Tuesday, March 28, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/24/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/24/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/03/wwe-nxt-level-up-3172023.html

Odyssey Jones vs Kale Dixon

OJ pulls him down and he bangs his face off the mat. OJ grabs a side headlock then hits a nice shoulder. Kale jumps up into an atomic drop then OJ picks him up and drops his arm into the top buckle from the hammerlock position. Kale rakes the eyes and they exchange shots. Kale hits some decent dropkicks then running headbutts him. OJ hits a super stiff lariat then spinebusters and steamrollers him. OJ hits a corner splash then a nice black hole slam to win.

It was basically a squash here but there wasn't anything wrong with it. OJ's offense looked good hereand Kale did a nice job bumping for him.

Lola Vice was interviewed. She said she did MMA in the hopes that WWE would recognize her. She said she's going to show all the women what real knockout power feels like and will make them pay for thinking they can step in the ring with her. She said they will get put to sleep by this Miami heat.

We get a rare promo on the show. Kale Dixon says OJ is a good competitor and said OJ won due to having 5 years of experience. He said if he had that, he would make Big O look like a big pile or trash. He said nobody has an upside like him or looks as good as him. He said everything in his life comes easy and said he will make being a WWE superstar look easy too. He said then, Kale Dixon will be the greatest thing ever.

Damon Kemp and Tavion Heights vs Edris Enofe and Malik Blade

I feel bad for Blade and Enofe. There's just not enough time for them on NXT these days when they really should be in the thick of things regularly. Enofe is wearing a new crown and robe. Kemp and Heights make sense as a team since they both did amateur wrestling.

Kemp headlocks Blade then both escape out of wristlocks. Kemp shoulders Blade over and Blade pushes him. Blade hits a nice dropkick on Kemp then armdrags Tav. Tav takes a double team sequence that ends in like a reverse sling blade. Enofe crossbodies Tav for 2 then comes off the top but is knee'd in the gut. Tav then goes a nice gutwrench suplex then running lariats Enofe. Enofe takes a double hiptoss into a double backbreaker for 2.

Tav comes off of Kemps back to attack Enofe in the corner then Kemp hits an electric chair into a german on Enofe. Blade gets a tag in and hits a bunch of forearms. Blade then hits a cool slingshot backbreaker. Blade hits a top rope splash then Enofe hits a top rope elbow after on Tavion to get the win.

Not the greatest match ever as they didn't quite get the flow down and the hot tag wasn't needed or done well. There were some green moments here, but it was certainly watchable.

Overall thoughts: There were only two matches here which was disappointing. The opener was a squash mostly but was fine and the main had issues, but was also okay.

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