Monday, April 17, 2023

AEW Dark: Elevation 4/17/2023 Episode 111

AEW Dark: Elevation 4/17/2023 Episode 111

Last week's show is here:

Maki Itoh vs Ashley D'Amboise

I believe Maki lipsynced during her performance. Maki shoulders her over then misses a falling headbutt. Ashley bangs Maki's head off the buckles and she no sells it, then bangs her own head off of it. Maki hits punches then misses a falling headbutt again. Ashley grabs her arm then takes her down with her leg. Ashley dropkicks her then Maki rebounds off the ropes and drops a headbutt on her.

Maki single leg crabs her then turns it into a texas cloverleaf and wins it.

This was short and there wasn't a lot to it before the finish. It was mostly just Maki getting her spots in.

Jericho Appreciation Society (Jake Hager, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker) vs Mike Magnum, Jack Tomlinson and Zack Clayton

Matt back elbows Jack then hits corner punches on a heel. Magnum snapmares Parker then messes up his hair. Parker single leg dropkicks him. Magnum and Jack double team Hager but Hager suplexes both. Clayton gets in and clotheslines his two partners. Hager then slams Jack and Jack takes a double ddt from 2.0 for the loss.

This was just a short squash. Clayton turning on his partners was really weird since it happened on a Dark show and is unlikely to lead to more.

Matt Hardy and Isiah Kassidy vs Brett Gosselin and Bobby Orlando

Kass said he's here for a good time, not a long time. He then asks for a "huh yeah".

Kass headscissors Bobby then Matt did a 2nd rope elbow on Bobby's arm. Bobby takes a double back elbow then a senton + legdrop combo. Kass uses the bottom rope to stun Brett over the top rope. Kass hits corner punches then does a clothesline.

Orlando clubs Kass and gets Brett in. Brett takes a boot to the face and Matt gets in. Matt hits lariats and bangs Brett's head off the buckles. Matt hits a side effect on Bobby then Kass jumps off of Matt's back for a splash. Kass hits a top rope swanton on Brett and wins it.

This was another short squash. Not sure what rlse you could really say about it to be honest except Kass was acting goofy.

Emi Sakura vs Mizuki

This is Mizuki's AEW debut. Emi runs at her and takes her down. She hits punches then chops. Mizuki is thrown by the hair then takes a surfboard. Mizuki headscissors her into a roll-up then twisting crossbodies her off the 2nd rope. Mizuki dropkicks her throw the ropes then Emi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her outside. Emi puts her against the steps and misses a crossbody. Mizuki top rope double stomps her on the floor then Mizuki hits her twisting crossbody. Mizuki rolls her up then Emi rolls her up for 2. Emi double underhooks her, Mizuki rolls her up then Mizuki is rolled up and pinned.

Mizuki loses on her debut in a stupid moment. Why bring her in just to lose? Nobody watches this show and Emi's never pushed as a threat. And despite having only 5 minutes, they did way too much here as Mizuki hit a top rope double stomp to the floor and it still wasn't enough to pin Emi.

Overall thoughts: Just 3 waste of time squashes and a stupid main event where Mizuki loses on her debut for no reason.

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