Thursday, March 23, 2023

AEW Dynamite 3/22/2023

AEW Dynamite 3/22/2023

Last week's show is here:

The Young Bucks were attacked before the show started and they were put in ambulances with Adam Page riding along. All I can say is that I was not the one who did it.

Sting, Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy vs The Butcher, Blade and Kip Sabian

I really don't like shows opening with OC as he's one of my least favorite wrestlers. It just brings the show down from the start. They didn't really have enough time here for all of the people who were involved and let's be honest, it was a throwaway and pointless match with Sting picking up the win. They have to do the usual OC comedy of course and they even got Sting in on it, which I hated. Darby took some bouncing bump off the top rope and nearly broke his neck. After the match, Darby starred down at the Double or Nothing sign, which reminded me of the cringe thing where they point at the Mania sign.

We got some lines from Darby, Jungle Boy and Sammy in a video package about why they want to be champion.

We got a video package for Kenny vs Vikingo. They talked about their prior AAA match.

Top Flight vs The Gunns

We went to break pretty early into this and we came back to Darius cleaning house. The Kingdom from ROH got involved for some reason and Dante took them. Dante then took a 310 to Yuma and was pinned.

FTR came out after. The Gunns called them losers for losing 3 sets of belts and losing to them. The Gunns said there is nothing they can do to get a title shot again. FTR offered to never team again if they lose, but the Gunns said no. FTR offered to quit AEW if the lose and for some reason, this interested the Gunns. What's the difference really whether they split up or leave? Isn't it basically the same? The Gunns then spit in their faces and left.

Jade Cargill was interviewed. She was angry at Taya Valkyrie for using her finisher. Mark Sterling got legal action over this and said Taya can't use the move anymore. Leila Grey offered to deliver the letter personally and made a challenge to her on Rampage. I thought Mark and Jade were done?
No Disqualification Match - Stokeley Hathaway vs Hook


Stoke was wearing african colors for some reason. He said the doctor told him he couldn't compete and he was retiring. He showed Justin Roberts his doctor's note. The ref didn't buy it and started the match. Stoke tried to run but was thrown over the rail. Stoke was suplexed on the floor. Stoke sprayed Hook with a fire extinguisher in the eyes then Hook started hitting him with a chair. Hook suplexed him onto a railing then won with a red rum in a silly match.

Adam Cole came out for "story time with Adam Cole". He threatened that he would be returning in 7 days, which is the last thing this show needs in my opinion. Daniel Garcia then came out, which is totally a no dimes match. Garcia asked who's ready for story time with Daniel Garcia, baby? Garcia bragged about people he beat while Cole was gone. Cole took Garcia coming in as wanting to challenge him and Cole said he'd fight him next week. Cole said it would be a statement that one of the best wrestlers on the planet is back.  

Kenny and Don Callis were arguing in the back about one of the Bucks being sent away in the ambulance earlier. Don tried to tell Kenny that this was the best hting that could happen to him as it could clear his head. Don then said the match against Vikingo tonight could blow the roof off.

Jon Moxley vs Stu Grayson

Stu went at him to start and they traded corner chops. They botched a shoulderblock and Mox was tripping as he walked. Stu tried for an up and over but was german suplexed then shoulder'd off the apron into the rails. We then went to break. We return with Mox hitting a reverse curb stomp. Stu got a comeback and messed up something then hit some bad looking downward elbows. Stu then hit a uranage and a corkscrew swanton for 2. Stu then moonsaulted the BCC from the top rope to the outside. Mox tope'd him then Stu hit a 450 for 2. Mox caught him with a bulldog choke but Stu got up and cannonball'd Mox in the corner. Stu hit a backflip kick then they went up top. Mox hit a top rope double underhook suplex and won it.

This was not good at all. The crowd wasn't into it and both guys were pretty sloppy. Not to mention, it went long when we knew Mox wasn't losing here.

Ricky Starks was interviewed about Juice Robinson. Starks said he's tired of talking and told him to find him on Rampage.

We had another QTV segment about Rey Fenix. They laughed at him and said Hobbs would do another open challenge tonight. This sucked as expected. 
Toni Storm vs Skye Blue

Toni jumped on her to start with corner stomps and punches. Skye fought back with forearms then did a hurricanrana from the apron onto Toni, who was on the floor already. Skye was knocked off the apron then stomped by Saraya and Ruby Soho. Tony chopped Skye near the post and missed. Skye ended up decking Ruby with a forearm. We went to break and returned with Skye throwing Toni by the hair. Skye got more offense in and Toni hit a Thesz press. Toni hit a tornado ddt for 2.

Ruby got on the apron and Skye hit a code red on Toni while the ref was distracted. Toni got rolled up for 2. Toni armdragged her and hit a shotgun dropkick. Toni then hit a hip attack, a german and a short piledriver and won it.

This wasn't anything special and had the usual shenanigans which never gets over and adds nothing.
Riho and Willow Nightingale came out and made the save. Riho looked absolutely ridiculous out there as she was wearing some pink top and dress with her hair in pigtails that made her look 10.
Stu Grayson was being looked at in the back. Mox went up to him and choked him and the BCC beat up on the medical guys for no real reason. Stu then had his head banged off of a box then had a bag of ice dropped on him.

Kenny Omega vs El Hijo del Vikingo

"El Hijo del Google It" has finally arrived. This is a stupid match as we know the majority of people have no idea who this guy is and AEW did very little prior to the show to get people to care.

Kenny got dived on twice as he entered. Vik then did a springboard dropkick and they traded forearms in the corner. Vik did an imploding hurricanrana from the top then did a corkscrew kick. Vik then hit a meteora through the ropes. Vik then did a running SSP off the apron onto Kenny on the floor. Vik then did a slingshot into an inside 2nd rope 450 for 2.

Kenny hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a brainbuster for 2. Vik was thrown into the rails and Kenny brought a table out for some reason. We then went to break and returned. Vik hit a hurricanrana then took a monkey flip on the apron that was sloppy. Vik then did a dragon rana off the actual post while Kenny was on the apron and sent him to the floor from it. They were fighting up at the top rope less than a minute later and Kenny took a very nasty botched hurricanrana on his head. Vik then did an outside to in phoenix splash from the 2nd rope. Vik then did another springboard and took a double powerbomb and a v-trigger off of it...for 2.

Kenny hit a snap dragon suplex then a v-trigger. Vik then did a run up the ropes springboard poisonrana. Vik then did a springboard 630 through a table onto Omega on the outside. Vik then did a Toyota roll for 2. Vik missed a 630 then took a pumping knee and an OWA for the Kenny win.

I hated this match. It was indy spot-fu with everyone hitting everything they could think of and not selling any of it. Kenny nearly got paralyzed here off a top rope hurricanrana and they had multiple sloppy matches.

The booking was also flawed as usual. El Hijo de Google It lost in his debut here which is stupid booking as it just confirms to people who didn't care that he isn't worth caring about. And Kenny getting the win over him means nothing because nobody knows who Google It is. I also do have to ask what the follow-up to this is going to be? Is Vikingo going to be a regular now or is that all this was here?
Kenny was getting interviewed after then the Blackpool Combat Club jumped him for some reason. Adam Page then arrived in an ambulance and made the save. Don Callis tried to grab Cole and Cole nearly hit him then Don Callis pretended to take a bump from Page.

Overall thoughts: I was pretty sure I was going to hate this when I saw the line-up, and I really did. The show was just filled with my least favorite AEW acts doing the things they usually do that I don't like.

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