Wednesday, April 19, 2023

AAA Lucha Libre 3/12/2022 AAA Showcenter

AAA Lucha Libre 3/12/2022 AAA Showcenter

I did this in 2022 and never finished it or published it. I only had another match to do and decided to finish it.

Showcenter Tournament - Reina Dorada vs Maravilla

Maravilla wins with a deadlift german. This wasn't too good. They hit a lot of bad spin kicks and the camera zoomed all the way out so you got a view like you were sitting in peanut heaven.

Fenix and Antifaz talked after and Antifaz put him over and wants to team with him.

Baby Extreme, Dulce Canela vs Dinamico Mamba, Emperador Azteca

Baby Extreme was the highlight here with a run up the ropes blind corkscrew and a run up the ropes swanton to the outside. Dulce did a neat tornillo dive through the ropes and Baby hit a 450 on Emp for 2. Emp then hit a crucifix driver and won it over Extreme in a fast paced high flying match.

Riot Lucha jumped everyone after and hit a double underhook piledriver on Dulce. Mamba then took a 630 off the top. They offered Baby Xtreme membership and he accepted.

Konnan then came out and they set up a match for next time.

Showcenter Tournament - Black Taurus vs Hijo de LA Park

Park is in the Skeltor inspired gear. They do some rolls and flips over the rolls then armdrag each other. Taurus misses a move on the 2nd buckle then goes out and takes a tope from Park. Park then frog splashes him for 2. Park kind of rotation headscissors him but loses it then he back body drops Taurus on the apron. Park then splashes Taurus off the 2nd rope to the floor.

Taurus hits a reverse slingblade and tries a crucifix bomb but Park just samoan drops him. He then spears Park for 2. Park superkicks him and they double spinning forearm each other. Park then german's him and hits a code red for 2. Taurus pop up samoan drops Park for 2.

Park overhead belly to belly's Taurus into the buckles then powerslams him. They go up top and Park top rope hurricanrana's him then poisonrana's him for 2. They try for a top rope la rosa driver and mess it up but Taurus still gets the pin to win it.

There was little selling and little logic or storytelling but it was fast paced and they hit some cool moves. They also botched the finish here.

Park tries to shake his hand after but Taurus attacks him then LA Park Sr. and Park Jr. come out. The Parks then jump Taurus and Powerbomb him on a serving tray on wheels.

Showcenter Tournament - Chik Tormenta vs Estrellita

A lot of reversals and ocunters early here and Chik hits a nice back elbow. She then uppercuts her in the corner. Estrel runs up the buckles and armdrags her then topes her. She then sits on a fans lap outside. Chik is tied up in the ropes and gets dropkicked for 2. Estrel then tries to kiss the ref.

Estrel hits some slaps then they botch some stuff. They try pin combos on each other for 2 then Chik does a step-up enzugiri. Estrel shotgun dropkicks her then gives her a stinkface. Chik meteora's her after a botched slam.

The two just kind of stare down and Chik spears her from the stage through the second rope. Estrel then dropkicks her against the bottom rope then Chik comes back with a power bomb into a styles clash for the win.

This was not good with multiple botches, sloppiness and just general confusion over what to do at times.

Laredo Kid, Octagon Jr., Myzteziz Jr. vs Sanson, Forastero, Cuatrero

Kid and Sanson do some leg sweeps to start. The Dinamitas hit their usual moves early then I believe Octagon and Laredo did stereo 450's off the top. The technicos hit triple hurricanranas then all 6 men traded forearms. The Dinamitas triple kicked them then Laredo and Octagon took 2 Dinamita's topes outside. Myzt went for a headscissors from the top but got caught on his way down and backbreakered over the knee. He then got tapped out by Sanson with a figure four variation. The Dinamita's stomped him and Laredo after.

Antifaz then came out with bolt cutters and Octagon threw a stool to run them off.

Showcenter Tournament First Round Match - Flamita vs. El Hijo del Vikingo

Flamita running dropkicks him then spears him off the apron. Vik is sent into the post then suplexed on the stage. Vik tries to go up the ropes but is pushed on the stage. Flamita top rope crossbodies him on the stage then dragon screws him there. Flamita top rope dropkicks him in the knee. Flamita spins and puts him in a figure four variation. Vik hits some kicks then takes an enzugiri. Vik is on the apron and slingshot double stomps Flamita as he pokes his head through the ropes. Flamita then fosbury flops outside, catches Flamita and slams him on the floor.

Flamita SSP's him off the apron. Vik runs at him inside and is dropkicked in the knee. Flamita slingshot ddt's Vik for 2. Vik hurricanrana's him out of a double underhook then double jumps into a blind poisonrana. Vik meteora's him then runs up the ropes and 630's him on the stage. Vik top rope ssp's him but catches knees then Flamita sit out powerbombsh im for 2. Flamita top rope splashes him for 2.

Vik corkscrew kicks him then Flamita lariats him. Vik rolls him up into an armbar. Vik enzugiri's him then hits an imploding 450 for the win.

This was the usual Vikingo spotfest. Just cool move after cool move with nothing else in between.

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