Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Dramatic Dream Team 4/15/2023 Max Bump Tour 2023 in Shinjuku

Dramatic Dream Team 4/15/2023 Max Bump Tour 2023 in Shinjuku

Kazuma Sumi vs. Rukiya

They fight over an armlock and a headlock early. Ruki shoulders him over then Sumi hits a nice dropkick. Sumi back elbows him then standing corkscrew moonsaults him for 2. Ruki slams him four times in a row for 2. Ruki then bulldogs him for 2. They trade forearms and Sumi rolls him up. Ruki tries to pin him then Sumi springboard dropkicks him. Sumi puts him in a camel clutch and gets the win via submission.

Rukiya just debuted on 4/9/2023. He's very good for his experience level as is Sumi. There was nothing wrong at all with this and if you didn't know they were rookies, you wouldn't know.

Chris Brookes & Ilusion vs. DAMNATION T.A (KANON & MJ Paul)

Chris attacks before he even gets his coat off and knocks Paul out of the ring. Chris and Illusion hit corner attacks on Kanon then Illusion does a low euro. Chris gets on Illusion's back and sentons Kanon. Kanon rips at Illusion's mask and then Illusion is beat up in the corner.

Kanon slams Illusion and goes for the mask again. Paul slams Illusion and but takes a bulldog out of thw cazadora not too long after. Chris gets in and dropkicks Paul, then he 2nd rope double stomps him for 2. Paul samoan drops Chris then Chris jumping knees and enzugiri's him. Paul hits a Thesz press at 5 minutes.

Kanon misses a fist drop on Illusion then has his leg swept and is slingshot senton'd. Illusion pulls him down over the top then coffin drops off the 2nd rope connector. Illusion hits a top rope dropkick then Chris razor edge's him into Kanon in the corner. Illusion accidentally slaps his partner on a failed double team and rolls up Kanon.

Illusion backslides Kanon then rolls him up for 2. Illusion is popped up into Paul, volleyball spike'd then german suplexed for 2. Kanon holds Illusion in the air then does a nasty head and arm hold to tap him out.

There was nothing wrong with this. It went about as long as it could have, they correctly picked on Illusion like they could have and Chris played the big brother for Illusion here.

Kanon goes for the mask after on Illusion and Chris stops him by bringing out a chair.

Kazuki Hirata vs. Yuni

Yuni is El Unicorn and he's not wearing a mask or wrestling gear for some reason.

They lock up and Yuni springboards into an armdrag. He then dropkicks him. Hirata back elbows and splashes him. Yuni hits forearms then is slammed. Hirata then crabs him and turns it into a half crab. Yuni hurricanrana's him then handspring back elbows him in the corner. Yuni then tornado ddt's him.

Yuni puts Hirata in a sleeper and Hirata ropebreaks. Hirata puts the ref in front of him then the ref somehow loses consciousness. Hirata throws him out and low blows Yuni. Hirata brings two masked people in and they move around then pose with him. The three of them then beat up Yuni then sandwich lariat him. Yuni takes a triple suplex and eventually fights off the 3v1.

Yuni pulls Hirata over the top then top rope asai moonsaults outside on them. Yuni hits a very high springboard dropkick for 2 then suplexes him. Yuni rolls into a cutter on him. Yuni and Hirata reverse each others pin attempts then Hirata gets the win.

I have no idea what this was or what was going on here. It's a waste of Yuni/Unicorn though as he can go. He still got a bunch of his cool moves in, but that's about it.

Toru Owashi & Yuji Hino vs. Kazusada Higuchi & Yuki Ishida

Higuchi and Hino lock up. They do a headlock takeover and stand off. Ishida starts running the ropes and Toru goofs off then is shouldered over. Toru takes a double sumo palm thrust flurry then does it back and they basically just high five each other. Makoto Oishi joins in then he is hit and then all four of them go after hino, including Hino's partners. Hino slams and stomps Oishi and Toru tries to get him to stop.

Hino throws Higuchi out and Toru back kicks Ishida. Ishida takes a double back elbow, then a splash and senton. Toru chops him then takes a flying shoulder. Higuchi gets in and knocks over both opponents then corner lariats Toru. He russian legsweeps Toru then elbows him off the 2nd rope for 2. Higuchi chops Hino in the corner when he gets in then Hino chops back. Higuchi hits a nice dropkick.

Hino reverses Ishida's take down then takes him down. Higuchi gets in and hits Hino then Hino takes double sumo palm thrust flurries. Higuchi corner lariats Hino then Ishida top rope splashes Hino for 2. Higuchi does sumo poses for some reason then Toru eye rakes him.

Ishida claps Hino in the face, does a sumo fishing reel suplex then battering rams for 2. Hino then exploders him for 2. Ishida rolls up Hino then Hino powerbombs him for the win.

This should have been a good one but was just nonsensical comedy crap. There's no point in explaining or defending this. They goofed around when they had a real good match in them.

