Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Championship Wrestling from Memphis Episode #111 4/8/2023

Championship Wrestling from Memphis Episode #111 4/8/2023

This can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djlCRNiwADU

I haven't seen this show since way back in March 2021: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2021/04/championship-wrestling-from-memphis.html

K-Toomer, the master of Fat Jitsu has returned.

Big John Dalton is with some of the fans and Lince Dorado comes in. Lince says we have a spring break open challenge tonight.

K-Toomer is interviewed.  K said it's spring break and he should be the new Memphis champion. He said he's got a match tonight but it's not going to be a match, it's going to be an execution. He said all you will hear tonight is, "Toomer's gonna kill you". He tells Gun Show that he's coming for the title tonight.

Gun Show comes out. He said Toomer's the man around here and tells him he has got his chance at the title coming. He said until then though, he'll be watching his back. K-Toomer says respect and says he has his back too. He said he wants him at 100% and at his best. He said he doesn't want anyone questioning why he's champ when it comes time.

Reverend Ash Taylor has some people he's trying to get money from for his collection plate. Ray Collins throws the plate down and gets beaten up for it.

Brother Bruce vs Ray Collins

Ray jumps Bruce and runs right in. He hits punches and pounds on him in the corner. Bruce comes back with a forearm and a throat trhust. Ray lariats him then dropkicks him. Ash Taylor gets on the apron and gets hit, then Bruce nails Ray from behind. Ash brings out Brother Red, whose a big dude and Red goes to chokeslam Ray. Big Swole Justin Cole then comes in to make the save.

There wasn't much to this one before the DQ.

We see some clips of Memphis Wrestling at the Memphis Grizzlies basketball game. Tommy Dreamer and Bubba Ray Dudley showed up and they had a match way up in the stands. Tommy and Bubba got the win and the Memphis mascot got involved.

Big John Dalton goes up to two guys named Gio and Draco. John needs a partner and neither one of them are interested. 

Open Challenge - Lince Dorado vs Zay Washington

Zay flips him over with the arm then Lince trips him. Lince shoulders him over then Zay cartwheels out of his springboard armdrag. Zay hits a hurricanrana but Lince cartwheels out of it then Zay hits armdrags. They dropkick each other at the same time and have a stand off.

Zay backflips into a headscissors takedown then goes for a dive but takes a Lince kick. Zay then takes a baseball slide off the apron to the floor. Lince top rope crossbodies him to the outside.

We go to break as Lince puts a chinlock on and we return with Zay getting out of it. Lince hits chops then Zay hits chops. Lince suplexes him then takes a spinning high kick off a missed moonsault. Zay hits clotheslines then jumping neckbreakers him. Zay hits a powerslam for 2 then Lince handspring back cutters him. Lince hits a superkick and a brainbuster for 2.

Lince goes up top and misses an SSP. Zay then misses a top rope 450. They trade punches and Lince hurricanrana's him. Zay reverses it and rolls him up for the surprise win.

This was a good one. Zay totally held up his end of the bargain here and didn't look out of place at all with Lince. The crowd was into it and they didn't overdo it. Good stuff here. 

The Posse do a promo on Derrick King. They say nobody believes in him anymore and say his boy Ray Ray is in the hospital. They say this isn't over until King is put in the nursing home.

I think Storybook Prince Gaston is on the phone with James Ellsworth. They said they won't let him down but there's been some hiccups.

#1 Contenders Tag Team Battle Royale

Rocky, the mascot for the Memphis Redburns is Big John Dalton's partner. Rocky hits a stunner then a bunch of people take a crossbody. We get a bunch of eliminations in a row and Rocky the mascot is thrown over the top by Jason Vain. Magma the masked wrestler is thrown over the top then Van Vicious goes over too. Jason Vain and Gio go at it then someone else is gone. We have 4 people left - Gio, Draco and The LA Hustlers. They all brawl and Roughshot, of the LA Hustlers essentially throws himself over. Roughshot then pulls Draco over. The other LA Hustler, Bradley Diggs, gets a chain and nails Gio. Gio is then thrown over the top and the LA Hustlers win it. They become the #1 Contenders for the Tag Titles with this.

They kept it moving and it was short. Seeing Rocky the mascot fight in this was entertaining. 

Barnabus the Leader does a ringmaster gimmick and brings out Maurice the Strong. He talks about how strong and big he is and says he will permanently eliminate K-Toomer.

Maurice the Strong vs K-Toomer

Toomer hits some big kicks and knees then is slammed. The Gunshow comes out then Toomer hits a big saito suplex. Strong takes an exploder then Maurice iron claws him. They do a test of strength then Toomer hits headbutts to the chest. Toomer double chops him then Barnabus gets in the ring. Maurice is given a crowbar then Gunshow grabs the crowbar. Gunshow goes to spinning lariat him but nails Toomer instead on accident and Maurice picks up the win.

The finish worked for the storyline they are doing and what we got of this was good heavyweight wrestling.

Maurice and Barnabus thank Gunshow after then Toomer and Gunshow are in the ring. Toomer is upset and Gunshow tries to explain himself. Gunshow tries to leave and Toomer grabs his arm.

Overall thoughts:
A real fun show with a hot crowd and a good presentation. Zay Washington really showed up against Lince Dorado and the Gunshow/K-Toomer stuff was good storytelling. This may be a small indy, but somehow most of their roster is bigger than AEW's roster.

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