Wednesday, April 12, 2023

AEW Dark: Elevation 4/10/2023 Episode 110

AEW Dark: Elevation 4/10/2023 Episode 110

I saw everything but the intergender match.

Kip Sabian, The Butcher and The Blade vs Yuki Ueno, Shunma Katsumata and MAO

No entrance for the DDT crew and Big Show messed up their names.

Kip shoulders over Ueno then Ueno counters his hiptoss with an armdrag, but Kip counters that. Ueno shoulders him over and backrolls into a spinning headscissors. Mao and Butcher go at it. Mao tricks him and punches him then Ueno and Shunma hit hurricanrana's. Butcher is triple dropkicked off the apron then we get stereo tope con hilos with an asai moonsault. Shunma hits forearms on Butcher then takes a half-nelson backbreaker.

Shunma is powerslammed by Blade then Kip sentons Shunma in the corner. Big Show confuses Shunma for Mao then Kip misses a corner senton. Shunma superkicks and buzzsaw kicks Kip. Mao top rope kneedrops Kip then shotgun dropkicks him. Mao misses a corkscrew kick and twists out of a waistlock. Mao palm strikes Kip then is brainbustered.

Mao bridges out of a pin then corkscrew kicks Kip. Ueno gets in and sentons Blade in the corner then is powerbombed down. Ueno is suplexed into a powerbomb but hurricanrana's out of it then hits a nice dropkick on Blade. Butcher hits a nasty crossbody on Shunma then Mao 450's Butcher. Everyone hits stuff and Blade hits a spinning neckbreaker on Ueno. Kip arabian moonsaults Ueno and Mao then Shunma takes a suplex into a ddt for the Blade, Butcher and Kip win.

I have no idea why the DDT crew were jobbed out here. Losing is the specialty of Butcher and Blade. Combined with the DDT crew getting no entrance it really made them look like total jobbers when they are all better than these guys. Tony loves to job people out on their debuts and this is just another example of it.

Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, John Silver and Evil Uno) vs Aaron Rourke, Alvin Alverez and Brother Greatness

Alvin's name is not spelled wrong.

Uno facekicks Brother to start then throws him into the buckles. Uno hits a short arm clothesline then Brother takes a double shoulderblock. Silver delay suplexes Brother for 2. silver puts Rourke and Brother on his back and samoan drops both. Alvin takes a boot to the face then Rourke kicks him in the face.

Brother does the sign of the cross as he hits Silver then Alvin slams Silver. Silver wheelbarrow suplexes Rourke then Alex running euros Rourke. Alex spinning forearms Rourke then topes Alvin outside. Alvin pop up knees Rourke then double underhook powerbombs Rourke. Uno running neckbreakers Alvin then Brother takes a double chop and is raised and thrown over with help from Silver. Rourke takes a combo that ends in a german and is pinned.

This was a squash that just went too long. 

Lee Moriarty and Big Bill vs Rex Lawless and Traxx

Rex has too good of a look to be here. tRaxx is wearing a single and shoes with padding around the ankles. Lee grabs the head of Traxx and Traxx shoulders him. Traxx measures him up then Bill gets in. Bill knees him in the gut and clubs his back.

Traxx is thrown hard into the buckles then takes a double knee and a Bill corner splash. Lee hits Traxx with knees to the gut then does a weird twisting elbow drop. Lee facekicks Rex then Traxx hits a nice punch on Lee. Rex catches Lee and rams him into Bill. Rex jumping back elbows Bill then is splashed by him. Bill then hits a big boot to the face and a chokeslam to win it.

It was a short squash but Rex and Traxx didn't look too bad at all here. I have no idea why Rex did the job instead of Traxx, except that Tony is the worst big man booker ever. Someone sign Rex and get him out of here. 

Overall thoughts: I saw 3 of the 4 matches and Tony still managed to make me scratch my head with them. Why have the DDT crew lose in their debut to Butcher and Blade? Those two always lose and this would make no difference. And why have Rex Lawless take the pin? This wasn't good.

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