Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Pro Wrestling ZERO1 3/21/2023 - Astro, Flying Penguin & Riemaru vs. Kagerou, Poppo The Hermit & Takumi Baba

Pro Wrestling ZERO1 3/21/2023 - Astro, Flying Penguin & Riemaru vs. Kagerou, Poppo The Hermit & Takumi Baba

『ZERO1に初参戦 !!』アストロ×フライング・ペンギン×りえまるvs馬場拓海×カゲロウ×ぽっぽtheハーミット

Poppo crossbodies Flying Penguin

Kagerou spin kicks Flying Penguin

This is another public service review here. I don't know if anyone in the English world has ever talked about the girls here as they are from the very obscure 2point5 Joshi Pro Wrestling. As you may know, Zero1 doesn't really air most of their shows and it seems like someone from 2point5 fancammed this.

Riemaru brings her magic wand/stick in the ring and talks with Poppo about something. Rie runs around with her stick and Poppo tries to avoid it. Rie then curses her with it but Poppo just throws the stick out and says things to her. Rie side headlock takedowns her then legsweeps her.

Kagerou and Flying Penguin get in and do a knuckle lock. Kagerou armlocks her. Penguin headlocks her then Kagerou misses a kick on her. We get a commercial then Astro and Baba get in. Baba goes for a dropkick and Astro holds onto the ropes then they try to legsweep each other. They stand off and tag out to Kagerou and Penguin.

Penguin flying knees her then Kagerou spinning heel kicks her. Poppo and Kagerou double suplex Penguin. Poppo comes off the top with a crossbody for 2. Poppo says something about an axe bomber and hurts herself on the ropes, before arguing with the ropes. Penguin then recovers and hits a dropkick on her.

Riemaru gets in and walks up the buckles and the top rope then armdrags Poppo down. Poppo trips her then the men get in. Baba hurricanrana's Astro then tope con hilos him. Baba top rope double stomps Astro then running PK's him for 2. Astro slingblades him then Baba takes corner moves from the men and women. Baba's opponents then hold him in place so Riemaru can pose on top of him. Penguin sunset flips Baba for 2.

Astro does a bad baseball punch on Baba then he and Penguin sandwich basement dropkick Baba. Baba and Astro trade forearms then Baba superkicks him. Baba then buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Astro does a cool sliced bread #2 variation for 2. Astro then top rope 450's Baba and wins it.

This really wasn't anything special though Astro and Baba's section at the end were the highlights of the match. The girls weren't really given a lot of time for me to comment on, but Poppo seems to be more of a limited-wrestler who does comedy.

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