Falls Count Anywhere Scramble Bunkhouse Street Fight - Joey Janela, Sanshiro Takagi & Takeshi Masada vs. Eruption (Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi) & Antonio Honda

Takagi is wearing a costume that makes it look like an alien is holding him, purely for wrestling reasons I'm sure. Honda grabs a barbed wire bat and Takagi grabs a chair. Takagi duels chairs with Yukio then Yukio punches through his chair and sends him out. Masada gets a chair and Honda gets the barbed wire bat but neither end up using it as Honda hammerlocks him. Takagi takes Yukio into the seats and bangs his head off a table.

Masada hiptosses Honda then Honda pokes him in the throat. Everyone brawls outside and Masada gets a staple gun. Masada staples Joey and Yukio beats up Takagi in the crowd. Yukio drives a bike into Takagi. Honda tries to ride the bike but falls over. Honda gets on the mic and starts talking. He pokes everyone in the eyes and tries to do it to Joey, but Joey reverses it on him. Joey moonsaults off a rail onto people.

Back in the ring, Joey hits his partner Takagi with the bar. Yukio gets some kind of weapon and hits Joey with it then hits Takagi with it.  Masada suplexes Okatani on chairs. Masada gets on a ladder and Okatani 2nd rope lariats him onto the chairs. Honda tries to chair Janela but bounces off the ropes and nails himself.

Honda comes off the top rope and gets Joey's feet in his face then is death valley drivered for 2. Masada hits a plancha outside. Honda is put on chairs and has a chair and a plastic box put on him. Joey gets on the ladder and stomps through it to win.

This was not good at all. It was mostly comedy. The crowd didn't care at all, it went slow and you couldn't various part of it due to there only being one camera for the show. 

Elimination Match - The 37KAMIINA (MAO, Shunma Katsumata, Toi Kojima & Yuki Ueno) vs. Burning (Jun Akiyama, Tetsuya Endo, Yusuke Okada & Yuya Koroku)

Toi and Okada trade chops to start. Shunma then shoulders over Yuya and is put in an armbar. Shunma then high kicks and superkicks him. Ueno chinlocks Yuya then Shunma starts running the ropes a million imes into a basement dropkick. Toi hits a chop flurry on Yuya in the corner. Shunma gets in and is dropkicked by Yuya then Jun gets in and grabs Shunma by the hair. Shunma is thrown by the hair. Jun takes elbow drops by all four opponents then takes a 4 person basement dropkick.

Jun 2nd rope superplexes Shunma then Jun suplexes him for 2. Shunma tries to hurricanrana Jun over the top but can't so Toi comes in and pushes them both over. Since you can be eliminated that way, he just took out his own partner. Toi and Okada trade chops for forearms then Toi chops him down.  Toi is slammed into a 2nd rope Okada headbutt for 2. Okada headbutts Toi then Toi hits a flying kick.

Ueno gets in and hits a nice overhead belly to belly on Okada. Ueno chops Okada then takes a german for 2. Ueno germans him then does a pumping knee. Ueno then lariats him over the top and Okada is eliminated. Endo gets in with Mao and takes a facekick. The two trade forearms then Endo pele kicks him. Endo springboard forearms him for 2 then handspring enzugiri's him. They run the ropes and Endo standing spanish flies him. Toi and Yuya go at it. Toi corner dropkicks him then step up enzugiri's him for 2. Toi does a neat enzugiri/pele kick combo then Yuya works his arm and hits a hammerlock STO for 2. 

Yuya gets on the top rope and is almost chopped out then Toi rolls him up for the pin and eliminates him.

37Kamiina has the 3-1 advantage right now and they do corner moves on Endo. Toi dropkicks him into the buckles then Endo caches tOi off the top and exploders him. Endo powerbombs Mao on the knee then Ueno uses Mao as a step to shining wizard Endo. Endo handspring double pele kicks Toi then does a spinning torture rack bomb on him for the elimination. Ueno dropkicks Endo then Endo has to fight off the 2v1. Endo takes a double suplex. Endo goes up top and takes a hurricanrana then Mao top rope moonsaults on him and Ueno top rope splashes him. Mao and Ueno mess up a double team. Ueno nearly goes over but ends up headscissoring him on the canvas. Ueno and Endo apron fight then Endo canadian destroyers him on the apron.

Mao and Endo are the last two left. Mao palm thrusts him then takes a lariat. Endo brainbusters him then Endo and Mao trade forearms. Mao rolls him up then high kicks him. Mao michinoku drivers him for 2. Mao corkscrew kicks Endo and both almost fall off the top. Endo tries to springboard but is spin kicked then both get on the apron. Endo high kicks him  then Mao headbutts him in the face. Mao then package piledrivers him on the apron and wins it.

The crowd either couldn't or didn't cheer and that brought this down. It's just tough when the crowd doesn't react much to anything. Like all of these matches, it got better once the eliminations started happening and turned it around. I don't really think you can truly do a bad one of these though as long as you get enough time.

Overall thoughts: A very disappointing night of DDT with only the main delivering. This was all comedy otherwise.

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