Tuesday, March 7, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/3/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/3/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/03/wwe-nxt-level-up-2242023.html

Lyra Valkyria vs Tatum Paxley

Tatum rolls her up early then Lyra does a nice roll through on a snapmare and grabs her arm. Lyra rolls her into a pin for 2. Tatum monkey flips her and catapults her into the buckles. Tatum gutwrench suplexes her then does a jumping elbow for 2. Lyra rolls her up then hits various strikes. Lyra axe kicks her into a northern lights suplex for 2. Lyra top rope crossbodies her for 2 and Tatum does a nice roll on her. Lyra hits a spin kick that she doesn't really see coming then hits another to win it.

The finish got messed up here for some reason but they were meshing well prior to that.

Luca Crusifino is interviewed. He is a founding partner at a law firm. He says he isn't here to press charges and said his record is as good here as it is in the court room, he's in good hands. He says the jury is out on Dante Chen tonight, but says the jury is not out that he is better than Dante. His name is going to have to be changed as it is too hard to say and spell. He seemed comfortable on the mic.

Luca Crusifino vs Dante Chen

This is Luca's TV debut. Luca brings a briefcase out with him.

Luca grabs a side headlock then does a headlock takeover. Luca shoulders him over and we are told he has installed camera's in the parking lot. Dante trips him and slams him. Dante then hits armdrags. Dante hits some punches in the corner then hits a neckbreaker for 2.

Luca hits a headbutt then takes an atomic drop. Luca does a nice move into a samoan drop for 2. Dante hits a flurry of gut punches then atomic drops him again. Dante then hits a side pump kick for 2. Dante hits a double chop and gets the win.

This wasn't anything particularly special and Luca still needs to work on bumping more naturally, but it wasn't a bad first effort at all.

Oro Mensah vs Eddy Thorpe

Oro hits armdrags, trips over Eddy then Eddy crossbodies him. Eddy hits chops and a back elbow. Eddy snapmares him and hits a nasty looking spinning neckbreaker where Oro lands on his head. They trade forearms and Oro flipping koppo kicks him for 2. Oro suplexes him and drops a knee. Oro does some cocky foot slaps and Eddy hits chops. Eddy hits a back elbow and back enzugiri then running facekicks him. Eddy hits a saito suplex for 2 and does an interesting jumping elbow for 2. Oro asai moonsaults him then does a springboard kick for 2. Eddy hits some kicks and a snap german then Oro leg sweeps him. Oro goes for another asai but Eddy gets his knees up and hits an impaler ddt to win.

It wasn't great or anything but an okay enough match for being short and having no build or anything to it. Still not seeing what Eddy brings to the table though.

Overall thoughts: Nothing awful here but nothing really worth checking out either.

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