kaito stomps on T then T fights back with a chop. Kaito kicks his back then knees, kicks and pushes him around in a mocking fashion. T hits a chop and takes kicks to the chest and leg. Then hits a neat almost deadlift vertical suplex. Ishida jumps up and takes a sit out spinebuster. Kaito PK's him from the apron then has his leg swung onto the apron.

Kaito running facekicks him then they stare down face to face. They grab each other by the hair and butt heads then T hits chops. T takes a half-nelson suplex, no sells it then chops Kaito off the top onto the floor. Kaito gets back up and T deadlift 2nd rope superplexes him. Kaito immediately gets up but does sell it some then takes a strike combo. He enzuguri's T then brainsbusters him. T no sells it then no sells a rebound german and knees him in the back of the head.

Kaito hits chops on T then takes harder chops. They chop each other as hard as they can and Kaito facekicks and hard forearms him. Kaito then runs straight into a knee and takes a stiff buckle bomb. T then hits a stiff splash mountain for 2. T reverse sit out slams Kaito, but Kaito no sells it then hits a slap and kicks. Kaito holds his hand and kicks him then T reverse sit outslams him. Kaito no sells it again then does a half-tiger suplex for 2.

Kaito bussaw kicks him then T hits a stiff forearm. T then does a reverse razor's edge sitout slam. T knees him in the face then does another reverse razor's edge sitout slam and wins it.

I really wanted to like this and I did at times, but the no selling was some of the worst I've ever seen. There were at least 6 big moves that were no sold here and that really hurt it. They were super stiff with each other here and they did a great job showing hate. The match went a litte too long but the no selling just killed it.

Overall thoughts: I skipped the two UWF matches. The show was good overall. It wasn't perfect and the main had real potential to be a top match this year but the no selling hurt it. It was nice to see some different names on this one and I enjoyed it.


  1. The main event is easily one of the worst major title changes in recent memory. T-Hawk was decent enough in the Stronghearts very brief AEW run, but if this is indicitive of how he works now, then I think I'll be passing on watching any more non-UWF GLEAT shows.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Mike. Nice website by the way. I'm really not much of a T-Hawk fan at all, though he's got a decent look and has some nice offense.

      - ProWresBlog
