Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Ring of Honor on Honor Club Episode #3 3/16/2023

Ring of Honor on Honor Club Episode #3 3/16/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/03/ring-of-honor-tv-392023.html

I'd like to do ROH weekly, but I'm always going to miss some of the show and with it being two hours in full, it's not something I can just casually check out.

There's two attracting blonde girls in the front row and I assume they are someone's girlfriend or they are plants.

ROH Proving Ground Match - Claudio Castagnoli vs Willie Mack

They said that Mack gets a title shot if he wins or lasts 10 minutes here. I appreciate them giving some explanation on what a Proving Ground match is.

Mack locks a hammerlock in early then CC rolls him up for 2. CC trips on a leap frog and they still do the roll through spot which looked silly. Mack armdrags him out and CC walked away from his dive attempt. Mack then started humping the mat, which I didn't need to see. Mack hurricanrana's him for 2 then hits a flying step up enzugiri. CC combos Mack with punches in the corner then hits a stiff running lariat.

Mack comes back with a samoan drop then kips up into a standing moonsault. Wille hits a nice exploder and they trade forearms. Mack hits a sky high for 2. CC evades his top rope move then hits a stiff euro to win it.

It wasn't bad at all with them exchanging some stiff shots here. The euro at the end was great.

Mike Bennett vs Dante Martin

Dante kips up out of a wristlock then shoulders him over. They trade chops and Dante hits a high dropkick and a plancha. Mike is thrown into the steps and Maria tries to get Dante to stop. Dante tries to throw Mike in but he bounces off the bottom rope and hits him as Taven calls Dante a "stupid Melvin". Mike then piledrivers Dante on the ramp. Dante of course beats in the count in, though to be fair, they have 20 counts here. Dante gets back in and they trade shots before Mike hits a hammerlock ddt.

Dante flips off the bottom rope and high kicks him. Dante hits a flying forearm then springboard crossbodies him. Dante hits a neat package powerbomb and they trade chops again. They trade running facekicks and Mike flying spears him in the air. Mike then hits a death valley driver for 2 and puts him in the London dungeon armlock. Dante hits a bunch of punches as Mike is on the top rope then counters a move off the top into a hurricanrana. Dante the nsuperkicks him and hits a top rope frogsplash for 2. They roll a bit and Mike kimura's him, but Dante escapes. Dante does a half-nelson slam and wins it.

I hated this. Dante took a piledriver on the ramp which meant nothing and was doing all kinds of power offense that doesn't fit him. They did too much here.

Matt Taven attacks Dante after then Darius Martin makes the save. Taven calls Darius a Melvin as well.

The Trustbusters (Ari Daivari and Slim J) vs Metalik and Blake Christian

Ari shoulders over Blake and Blake kips up. Blake escapes a wristlock. Metalik gets in and hits a springboard crossbody and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Metal hits a reverse slingblade then walks the middle rope into a dropkick. J gets knocked off the apron and Ari running forearms Metal before pounding on him. J pounds on Metal then Metal takes a double suplex for 2.

Blake gets a hot tag in and rolls into a forearm on J on the apron. Blake hits a spinning enzugiri on Ari then springboards into a crossbody. Blake alabama slams J and J takes a big bump over the top. Blake hits a nice pumping knee. J pulls out Blake and slams him on the floor. J does his springboard into a scorpion deathdrop then Ari neckbreakers Blake. Blake chinbreakers Ari and J gets in and hits a step up enzugiri to Blake as he is seated. J snap suplexes him  then Blake handsprings into a corkscrew kick on Ari. J hits a neat headscissors on Metal then hits a nice dropkick as Metal comes off the 2nd rope.

J misses a moonsault then Metal 2nd rope moonsaults him. Blake tightropes the 2nd rope and springboards into a dropkick then hits a fosbury flop outside. Metal spinning cradle shocks J and wins it.

Some of the flying was entertaining here and J was good as usual. It wasn't a perfect match, but they did keep it moving. I thought the finish could have been better as it kind of came out of nowhere.

We get a video on Mark Briscoe. They talk about how he always comes up short in singles matches. They say Samoa Joe built his legacy on the Briscoes and say Joe is undefeated against Mark. They ask if Mark can capture his dream and fulfill his destiny against Joe.

Mark Briscoe then does a promo. He says the ROH TV Title is his destiny. Mark then talks about Mark Sterling and isn't happy about him interrupting him. Mark says he will bust the @ss of every man Sterling represents. Mark says he wants Tony Nese next week and says he is in a whole world of hurting. He says the whooping is coming, baby. Very good promo as usual and they did a nice job explaining the Joe/Briscoe match.

