Monday, April 17, 2023

AAA Triplemania XXXI: Monterrey 4/16/2023

AAA Triplemania XXXI: Monterrey 4/16/2023

I skipped the Copa Triplemania match as it was an intergender match.

Losers Advance Cage Match

It was wasn't that good like usual with these matches. It took forever for everyone to get in the ring and Antifaz never even made it in the ring, yet somehow wasn't a loser in this. Laredo Kid looked like he hurt himself off a pole back elbow drop on the floor. We had a few dives from the top of the cage with an ssp and a crossbody and Myzteziz Jr. and Argenis ended up as the last two luchadores who will move onto a mask match later.

Chessman vs Vampiro

Vampiro is out here with Mr. Iguana and Chessman is out here with La Hiedra.

Adrian Marcelo was supposed to be wrestling Chessman, but he couldn't get licensed and had some allegations made towards him. Vamp is jumped when he gets down to ringside and is hit with a cookie sheet. Chess kicks him in the back then shotgun dropkicks him.

La Hiedra grabs Vamp and Vamp is hit with a cookie cheet. Hiedra then argues with Mr. Iguana, who is with Vamp, and said to be her boyfriend. Chess sliding dropkicks Vamp in the corner and Vamp just shakes his head. Vamp then lariats and facekicks Chess. Mr. Iguana headscissors Chess then tope con hilos him. Vamp throws chess into the post then throws a chair at him.

Chess goes up top then Vamp hits a top rope belly to belly. Chess topes Iguana into a piece of wood put against the rails. Chess pushes Iguana into Hiedra then F-5's him. Chess pulls down Hiedra by the hair then Hiedra low blows him. Vamp spears chess through the board and wins it.

Like everything else on this show, it was a total mess with no rules and little logic. It was slow. Vamp was basically acting like a spectator while being in the match at times and it was bad. 

Guerra de Rivalidades Quarterfinals - Alberto el Patron and Pentagon Jr. vs Psycho Clown and Sam Adonis

They have feuding partners here and the losers move onto the next round and then the next round, where the final losers meet in a mask vs hair match.

They do a pretty lame opening sequence then traded armdrags. They headscissor each other and push each other. They each hit corner lariats then Clown powerslams him. ADR tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him then ADR does a step up enzugiri in the corner on Clown. ADR then suplexes him for 2.

Penta top rope crossbodies Clown then slingblades him. Clown basement dropkicks him then does a split legged moonsault off the top for 2. The two trade chest slaps then Clown code red's him for 2. Clown goes to tag Sam and Sam jumps off the apron and waves his flag instead. ADR then basement dropkicks Clown.

Sam ends up taking a tope con hilo on the outside. Sam is then seated on the 2nd rope and takes a top rope double stomp. Penta then top rope double stomps Sam in the nuts for 2. Sam then takes a 3D into a codebreaker and Clown pops-up ADR into a punch. Clown 2nd rope moonsaults Penta outside then Sam walks up the buckles and moonsaults Penta and Clown outside. ADR then topes Sam.

ADR backcrackers Sam for 2. Sam then hangs from the top rope and ADR double stomps him. Sam hits his own partner Clown in the back with a flag then Clown hits him with the flag. They fight then Penta hits a canadian destroyer on Clown and ADR rolling armbars Sam to win.

I don't like these types of matches and I didn't like this. Look, if I hate someone, I'm not teaming with them unless I'm somehow forced. I'm just not going to show up or something, especially since if I lose, I could lose my mask or hair. I'm also either going to work with my partner or just immediately lose. That's not what happened here. Sam kind of did stuff here to maybe win but also turned on his partner to cost him the match.

Mask vs Mask match - Argenis vs Myzteziz Jr.

Argenis taps out, the ref doesn't care and the fire extinguisher spot gets botched

This is super confusing. MJR (Myzteziz Jr.) is a knockoff Mistico. Argenis is a cousin of the actual Mistico and wears near identical gear. And to make things worse, they both chose to wear white.

MJR hurricanrana's him as he jumps off the stage then he is pulled out by Argenis' seconds. Argenis then tope con hilos him. MJR is thrown into the post. Argenis (let's call him Arg) breaks a bottle over his head then rips the mask.

MJR headscissors him then topes him outside. Arg then takes a back body drop into the seats. MJR hits him with a cookie sheet then rips his mask too. MJR top rope spanish flies him onto a table outside. MJR springboard crossbodies him then hits la mistica. Arg taps out in clear view of the ref then one of Arg's seconds tries to come in and spray MJR with a fire extinguisher. But she's late and it doesn't go off anyway. 2 of the girls tope the other girls outside and then fight.

