Thursday, March 9, 2023

AEW Dynamite 3/8/2023

AEW Dynamite 3/8/2023

Last week's show is here:

AEW All-Atlantic Title - Orange Cassidy vs Jay Lethal

I only saw a little of this. It didn't have as much shenanigans from OC as usual, but it did have some. This went close to 15 minutes or so and it was mostly focused on body part work.

Hobbs was interviewed. He talked about Wardlow getting his gear stolen, the title taken and his car broken into. He said he'd become champion tonight even without the belt.

Ricky Starks came out. He said he was having a good week and talked about beating Jericho. He said he didn't know what was next and said it was important to know where he was gonna go next. The Bullet Club's logo and music then hit and Juice Robinson came out and ddt'd him.

Wardlow was interviewed. He said he dealt with a great deal of loss lately and said they should have a falls count anywhere match because he was dressed for it (he borrowed an FTR shirt). This was not good.

Ruby Soho was interviewed in the ring by Renee. She talked about Saraya and cut a promo ripping the company. She complained that the fans booed her when she fought Kris Statlander and said the crowd liked it when Jamie Hayter beat her at the PPV. She said she realized that nobody here would ever appreciate her, much like Toni Storm. She said the company didn't like Toni enough, so they called her interim champ. She then said we all begged for Saraya to come out of retirement and called everyone fat, neckbeard trolls for booing her. She said they are all outcasts and can only start new here.

Ruby Soho vs Skye Blue

Ruby stomped on her to start. Skye was on spaghetti legs then took a step up enzugiri. Ruby hit an STO for 2 as we went to break. We returned with Ruby still in control and hitting a backdrop suplex. skye hit a top rope crossbody for 2 then Ruby hit a blade runner and won it.

As usual, this wasn't anything special.

Saraya and Toni Storm came out after. They spray painted Skye then Willow came out to make the save. Willo took the spray paint and tried to talk sense into Ruby but was then jumped from behind. Willow then got spray painted too.

Adam Page was interviewed. He said he will take you to hell if you push him. He apologized for what Renee had to see at the PPV and said he thinks this is over.

We saw an MJF interview from the PPV. He said we should get our brains checked for thinking Bryan Danielson was at his level. He talked about how he was the devil again. He said nobody is dethroning him and his reign of terror just began.

FTR came out for an interview, in a very interview heavy show. They talked about losing various sets of titles and losing Jay briscoe, who they called a best friend without saying his name. Cash said he couldn't watch the Gunns say they were the best tag team in wrestling. He then said they were spoiled and disrespectful. He said they were given every advantage. Dax said one of the last memories he had of the Gunns was them ruining his last match with Jay Briscoe. Dax said they have to beat them and become AEW tag champs. They said they have to do it for the Briscoes. I thought they did an okay job trying to explain the reasoning for wanting to fight The Gunns.

Jade Cargill was interviewed with Leila Gray. she was asked if she felt challenged yet. Jade asked what's a challenge? jade says since they are going to Canada next week, they should find the best opponent Canada has, She said a Canadian should step up and get stepped on.

Top Flight and AR Fox vs The Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho, Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara)

Fox did kip-downs out of Jericho lariats then enzugiri'd him. Fox tope'd Jericho. The JAS regained control and posed over Fox. Darius armdragged Garcia then threw him out for a Dante asai moonsault outside. Dante then did a springboard and caught a punch off of it.

We went to break and returned. The heels were in conrol and Sammy did an extra rotation off a monkey flip. Fox had a hot tag that nobody cared bout and he rolled Garcia into a cutter. Fox hit a springboard double cutter then cuttered Garcia, who then ate a Darius Martin german. Darius hit a standing spanish fly for 2 on Jericho then did a weird turnbuckle assisted pele kick. Dante tope'd Garcia outside, took a jumping knee from Sammy then Fox did a springboard imploding 450 to the outside.

Darius rolled up Jericho for 2 then got hit with a bat by Hager and Jericho's judas effect for the JAS win.

It seemed like a mismatch of styles that wouldn't be that good and that's what this was. AR Fox did atleast 3 different rolls into various moves.

Angelo Parker said we just saw the greatest trios match in AEW history and asked for the beam to be lit at the Sacremento arena (which is what the Kings do when they win). Menard said it's the 1 year anniversary for the JAS, and said they've been the epitome of sports entertainers for 1 year. Garcia then said it's only fair that the JAS are the #1 contenders to the trios titles. Sammy then said they are the sexiest group alive. Jericho then called out the House of Black.

