Thursday, March 23, 2023

WWE NXT 3/21/2023

WWE NXT 3/21/2023

We see clips of Johnny Gargano getting jumped outside of his house by Grayson Waller as his wife and kid watches on. He is left laying.

Pretty Deadly are the hosts of NXT:Stand Deliver and are in the ring. They said they wiped the footage of them losing last weeks from the archives.

Melo and Trick interrupted them. They didn't say much but set up Pretty Deadly vs Carmelo Hayes and Bron Breakker for tonight. Melo thought Trick would be his partner, but Trick said he always had his back. PD jumped Melo and Trick then Bron came out and made the save. Bron hit two giant suplexes on Elton and Kit then Kit was spun and thrown to the outside and took a bad looking bump on the floor. Bron told Melo that he didn't want anything to him between now and Stand and Deliver.

Melo and Trick were complaining in the back and Melo didn't get why Trick isn't teaming with him. Trick said Melo needs to know how Bron moves and can learn how tonight.

They posted an update regarding Roxanne Perez and said they didn't know when Roxanne Perez would be back.

NXT Women's Championship Qualifier - Tiffany Stratton vs Indi Hartwell

Indi whips her into the corner early then takes a big lariat.  Indi hits short arm clotheslines then Tiff suplexes her. Tiff hit a kick to the gut then whipped her hard into the buckles. She then did a handspring into a backflip into a back elbow. They went out and Indi got pulled down off the apron as we went to PiP break.

We return with Tiff in control. Tiff hip attacks her in the back of the neck as she is against the middle rope. Tiff does a nice flip out of the corner then takes a backdrop. They trade shots. Tiff misses a springboard swanton then takes a spinebuster for 2.  Tiff does a finlay roll then does a double jump moonsault for the win.

This really wasn't too bad for an Indi Hartwell match and Tiff looked good here as usual.

Gallus was at the bar and the Creed's walked in. They played pool together then darts. The Creed's and Gallus each won a game and The Creed's said they want to settle this with a match at Stand and Deliver. They said they would see them in LA. They walked up and Tony D was with Stacks. Tony said the next round is on them and they said they got Stand and Deliver business to discuss. They all went back in. It was fun, but it was not exactly a way to get real excited about the match.

Lyra Valkyria got a video. She said to get ready for Stand and Deliver.

Gigi Dolin was interviewed. She said the ladder match wouldn't be happening if Roxanne wasn't injured. She said Jacy can sit at home and watch her win.  Gigi said she's willing to do whatever she needed to do. Tiffany Stratton then came in. She said everyone's chances of winning now that she's in just went down. She said she would win by climbing the ladder to the "tippy top".

Wes Lee was in the ring. He said he is asked when he keeps doing open challenges. He said he wanted to give people the opportunity like he had when he was in the same situation. He said he feels the need to prove to everyone that he can compete with the best in the world. Dragon Lee then debuted and interrupted. They said he was one of the newest signings. He spoke in half spanish and said he came to NXT because he is the best. He said he loves the chaos and wants to be part of the open challenge against him at Stand and Deliver. Wes said he's been following him and wondered what it would be like if they fought. He agreed and gave him the first spot at S&D. JD McDonaugh came out. He told Lee to sit down and watch a grandmaster at work when he destroys Ilja Dragunov. He asked Wes what his excuse was then Wes asked him what his excuse will be when Ilja rips him apart. Ilja Dagunov then came out.

We saw clips of Indi Hartwell knocking stuff over and yelling at Zoey Stark as she was mad about her loss. She asked what Zoey was looking at and Zoey said not the next NXT women's champ.

Kiana James and Fallon Henley talked in the locker room. Fallon asked her about Sebastian, who is the guy Kiana got roses from. Fallon took a photo of what she saw and said she would tell Brooks she saw everything. Kiana told her to mockingly as she said it would screw up everything. Fallon said she would.

JD McDonagh vs Ilja Dragunov

They did a hockey fight to start and then did running forearms on each other and a running boot. Ilja jumping front kicked him then did falling knees. JD clotheslines him. Drag missed strikes and then hit a combo and both fell down. Dragon Lee was shown watching on. They traded more slaps then Drag german'd him. Drag did a tiger feint through the ropes and lariated him. Drag hit a 2nd rope knee then was pulled off the top by his hair.

We went to PiP break and returned. JD had him in a strangle hold alpha but Ilja hooked his leg and this somehow countered it. Drag hit chops then did machine gun chops. Drag then hit a nice uranage for 2. JD hit a jacknife powerbomb for 2 then stiff germans. Drag high kicked him and then hit a diving hard forearm on him as he was downed. They skapped each other outside and both flung themselves into Dragon Lee. JD then slapped Lee then all 3 guys fought as the ref through this out. Wes Lee then popped in out of nowhere and tope con hilo'd everyone as the battle continued.

It was a hard hitting and good fight which sadly got ruined by the DQ ending. This was basically a throwaway but they really put full effort into this and really beat the crap out of each other.

Melo and Trick went up to Bron in the back. Melo said he didn't Bron to save him. Bron said he wants to face the best Melo at S&D. Bron said he wouldn't let those two clowns or PD screw it up. Bron accused Trick of being up to something and they mentioned the tag match again.  