We see a promo from Jay Briscoe on Rampage maybe. Mark asks for a ladder and the best tag teams to be found so they can have a Reach for the Sky ladder match for the ROH tag titles.

Eddie Kingston vs Jeeves Kay

Claudio comes out to watch. Eddie locks in a waist lock then a side headlock. Eddie whips Kay into the rails outside in front of Claudio and knocks coffee onto his shirt. Kay topes Eddie then hits a frogsplash for 2. Eddie backdrops him wins it with a stretch plum.

It was short but still went on a little longer than it needed to. This really only existed to further the CC/Eddie angle.

Eddie motions after that he is going to be the champ.

The Trustbusters are interviewed. Sterling says Metallik and Blake Christian cheated. Sterling said there were some illegal tags and Sterling said he will serve an injunction to get the match thrown out. Sterling says his team is still unedefeated. Sterling says Kay gave Eddie the best match he has had in ROH history. Ari interrupts and says he wants a rematch with the Trust Busters vs Blake Christian, Metallik and whoever else they can find.

ROH Proving Ground Match - Athena vs Hyan

Athena hits a big forearm to start and celebrates then kicks her in the back. Hyan comes back with a euro uppercut then hits a PK. Athena ducks her PK and pretends to be injured then hits a stiff swinging chokeslam. Athena pounds on her and confronts the ref. Athena boots her in the face and Hyan crossbodies her. Hyan hits a lariat and jumping leg drops her for 2. Hyan goes up top but gets caught then Athena hits a nasty corkscrew sunset bomb on the floor. Hyan's head banged right off the floor too off of this.

Hyan is thrown into the steps then Athena wins with a crossface.

That sunset bomb spot was so stupid and I can't believe they did that. Athena was still doing her weird heel stuff here.

Athena bangs Hyan's head off the belt after.

Blake Christian and Metallik do an interview. They said they are both happy to be here. Blake said the Trustbusters are at it again and Blake called AR Fox to be their partner for the trios match. AR Fox comes in and says a new trio has been born. Blake says this is exactly what they needed and said let's keep a close eye on the 6 man title match tonight. This was not good.

Silas Young vs Marcus Kross

Silas has a great entrance video with old fighting clips and military clips. Cross still looks like a cross between Goku and 1980's Shawn Michaels.

Silas hammerlocks him then rolls out of a wristlock. Silas hits a big chop then hits knees to the ribs. Cross leg sweeps him then rolls him up for 2. Silas then hits a nice lariat and Cross is whipped hard into the buckles. Silas pulls back both arms and Cross top rope crossbodies him. Silas hits a knee then does the finlay roll into his apron headstand into an arabian moonsault for the win.

This was all squash and was entertaining.

Silas complains that Bobby Cruise doesn't come in and congratulate him on the win. Silas says it's been a year since he's been in ROH. He said when you think ROH and you think Silas Young, which I disagree with. Silas says nobody in the locker room measures up to him then Shane Taylor's video hits. Shane Taylor comes out and says the most dominant ROH TV champ ever is Shane Taylor. Shane says if he needs correction to that fact, they should go one on one next week. He says he will prove he is the baddest champion he has ever seen. Silas goes to say something, but the music hits and he doesn't.

Athena is interviewed. She grabs the interviewer and asks her where Yuka Sakazaki is. Athena says she's in Japan because she is seeking medical attention. Athena asks why Yuka is still wrestling though? Athena says it's because she is afraid of her. Athena says she hurt Yuka more than anyone else ever could. Athena challenges her for the ROH PPV if she has the "ladyballs" to come. She then says if the magic girl shows up, she will make her disappear. All I can say is that you would not think Athena was building to a match with Yuka Sakazaki if you had been watching ROH TV.

Dalton Castle and The Boys vs The Embassy (Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony)

Dalton hits a great suplex on Kaun early. Kaun takes moves from his 3 opponents and takes a double lariat. Kaun slaps Toa then Toa splashes a Boy. Kaun gets beaten up in the corner then Toa takes a double sliding flatliner for 2. Brandon comes off the top, is caught and slammed by Cage. Dalton is sent into the steps as Brandon gets beat up on. Kaun backdrops Brandon for 2. Kaun hits a nice back elbow on Brandon for 2.