The lights went dark but it was The Elite instead. Kenny Omega said they stayed out of their lane for 3 years. Don Callis cut off Omega and said The Elite established the trios titles. He said The Elite are the #1 contenders. He said Jericho is only the 2nd best wrestler from Winnipeg. Jericho told them to come down then the House of Black appeared on the tron. Black said they are as equally deserving to be humiliated in their home town and hinted that they should appear next week. The HoB then appeared on the ramp and told them to come get the titles. The HoB then disappeared.

Tony Khan got on the mic and said Orange Cassidy wants to fight Jeff Jarrett for the Atlantic Title next week. Tony said next week marks the fifth and final defense of the Atlantic Title on international soil. Tony said the title becomes the AEW International Championship next week due to some tie-in with Shazam that they didn't really explain. This made no sense whatsoever.

We saw an interview with Bryan Danielson from the PPV. He talked about doing this for his kids. He said his career has been about never giving up and always fighting. He said he couldn't feel his arm and said tapping out made him ashamed. He said it's time to go home.

Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli vs John Silver and Alex Reynolds

Alex quickly was thrown into the rails. Mox hit forearms on Silver then Silver hit some on CC. Mox stomped on Silver then CC hit a legdrop for 2. CC got dropped face first into turnbuckle then Alex got the hot tag in. Alex facekicked Mox off the apron and hit a flying euro on CC. Alex spinning forearmed CC then tope'd Mox. Alex then got knocked off the top to the floor as we went to break.

We went to break and returned. CC went over the top to the floor then headlocked Alex. Alex back body dropped and double stomped CC. Silver got in and hit Mox with a bunch of kicks. Silver pump kicked him and hit him with a german for 2. Silver put Mox in a stranglehold then got stomped by CC. CC got lifted into a euro then Mox hit a half and half suplex on Alex. Mox then won with a darce choke in an unusual ending.

The ending wasn't that good but I thought it was okay otherwise.

Mox then choked out Alex again after and CC back body dropped silver over the top rope. Mox then bulldog choked Alex and Evil Uno made the save. Uno was then beat up 2v1 until Adam Page came out.  Page decked CC then CC and the BCC beat up on Page. Refs came out to stop it and we went to break.

The Acclaimed were interviewed. They said they are on their way back to the AEW titles then 2.0 walked in. They said everyone loves The Acclaimed and love rap music. They offered them membership in their group and The Acclaimed laughed at them.

AEW TNT Title - Falls Count Anywhere - Wardlow (c) vs Powerhouse Hobbs


The fight started in the parking lot. Wardlow got hit with the giant brass ring then Wardlow was irish whipped into the car door. Hobbs missed an empty keg throw at him then suplexed him on the car hood. Hobbs was then back body dropped onto the front window. Hobbs got hit with plastic crates and was thrown into boxes. Wardlow got hit wit ha piece of wood and they pushed each other into the walls of a pod. Hobbs was then tossed through some wooden partition.

Wardlow hit Hobbs with a trash can then took a chair to the gut. Hobbs was thrown into a wall then chaired. They finally headed to ringside and Hobbs apparently had a bad landing when thrown over a rail. Hobbs got spinebustered then spinebustered Wardlow. They traded punches. Wardlow hit a big wind-up lariat and an F-5 for 2. Hobbs hit 3 spinebusters on Wardlow for 2.

Wardlow was thrown into the rail then spit water at Hobbs. Warlod then did a top rope swanton through a table on Hobbs outside for 2. Wardlow hit a nasty looking powerbomb on Hobbs on the ramp. Wardlow went for something on the stage but QT Marshall hit Wardlow with a chair and a low blow. QT then helped up Hobbs and Wardlow was powerbombed by both guys off the stage onto some clear padding, which looked silly. Hobbs then got the win.

This was a lame ending to a fun but dangerous looking match. They took some bad landings here and I'll be surprised if nobody got hurt. QT getting involved was about the worst ending possible here. The actual finish also sucked as you could tell the place where Wardlow landing was soft. I have no idea why they had Wardlow lose here other than being determined to kill him off.

Overall thoughts:
Wardlow losing in the main, especially due to QT Marshall is about as bad as it gets. I never would have imagined this would happen to him in a 100 years and I expect his booking to be mocked for years to come. Wardlow needs to get out of AEW immediately before they turn him into Brian Cage. The AEW All-Atlantic Title becoming the International Title didn't make any sense and was another example of why Tony should not be on TV.  I wasn't real impressed with the trios match or Juice Robinson randomly showing up to beat up Ricky Starks either. This was not good.

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