Wednesday, April 19, 2023

AEW Dark 4/18/2023 Episode 192

AEW Dark 4/18/2023 Episode 192

Last week's show is here:

I skipped one match here.

Juice Robinson vs Pat Buck

Ah, the joys of being an AEW agent - you can also book yourself as a talent and get a double payday like Pat is doing.

Juice headlock takeovers him and Pat does the same. Juice hits corner spears then Pat rolls him up from the corner. Juice rolls out and is pulled out. Juice then is pushed into the apron then Juice slams him on the floor. Juice tells some kid to shut up then says he will beat up his dad. Juice suplexes him then hits mounted punches.

Pat suplexes Juice then manhattan drops him. Pat rams his face into the mat then powerslas Juice for 2. Pat asks if that's all Juice has then Pat swing kicks him. Juice jumping side kicks him then does a ddt for the win.

I wasn't real interested in this one and really just didn't see the point of it. We knew Juice was winning this and why Pat needed to be here is beyond me.

The Renegades vs. Kiah Dream & Brittany J

J calls one of the twins a loser then takes mounted punches. Kiah is thrown into the post outside then J takes a big lariat. A twin suplexes the other onto J then J is held for a pump kick. Kiah tries to get a loser chant going then a twin calls her a loser. J chinbreakers a twin then Kiah dropkicks Robyn.

Robyn shotgun dropkicks Kiah then Kiah is held up and the other twin bangs her head off the mat for the win.

It wasn't good. The twins were sloppy here the announcers didn't know who was who. J really has to drop some weight.

The Iron Savages are interviewed. Boulder is all hyped up and then they bring in someone who poses and is hyped up with them. They say they are the Iron Savages multiple times. 

Cole Karter vs Hunter James

James gets his face banged off the mat and Cole spinning lariats him. Cole chokes him over the middle rope then throws him hard into the buckles. Cole hits a nice dropkick then does a nice spinebuster. Cole then puts him on his shoulder and twists him into a nice ddt for the win.

It was a short squash and Cole looked good in the little time he got.

Cole Karter does a promo. He said it's another dya and another win then I think Zack Clayton comes in. They never say who it is, so they assume you know. He said they have a lot in common and says Kole is on the rise as a star. Zack tells him to think about it.

Dream Girl Ellie vs Marina Shafir

Marina offers her body parts to grab and DGE eventually takes a headlock. MS does a nice throw then DGE kicks her with her heel. DGE kicks at her on the mat and goes for a lariat but is reversed into an armbar. We get a close up of DGE's crotch then DGE spin kicks her while holding the arm. MS does some nice footslaps then hammerlock backdrops her. MS does a nice roll into a pumphandle suplex then MS does a head and arm triangle and wins it.

This was a good squash. Marina looked vicious and everything she hit looked great. Easily one of the best things I've ever seen her do. 

Jora Johl and Rohit Raju vs Ariel Levy and Jarrett Diaz

I'm kind of a fan of Rohit Raju. I think he gets what being a wrestler is and I think he puts in the work. Johl and Raju could honestly pass for twins. Diaz has some colorful tights.

Levy stops him to do a taunt saying he's the one and only South American superstar then is kicked and suplexed. Johl picks up Diaz and Diaz fights off a 2v1. Johl headbutts Diaz then Raju hits a jumping flatliner.  Levy dropkicks Raju, stomps his hand then running knees him. Raju twisting neckbreakers and fisherman suplexes him. Johl superkicks Diaz then Levy takes a jumping knee into a pump kick for the loss.

It was a short squash and there really wasn't a lot of time for this one. They were definitely rushed here.

Angelico vs Christopher Daniels

Ange shoulders him over then Daniels headlocks him. We are told Dean Malenko borrowed a belt from Tazz and has not yet returned it. Daniels shoulders over Ange then armdrags him. Daniels flying kicks him then Ange trips him into the middle rope. Ange throws a wrist sleeve at him then rolls him into a leglock.

Ange backdrops Daniels then Daniels back body drops him. Daniels does an iconoslam variation on him while he's up top then Ange rolls him into a pin attempt. Daniels uranage's him  then Ange rolls him into an stf variation. Daniels hits the angels wings off a backslide attempt and wins it.

Ange had a couple of nice submissions here, but that's all that was of note really.

Overall thoughts: It's Dark and it's usually not anything special. This was no exception. Marina Shafir was the highlight of this one and looked great in her squash.

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