A door is bridged on two chairs then Arg canadian destroyers MJR.  Arg and MJR go up top and Arg takes a top rope powerbomb through the door. MJR then top rope ssp's Arg and wins it.

This was a total disaster. Arg tapped out in clear view of the ref and nobody cared. They were late on the interference spot and it was just a confusing, overbooked mess. It's a shame too because Argenis lost his mask here and this is not how you want to lose it.

Arg then beats up MJR after taking his mask off.

Guerra de Rivalidades Quarterfinals  - Blue Demon Jr. and DMT Azul vs LA Park and Rush

Oh the confusion and fun doesn't stop here. DMT Azul used to be Diamante Azul and the gimmick is a clear rip-off of the Blue Demon gimmick. This is another feuding partners tag match.

Demon and Rush fight outside and Demon takes a chair. Park is sent into the post out there during his fight with Azul. Park has his head banged off the steps. Rush chokes Demon on the ropes and Azul rips Park's mask. Demon's bleeding and Rush bites the wound and hits him. Rush whips Demon with a rope.

Rush and Azul then go at it. Rush jumping knees them then they just run into each other. Park and Demon then lariat the two and Park topes Azul. Azul is thrown into the crowd by Park then Park hits him with a chair. Demon punches a bleeding Rush then bites him. Park rips off Azul's mask.

Demon and Park trade chest slaps then Park suplexes Demon into the buckles. Park ddt's Demon then Demon 2nd rope codebreakers him. Azul swinging side slams Park for 2. Azul cannonballs rush in the corner. Azul superkicks Park then topes him. Demon topes Azul when Rush moves. Rush's dad, Bestia del Ring, comes into stomp Demon. La Park Jr. comes in and topes Bestia then Park dives on Demon on a table. Park low blows Rush then Demon pins Rush to win.

This was a horribly confusing mess and I have no idea what went on here. This was stressful and headache inducing to cover.

AAA Mega Title - Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs Rich Swann vs Shane Strickland vs Komander

Everyone fights to start. Swerve and Komander go at it and Swerve headscissors him. Swerve gets dropkicked by Swann after leapfrogs and rolls. Vik messes up a double jump then settles for a headscissors. Vik headscissors him. Komander jumps up and down on the ropes and then jumps into a headscissors on Vik. Komander runs the top rope and hits a tope con hilo.  Everyone fights on the floor then Swann tope con hilos everyone. Swann neckbreakers Vik then Komander uses the ropes to armdrag Swann.

Vik double jumps into a corkscrew poisonrana on Komander. Swerve pushes Vik off the top rope onto the mat then rolls him into a brainbuster. Komander top rope sunset flips Swerve then Swerve tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Swerve then kicks him for 2. Swerve takes a double top rope spanish fly. Komander walks the top rope over to Vik then Swerve hurricanrana's Komander.

Swerve and Swann start punching each other then Swann enzugiri's him. Swann then does a cartwheel handspring moonsault onto Swerve. Swann comes off the top and takes a superkick. Komander corkscrews into a top rope hurricanrana on Swerve then walks up the buckles and does a springboard ssp.

Komander hangs from the bottom rope by his feet and is double stomped to the floor by Swerve. Swerve then top rope double stomps him for 2. Swerve does a top rope crossbody but is caught and takes a swinging slam by Vik. Vik electric chair germans Swann onto swerve then corkscrew kicks Komander. Komander is kicked through the ropes. Vik goes up top and does an imploding 450 hurricanrana but Swerve blocks it. Vik then talks the top rope and does a 630 onto multiple people outside. Vik does an outside to inside 2nd rope 630 on Swann. Vik top rope canadian destroyers Swerve on the apron. Swann handspring cutters Komander for 2. Swan 450's Komander off the top for 2.

Komander and Vik hit kicks in the ring then Komander takes a double superkick. Swerve rolls into a double flatliner.  Vik and Komander are lifted up for powerbombs then slap each other while up there and hit poisonrana's. They then hit stereo topes outside. Komander walks the top rope into an SSP on Vik. Vik then death valley drivers him into the buckles and meteoras him there. Vik hits a top rope 630 on Komander and wins it.

It was a total spotfest as usual with everyone hitting a bunch of spots and none of it really meaning anything. Tons of highlights here but no story or selling.

Overall thoughts: This was a total mess of a show. Every match was needlessly confusing with tons of people involved and no rules. There were endless logic issues all throughout and you legit needed a dictionary just to try and get what was going on in each match. This was one of the hardest reviews I have ever done and was incredibly frustrating.

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