Kaun stands on the 2nd rope and backbreakers Brandon on the top rope then Toa hits a stiff senton on the apron on Brandon. Cage does his usual deadlift 2nd rope superplex on Brandon. Toa nerve holds Brandon then does a great spinebuster. Toa misses a corner splash and goes into the post. Dalton gets the hot tag in and does a great suplex on Cage and Kaun. Dalton reverse sling blades Kaun for 2. Prince Nana gets on the apron and blocks a bangarang then Brandon takes a Cage superkick. Dalton takes a Cage F-5 and Brandon gets helped into an assisted slice bread. Toa hits a samoan drop on Brent then Brandon does a major flip for a Kaun lariat. Brandon gets reverse flapjacked on Brent and the Embassy wins it.

I liked and didn't like some things here. While Dalton's suplexes were cool, these hosses shouldn't be takingthem. The match started off bad as the heels were getting beaten up but got better when we went to a more traditional match.

Dalton's crew gets beaten up after until Metallik, AR Fox and Blake Christian make the save

Madison Rayne vs Trish Adora

Rayne uses the buckles to armdrag her then armdrags her again. Trish does a nice northern lights suplex and a crucifix bomb attempt is reversed. Rayne is thrown into the buckles and takes back elbows. Trish hits another running back elbow and another northern lights suplex for 2. Trish ties her up then takes a ddt. Rayne hits forearms then a step up enzugiri. Trish hits some terrible looking slow german from her knees then Rayne hits a crucifix bomb for 2. Trish then wins it with a lariat.

This was short and they felt like were repeating spots a bit here.

Top Flight is interviewed. Dante said he had to get his neck worked on at the doctors because of The Kingdom. Dante says it'll be Darius Martin vs Matt Taven next week and says they need to step up or take flight. Dante says they are the coldest tag team in the game but have been on fire lately. Dante says they will light Taven's @ss up and Darius says The Kingdom is their's for the taking.

Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels vs The Outrunners

The Outrunners are dressed like dudes from the 80's and I believe they took their name from the old video game. I have no problem with this though.

Truth Magnum takes a cheapshot on Daniels then The Outrunners double slam Daniels. Truth Magnum running blockbusters Daniels as he is seated. Sydal gets in and hits a hook kick then a hurricanrana. Sydal hits a jumping spin kick on Truth then a spinning heel kick. Sydal hits a fisherman's buster. Sydal hits a high kick, Daniels hits an angels wings then Sydal wins it with a lightning spiral.

This was a real quick one with the Outrunners getting early offense in then getting beaten. 

Aussie Open come out. They say Daniels and Sydal were influential in ROH. Kyle says he was 7 when Daniels was a tag champ. Kyle says its 2023 though and there is no better tag team in the world. Kyle says they want the tag titles and there's no better way to do it then by beating them. The fans say they want to see it now and Mark says they aren't spring chickens and they need time to rest and be at their best. Daniels says he and Sydal were ROH Tag champs in 2006 and the only difference is they have more experience now. Daniels agreed to the match.

They did a promo for Wheeler Yuta vs Clark Connors. Clark said he didn't care about the Blackpool Combat Club and would break him in half. Yuta said he's not the Wheeler Yuta he knew before. He said he's ready to defend his honor and title. He then said to step up or get stepped on.

ROH Pure Title - Wheeler Yuta (c) vs Clark Connors

CC shoulders him down early and hits a euro. Yuta rolls him up into an armlock but CC ropebreaks. CC loses a ropebreak and hits a brainbuster. Yuta then puts him in an octopus. Yuta hits a fisherman's suplex and rams CC's arm into the buckles. CC pounces him then hits a back body drop and a running face kick. Yuta avoids another pounce then hits a step up enzugiri. Yuta flying lariats him in the corner then does a flying forearm from the top.

Yuta germans him then CC no sells it and spears him. They trade forearms then Yuta running shotgun dropkicks him. Yuta works on the arm. They trade slaps while they are tied up and Clark uses his only closed fist. Yuta then uses his one closed fist on him. Clark puts him in the ankle lock then germans him. Clark hits a power slam then Yuta puts him in an armlock with a chin grab. Yuta then turns him over and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of this one. I just didn't think it was anything special and we all knew Clark had 0 chance of winning this one.

 Yuta gets on the mic after. Yuta said he won't rest until he beats Katsuyori Shibata for the ROH Pure title. Claudio Castagnoli then comes out clapping and raises Yuta's hand.

Overall thoughts: I didn't think it was that bad overall. I didn't like some of the matches, but some like CC/Willie Mack, the Trustbusters tag match and the Embassy six man were decent. I think the show is a lot better than Dark and so far, it's a lot less offensive than Dynamite is.

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