Wednesday, March 8, 2023

WWE NXT Roadblock 3/7/2023

WWE NXT Roadblock 3/7/2023

Last week's show is here:

Tiffany Stratton did the intro here and ran down the matches for tonight.

Jail House Street Fight - Tony D'Angelo vs Dijak

Dijak hit Stacks with the night stick early then took a belly to belly on the floor. Tony took a chokeslam on a chair then Dijak got chaired in the back before being flipped on a super back drop onto chairs. We went to break and returned to Dijak doing a springboard elbow on Tony through a table. Tony hit a back drop on the floor. Dijak grabbed Stacks and dared Tony to shut the door on them so he could beat him up then Dijak spinning facekicked Stacks over the rails.

Tony german'd Dijak on the floor and threw him into the steps then hit him with a chair many times. Dijak hit a low blow then hit his version of the GTH. Dijak tried to close the door on Tony but Stacks blocked it and threw Tony a crowbar. Tony hit Dijak with the crowbar then won the match.

I wasn't a fan of this at all. They did way too much. I did not like Dijak losing here. If big guys are losing, then they aren't that big and bad, so why have them? Dijak's gimmick also specifically is more geared to being some tough guy, and losing doesn't fit that.

Roxanne Perez is interviewed. She said she is anxious about tonight and said she wants a different outcome from when Meiko beat her last time. Roxanne said she is working out harder than before and has pushed her physical limits. She said it may not be her first title defense but the biggest. She said beating her is just as big as when she won the title.

Ilja Dragunov said JD McDonagh has no soul. He says his will won't be broken by him.

We see Dragon Lee in the crowd, which is not a signing I'm excited about. I don't see how he will end up any different than Lucha House Party or Andrade did.

Bron Breakker and The Creed Brothers vs Jinder Mahal and Indus Sher

"Julius going for the ride" - Booker T

"My God" - Booker T

The faces all are wearing blue singlets and have towels.

They waste no time in fighting and the match goes outside. Bron takes a Veer double axe handle off the steps. Bron running lariats Veer then Julius hits a nice belly to belly on Veer. Brutus suplexes Jinder then Sanga hits shots on Bron. Bron body blocks Sanga out then Brutus germans Jinder while Julius exploders Veer. We then get a rare triple dive from the faces which was cool. They then pose on the rails.

We go to break and return. Sanga hits a big hiptoss on Julius then Jinder misses a jumping knee. Jinder beats up on Julius then Julius gets a Brutus a hot tag. Brutus spinebusters Veer then gets Thesz pressed by him. Brutus jumping back elbows Sanga then does a deadlift saito suplex. Brutus flips on him then Bron hits a 2nd rope moonsault. Julius then hits a 450 for 2. Sanga lariats Julius then Julius takes a side slam + 2nd rope elbow combo for 2.

Julius takes a big Sanga chokeslam then a nasty lariat from Veer for 2. Bron hits a big spear then hits yet another on Sanga. Veer is put on Julius' shoulders and takes a Brutus ball for the loss.

They did a little too much here, but Bron and The Creeds are a really fun team. This was a throwaway, nothing match, but it ended up being a lot of fun and was what I hoped the Creeds vs Indus Sher would be a few weeks ago. We saw some big guys being thrown around and lots of stiff shots. Veer did some nice bumping here.

A-Train asks Shawn if he wants to go out there with Grayson Waller. Shawn isn't sure but says he has to. 

The Grayson Waller Effect with Shawn Michaels

GW bragged about himself like usual. He said shawn was holding him back. Shawn said he's not "the guy" though for losing at Vengeance Day. Shanw said he's directing the ship now and GW said he's directing it into an iceberg. Shawn said GW thinks he is bigger than the brand. Shawn said he is just part of the brand, not the brand. GW said Shawn was all about him during his career and Shawn said that's not the case now. GW mocked him and Shawn eventually said enough. Shawn told him not to run the brand into the ground. GW dared him to tune up the band one more time. Shawn said people have been challenging him to dream matches for a long time. Shawn said nothing would thrill him more than to beat him up at Stand and Deliver, but there's someone who wants to do it more - Johnny Gargano LMAO. Gargano and Waller then went at it and Waller ran out.

Oh this was stupid and unintentionally hilarious. I was expecting Dijak, Von Wagner or some other big to make Waller pay. It's Gargano...and Waller is running from him when he could take him down easily. Awful stuff.

Gigi Dolin vs Jacy Jayne

Gigi got no intro for this. That's super messed up and unintentionally buries her since this is a big feud....but time just had to be made for Johnny Gargano.

