Wednesday, April 12, 2023

AEW Dark 4/11/2023 Episode 191

AEW Dark 4/11/2023 Episode 191

Matt Taven vs Brian Pillman Jr.

This might be good. BPJ has some red highlights in his hair now and takes him down and rides him. BPJ cartwheels out of a wristlock then upkicks him. Taven hits a nice dropkick then they roll around before BPJ steps on his back. Taven gets his face banged off the apron thne BPJ skips around and goes into the front row to high five the crowd.

BPJ is also noticeably roided up here as he dances outside. BPJ bangs Taven's head off the buckles then Taven pulls his thrown down over the top rope. BPJ top rope crossbodies him then single leg crabs him. Taven hits the ropes then dropkicks him through the ropes. Taven stunguns BPJ then springboard back enznugiri's him for 2. I lost the rest of the review here but Taven won with a headlock driver.

BPJ's running some new out of control character here and I don't really think it's going to work. It was very fast paced and fine for what it was. Taven probably should have gotten a little more in though.

Lee Johnson vs Blake Li

Blake actually gets a crowd chant. Lee quickly takes control with a punch then is hit with a forearm. Blake hits a decent dropkick then Lee suplexes him. Lee footslaps him then Blake hits punches. Lee superkicks him then hits another superkick that looked like it missed. Lee hit a fisherman's neckbreaker and won it in quick fashion.

This was a quick squash and Blake arguably got more over than Lee did here.

Toni Storm did a quick promo asking if we saw hwat she did to Kiera Hogan. She said she's ripping the homgrown women of AEW apart and said she sees a division riddled with entitled and ungrateful losers.

Josh Woods vs Daisy K

Daisy K is a dude. Why he named himself that is beyond me, but he's an idiot and shouldn't even be on here for that name alone.

Woods takes him down and pats him on the head. Daisy then takes him down and rubs Woods' head. Daisy tries to leapfrog but Woods grabs his leg and he faceplants. Woods hits a nice karelin's lift. Woods punches him then hits a pumping knee. Woods then won with a nasty twisting brainbuster in the corner that looked super unsafe.

This was a mess. Woods was dangerous here, throwing Daisy around without caring how he landed and seemingly trying to injure him. Daisy has a good look, but his career is toast due to his name.

Jake Roberts and Lance Archer do a promo. Lance said he keeps being fed the same crap every week. He said he wants someone who means something. He said to stop wasting him time and give him something he can chew on. This promo would have been a lot more effective if there was a match to go with it.

Willow Nightingale vs Diamante

Willow waistlocks and throws her down. Willow hits a big slam and catches her on a headscissors attempt with a sideslam. Diamante neckbreakers her over the middle rope then baseball slides her off the apron. Diamante stretches Willow over the post then hits elbow drops. Diamante kneels on her back and pulls her neck.

Diamante gets knocked off the 2nd rope and then Willow dropkicks her. Willow lariats and chest kicks her. Willow spinebusters her then Diamante dropkicks her in the corner. Diamante hits a twisting neckbreaker for 2 then germans her. Willow pounces her then hits a doctor bomb for the win.

This wasn't anything special and was just the basic Willow match.

Overall thoughts: We had a guy with a girls name get the crap beaten out of him, a random Lance Archer promo and Brian Pillman Jr. acting goofy plus a non-offensive main event.

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