Wes Lee was interviewed. He said Ilja and JD will never be done with each other and said he's tired of JD being in his face all the time. Wes then said Ilja and JD get spots in his open challenge and Axiom walked in to get his spot. He said we are going to have a battle royale next week to find the 5th person for the open challenge.

Javier Bernal came out to Johnny Gargano's music and was dressed like him. JB made fun of the fans for thinking Johnny was coming out. JB said Johnny took his spot at Stand and Deliver. JB said he's the heart and soul of NXT and has been busting his butt for 7 years....err months. JB asked how many christmas albums has Johnny sold? Johnny then came out and beat him up.  Johnny then told Waller that their match will be an unsanctioned match.

Gargano challenged him to fight right now. Waller said he would sign the contract for the match next week, but Gargano has to be completely banned from the building or he won't sign it. Gargano then superkicked Javier Bernal.

We got a video on Eddy Thorpe with him bringing up the Native American stuff and him talking about bringing his people up. They also had a DJ mixing booth in it for him so maybe he's also a DJ?

Ivy Nile was interviewed about Tatum Paxley walking out on her last week. She was surprised and not happy about it since it took long for her to trust Tatum. She said if she beats Lyra Valkyria tonight, she could go on to become women's champ.

We got a package on Hank Walker. Hank then talked about his  college career and going from being a security guard to Gulak's student. Hank said Gulak and Dempsey didn't see it in him but he's going to work to prove them wrong. Hank said he will continue to evolve.

Gulak and Dempsey were shown watching. Dempsey said Hank lacks killer instinct. Gulak said a teacher can open the door, but it's on the student to walk through. Dempsey said he's just going to be another nice guy.

NXT Women's Championship Qualifier - Ivy Nile vs Lyra Valkyria

They went for holds early and then traded chest kicks. They then high kicked each other at the same time and both went down. We saw Tatum Paxley watching on the inset video then Ivy hit a gutwrench slam. Lyra hit strikes then Ivy suplexed her. Ivy hit a flying chest kick and Lyra reversed her dragon sleeper into a german suplex. Lyra then hit a spinning high kick and won it.

What we got was fine, but I was disappointed that this was so short. I think they could have had a better match if they had more time.

Fallon Henley got jumped in the back by Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn. They asked where her partner was and shockingly, Kiana James came to make the save. The refs then broke it up.

Wes Lee was asked about who will win the battle royale next week. Well, it'd help if we knew who was in it. Jinder Mahal told him he'd see him at Stand and Deliver then Dijak and Commander Azeez both said they'd win it too.

The Great Debate - Chase U vs Schism

They were asked about inclusion and Duke gave a very unconvincing argument where Chased asked him WTF was that? Ava Raine said Chase U offered a false sense of security. Thea Hail said something but it was kind of hard to follow. Gacy and Chase then argued. Tyle Bate interrupted and defended Chase U. Bate then agreed to team with Chase U to fight Schism at Stand and Deliver. Gacy said no then Duke said he'd put up Chase U for the match. Duke said the winner of the match could get control of Chase U.

I was disappointed by this one. I thought they could have made it shorter and more campy and fun, but Bate joining Chase U gives him something to do and Gacy getting control of Chase U would be a very fun storyline if played out right.

We go back to the Gallus bar with everyone drunk and being out of it. Stacks said they needed to clean up and Brutus said don't you guys know a cleaning service? Julius had Tony's hat on his head and Mark Coffey said they should have a 3 way title match at Stand and Deliver.

Pretty Deadly vs Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes

Kit gets a shot on Melo to start, Melo then does a nice leapfrog and dropkick. Melo armdrags Kit. PD try to do something to Melo outside but Bron gets in the way. Melo gets flapjacked then they had a 4 person stand off in the ring. Melo ran up the buckles and Bron helped throw him into PD.

We returned from break with Kit having an armlock on Bron. Melo gets the hot tag in and springboard crossbodies Elton. Melo then hits an unusual suplex on Kit onto Elton, which I'll have to gif to even explain. Kit hits an implant ddt on Melo for 2. PD do a combo splash + legdrop on Melo for 2. Melo and Elton trade shots then Bron gets in. Bron does a stiff shoulder to Kit then germans both PD members. Bron then runs over Kit hard with a lariat. Bron hits a nasty release german on Kit.

Melo saved Bron from being thrown in the corner then Bron hit a nasty spear on Kit. Bron then tagged Melo in and let him go up top for a legdrop over the back of Kit's head to win it.

I'm not a fan of makeshift teams beating established teams as it makes the established team look bad. The match was good otherwise with Bron hitting some very nasty shots here and the pace being good.

Melo and Bron both hold the title after before Melo hands it off. We then see Trick taking notes on Bron.

Overall thoughts: JD/Drag and the main were good, but hurt by the booking. I thought the Chase U/Schism segment could have been a lot more fun, but I like where it's going. Some of the other matches were okay, but the booking is just not the best right now and bringing in people like Gargano and Dragon Lee reminds me of the old NXT days, which I don't really want to relive.

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