They grabbed each other by the hair, Jacy slapper her and told her to suck it, then Gigi speared her out of the ring. They rolled around with punches on the floor. Gigi hit a nice shot then we went to break. We returned with Jacy holding Gigi in a chinlock. Gigi fought out of it and hit bad high kicks then took a bad neckbreaker for 2. Gigi then hit a weak crucifix driver and won it.

This was not good. They had no time to work with, it was thrown in the middle of the show and was hardly the start of a new era with Gigi as the top women's face on NXT. They also had some sloppy moments here.

Gigi got jumped after by Jacy.

Brooks Jensen and Fallon talked in the back. They both agreed that they are glad they are alright. Briggs came in and told Jensen that he and Kiana will keep up where they left off. Brooks then called her and they seemed to agree to a date tonight. Fallon said she didn't think Brooks sent Kiana the roses that she had. Briggs admitted she was right and had been right all along. Fallon then said she had an idea for how to solve this.

Bron Breakker came back out unexpectedly. He said it's time for the biggest match on the biggest stage and called out Melo. Melo came out. They said they have been keeping tabs on each other and talked about how they were told before NXT 2.0 started that they were told they could be leading the brand. Bron said there's nowhere else for them to go except up against each other. Melo said he'd usually do his lines right now, but said let's put the title on the line and do it at Stand and Deliver. They then shook hands and Melo said he has never been secondary to nobody and Bron said we'll see. I liked this segment and thought they did a nice job of pushing the importance of this naturally.

Tyler Bate was meditating with Thea Hail in the back. Chase U showed up behind them and Andre was cheering on that thea felt amazing. Tyler said Thea is making progress on dealing with hardships. Tyler wished Chase good luck tonight and said Thea can deal with this. Duke then said he can't believe anyone would buy the snake oil he is selling.

Andre Chase vs Joe Gacy

We joined this in progress and there was no entrance for Chase. Chase hit a flying clothesline and pounded on Joe. Joe hit a pumping knee then brainbustered him for 2. Chase hit shots and his russian leg sweep then a side effect for 2.  Joe pump kicked him then took a superkick. Gacy then hit a uranage for 2. They fought up top and Chase did a sunset bomb off the top for 2. Thea was breathing heavily then ran and flipped out on Ava Raine. Chase went over to her then got nailed with a Gacy lariat for the Gacy win.

Nothing too special here and the finish was related to the story they have been pushing.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn were playing with magic and stuff. They laughed about Paxley/Ivy and Katana/Kayden. They said they are unrivaled and said they will march forward into claiming something.

Chase U was in the back. Thea said she was sorry about the loss, but was happy she faced her fears today. Chase said she's right and said they need to bring Tyler Bate in more. Duke was mad about their losses lately and said they are an institution of losers. Duke said he thinks they are better than this and said they pathetic. Duke said they are not a university, but a bloody joke.

Wes Lee was interviewed. Axiom walked in before much was said and said he wants Wes for the title next week. Wes said if he gets down to the title before anyone else, they can do it.

Johnny Gargano is live next week.

WWE NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez vs Meiko Satomura

We went to break as the bell rang, which is unusual. Meiko hit a flying shoulder early. They fought over a straightjacket hold and Roxanne back rolled into a headscissors. Rox went to dive on her but got stopped with a forearm. Rox rolled her up for 2 and did a nice roll into a side headlock. Meiko hit a slap combo on her and Rox powered up after a running forearm. Meiko then hit a hard kick then Rox shotgun dropkicked her and tope'd her.

Meiko tried to top rope splash her but Rox got her knees up. Rox hit a russian leg sweep for 2 then was backdropped. Meiko hit a bicycle kick then saito suplexed her for 2. Meiko hit a cartwheel kick for 2 and Rox tried to hit pop rocks on the floor but Meiko blocked it. Meiko hit a shining axe kick then hit Kawada kicks. Meiko went for a shining axe kick but Rox rolled her up and won it.

The idea might have been okay, but it went on too long and dragged. I also had a real hard time buying that Meiko was going to win due to how hard Rox has been pushed. They also had a couple sloppy moments here. 

Meiko tried to hold up Rox's arms in victory after and Rox fell over. Ref's then came out to check on her. Rox then had to be stretched out and had to be given oxygen in an odd ending.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this show. Tony/Dijak had issues. Garagno being HBK's enforcer was silly. They unintentionally buried Gigi and Perez/Meiko should not have been the main. The six man tag was good though.

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